1. The cockroach
2. The H bomb
3. Babylon
4. Massacres
5. All of you are dead, but I am alive
6. Thai Boxe
7. Seven
8. In Vain
9. Abomination
10. Moebius strip
11. Heliopolis
12. Cal of Cthulhu
11. Heliopolis
12. Cal of Cthulhu
Number 1, 2012
The Cockroach
(Orig. Title La cucaracha (In Spanish))
A few introductory words
First of all a few things about the process of translation from one language to another, i am writing these texts primary in Romanian end then they are translated in english, it's a very difficult process especially because many times what is white in one language is completely dark in another and reciprocally and in the same time because i am not a professional translator and my written english is not exactly perfect, so as i will not use an one to one model of translation, but rather a kind of fluid, adaptative style of doing it.
This page is a new one and is logically succeeding a line of editorials written in 2011 and named Week of the Monkeys and it will contain itself a succession of weekly or (sometimes) beweekly editorials. The name of the page hosting this articles is Fragments of Conterculture, anyway, every editorial will have a particular name, try not to confuse the main design (which is lacking for the time being an accurate description) with the particular titles for the articles.
Probably again, like in the case of the previous line of editorials, this page will write, do, construct and deconstruct history, this site is arguing or questioning very fundamental things, so as once you read the content is possible your views on the world to be radically changed, this is kind of a warning, this site is not for the narrow-minded, ultraconservatives and bald guys (i'm kidding but not entirely).
Because it's so damn introductive this article is having some boring parts , in case your kids are burning the house or something, while you are reading this text jump to the chapters 3,4,5 and 6, they are more juicy, more vivid, more spiritual.
1. Some considerations of method ;
2. Mybunker - fragments of counterculture, targets, limits, discutions;
3. The Cockroach ( La cucaracha ) ;
4. The meaning of revolt, revolution or heresy in an artificial, syntetic space?
5. Bogomils, who were them;
6. The war of the insects or the locust invasion;
7. Music
1. Some considerations of method .
So let's take it like this , you have to write a book then simply to try to sell it, but the first chapter it has to be named like this one, some considerations of method. I think you will loose a priori some 30, 40 % from your potential readers. I understand this. Now the thing is this is just a blog, a non-profit one and while the mainstream media is making billions lying you i will simply give you the truth for free. I don't have the absurd pretention of having all the answers on any philosophical, scientifical, human or social problem, but i have some of thiese answers, in other terms i have some interesting , fresh, vivid, different way of answering questions. And i have a method, is not an infailible one, is not the key to all the secret chambers, but it's a one enlightening some very dark corners of the (lack of) knowlege. As you already know ( this it's rather a common place) for anything you would like to do you will need a method, a clear one, a fully functional one, a tested one.
After a long history of trying different scientific ways and approaches, something changed my mind, my views and in consequence i consider the Earth to be an artifact, or the undeniable result of an inteligent design, of an intentional project.
Usually when people are saying "something changed my mind" on essential, fundamental, philosophical things they mean or that they suffered some brain damage, or that they suddenly turned gay under pressure or any other totally desastruous turn of events. Is not my case. Let's go back to the problems of method. So as it follows from my previous sentences i consider the languages as being themselves artificial products and therefore being builded in a relational, synchronic, interdependent way from the semantic point of view and also as containg encapsulated indeniable truths, a priorical truths, preexistent truths (for us).
Usually when people are saying "something changed my mind" on essential, fundamental, philosophical things they mean or that they suffered some brain damage, or that they suddenly turned gay under pressure or any other totally desastruous turn of events. Is not my case. Let's go back to the problems of method. So as it follows from my previous sentences i consider the languages as being themselves artificial products and therefore being builded in a relational, synchronic, interdependent way from the semantic point of view and also as containg encapsulated indeniable truths, a priorical truths, preexistent truths (for us).
2. Mybunker - fragments of counterculture, targets, limits, discutions;
Counterculture - Here is a term i never used in my texts before, a term receiving all of the sudden a crucial role here on this blog , is a term coming from sociology and
meaning opposition, secession, rupture with the cultural mainstream, with the definitions or the regular views on what is true, valuable, esthetical, etc. Also differs from the subculture.
Fragments. Why fragments? To be easyer to understand we will take for example the Hippy mouvement (maybe the world's best known example of countercultural mouvement).
Despite this mouvement wasn't animated by a leading theorist it had been containing almost a systematic view of the world , having a coherent body of ideas or visions on politics, society, life, esthetical values,etc. I'm not creating a movement and i'm not bluilding a systematic doctrine. What i am doing is to bring to you special, unusual reflections, critical points and some other things not very easy to reach.
3. The Cockroach ( La cucaracha )
Are you good at linguistics? I have to ask you a simple question:
Q- How the linguistics explain this strange kind of similarities between words belonging to different nations?
A- Well there are all kinds of explanations you will say, let's start with the territorial vicinity for example.
Reply to asnwer- Well, my answer is could be but it's not the case.
A- Maybe the migrations of different populations and tribes you will say.
Replay- The thing is I don't remember if they are any English migrating to Spain but I'm sure there are some hispanic people migrating in USA, but it's for sure too late for the birth of the two languages.
A- There are neologisms and other different kinds of lingvistic upgrades.
Replay- yes but this kind of transfers are occuring rather in case of important scientific discoveries, technical terms, not for common day to day things like bugs. It's not only highly improbabile but quite absurd i don't know what tribe will have a term , a concept for electricity before they have any knowledge about it while they fail to name very simple things like bugs...
Now i will give you something more, maybe you speak English, maybe you speak Spanish, almost certainly you don't read and speak Romanian because if you would read in Romanian you would definitely read the Romanian version of this text which is by far brighter, more understandable and more conceavable than this one. Now check this:
cu cruci
Looks pretty similar with the two words above. Look at them:
cockroach (la) cucaracha cu cruci
Ok, i will translate it for you. This expression has nothing to do with the bugs but something to do with the torture meaning exactly : with crosses. I have to say i absolutely agree with your socratic demon which in very smart from the epistemic point of view and is telling you this is just an accident. Now let's go further and to translate this english word, bug, cockroach in romanian. So you will have as result the word
Now this word is pritty similar at his turn with these ones: Gandi, ganditor, gandire meaning To think, thinker, think.
What is the sens of all these?
Well i don't know, i was childishly playing with the words and suddenly we have in front a picture, a picture of a thinker but he is wearing a cross and everybody hates him because everybody hates bugs isn't it?
Now at the end of this point you will have to choose what to beleave, so if you beleave i'm wrong and the similarity is accidental or i'm right and we together are studying a small piese of linguistic design. My last coin for you: randomly again the russian word for god is this one:
Bog. I will close this chapter asking you with what English word Bog definitely looks alike?
4. The meaning of revolt, revolution or heresy in an artificial, syntetic space?
Questions, mortal questions (in the terms used by Thomas Nagel). First of all what meaning could have in an artificial, syntetic space things like revolt , critical spirit, the revolutionary spirit ? Is there any sense in being in opposition with the very creation? Does have this opposition a blasphemic spirit, is it a heresy? Kind of difficult to answer these questions, I don't have any pre existent answers, but i certainly beleave it is desirable that the educational and thinking types i am promoting to proliferate in society. In the same time I may be wrong and maybe the alien intelligence which conceived the things as they are knew definitely better than me what is good and what is wrong...
If it is like that and the ignorance is a definite part of the masterplan then maybe i have a small part too and this part is to found here in this place.
I will try to asnwer the questions above one by one, for the beggining i don't beleave that having different social or political views is something heretical at least because in the modern societies the economic, social and political visions are changing fast so as almost every time you are choosing something you are choosing between pre existent models. I claimed somewhere the utopia is possible but i have to say i'm not an active anarchist and i don't beleave the anarchy has any meaning once applied to the large populations.
Counterculture. Why staying against the masterplan? Maybe simply because I still beleave in some kind of better human being, more developed, more meditative and more clever. Heresy? I did it prominently when i claimed Nazareth is not a city but rather a fiction hiding a social habit namely the habit of chaining, torturing the people without having any reason or justification. It's my responsability, i assume it, is for history to decide who is right and who is wrong if we will have more history of any kind.
5. Bogomils, who were them
Have you ever been to Bulgaria? It's a nice country, Sofia is a beautyful city and you need to have some money, if no it can seriously turn against you.
Well it seems once uppon a time, in the 10 century a.d., somewhere in the Bulgarian Empire (the mainstream history is telling us something like that is actually factual) , where today is Makedonia came to being an interesting heretical sect named the Bogomils. Their doctrine was a dualist one, they were considering the world as being divided from the very moment of creation between the God and the devil, it seems they were considering the entire physical world as being created, generated by the devil and the God being transcendent to the world (transcendent = external, not having material relations with it , term opposed to the immanence) . The only devine thing existing on earth is the human soul.
They were disdaining the material properties, were devided in Perfecti, the pure ones and Credentes , the beleavers, the number of the pure ones was reaching a few thousens in the moment of maximal extension of the sect, and it seems they reached a peak point of 3 millions in number. Perfecti didn't have any material properties, were bachelors, having ascetical lives, they have been accepting womans in there superiour class and it is said these womans they were devoting there time for charity about 600 years before any Christian Sisterhood come to being. If you wish to know more , here is a link leading to a book about them
They were disdaining the material properties, were devided in Perfecti, the pure ones and Credentes , the beleavers, the number of the pure ones was reaching a few thousens in the moment of maximal extension of the sect, and it seems they reached a peak point of 3 millions in number. Perfecti didn't have any material properties, were bachelors, having ascetical lives, they have been accepting womans in there superiour class and it is said these womans they were devoting there time for charity about 600 years before any Christian Sisterhood come to being. If you wish to know more , here is a link leading to a book about them
it's not my primary role to exhaustively present or describe this doctrine or to be very technical, what striked me is this doctrine is this ideea of a malevolent, malitious character of the creation, the ideea that God is external to the world and this way the Earth is becoming the playground for the devil.
And is striked me because I was thinking at something very similar in one of my previous texts when i was speaking about the insensitivity, coldness or even the appearance of malevolence of the design.
6. The war of the insects or the locusts invasion (this is kind of an ironic part of this text)
The locusts are as you know something very different from bugs, i'm not sure if they are natural enemies of the bugs as for example the lices or the fleas but is seems they are. Don't go to start your TV on National Geographic in order to check if i'm telling you the truth, this point is about humans but the story comes like this, so as we are speaking about insects. The locusts are present in the oldest stories ever told for example it is said the ancient Egipt was ravaged by locusts (the 8th plague), but what I will give you is a Christian text about them:
"Then I will repay you for the years that the mature locusts, the adult locusts, the grasshoppers, and the young locusts ate your crops. (They are the large army that I sent against you.)"
Joel Chapter 2 Verse 25
I am not very sure there is or that can be any repayment for everything they are taking from you, what is lost is lost but i may be wrong.
In Romanian Language we have a text named the Letopisetul Tarii Moldovei written by a cool guy named Miron Costin in the 17th century a.d. , now he is also mentioning a massive locust invasion, i will let the subject go yet not before telling you wherever you find the subject, something remains constant namely this invasion means divine wrath or bad sign for everybody.
7. Music
1. Bruce Lamont, album Feral Songs for The Epic Decline 2011, song The Epic Decline
2. Bruce Lamont, album Feral Songs for The Epic Decline 2011, song 2 then the 3
3. Wolves in the throne room, album Celestial Linage, song woodland cathedral
Youtube?! Buy the CD-s when you like the music!
28, 29 Ian
Number 2, 2012
The H Bomb (The original sin)
A few introductory words
First of all, this edition from Fragments of Counterculture is coming with a double title, none of them was enough to stay in head of these text, this is a reason, there is one more reason for this choise, each of this two titles has something a bit wrong in itself, the first is to offensive, to aggressive in this agitated times, the second one comes with an inflation of religious terminology fact that could create the feeling i am taking sides on matter of philosophical questions, i am not a member or a part of any mouvement, sect, etc so as i am trying to be cold blooded in choosing the subjects i write about. In odred to end this tiresome topic you can choose the title you like the most or both of them.
This edition of the Fragments is starting on red colour, under sign of emergency, as you already know if you are a reader of this blog i published last week more distress signals concerning my health or my mental integrity under a continuing growing pressure . If you are just a begginer reader of this site then i am afraid it is pretty impossible to understand what i am talking about, what pressure...this is about being closely and strictly monotored by secret services and everything this fact implies. As you maybe could know in Romania the president Basescu is under street pressure with protesters blocking the center of Bucharest and demonstrations everywere in the country, well, where is a pressure there is also a counter pressure and a part of this counter pressure in coming on myself . I saw there are there voices already singing the victory , naming themselves champions of anti Basescu movement, there is no victory and subsequently no heroes until everything is done, about me i am more something like a ghost worrior, a underground mastermind, but the truth is everybody comes here to drink...
I was speaking in the romanian version of this text about the huge support the actual president of Romania has from his European Counterparts, many times fallen people ready to any abomination in reality to defend themselves and there doomed empire.
This text will be probably translated in 2,3 days so i am gently asking you to be patient until you will have the final version...
The good news, yes, there are some good news too, but they are rather theoretical than factual, there are some living souls around too, we are ready to fight, there still are, i believe people ready for sacrifice, ready to do something for high principles but this war is a dirty war, they have nothing noble, they throw dirt and mud in you and this is everything...Be care and advised on the effects this dirt could have over your mind if you are to care this fight!
1. A new star is born .
2. A clockwork orange, against and beyond "a clockwork orange"
3. Psychiatry - the gay science
4. "Am i watching pornography". A short study on the Zombie logic. What about the Gods (blasphemous questions) ?
5. Pan -sexualism.
6. The haircut machine
7. The original sin. Are we doomed, condemned?
8. Music
1. A new star is born (coming).
This is in the original version of this text a point about what i named a driven circus monkey, a topic too sad, absurd, annoying and boring to keep your attention focused with it, so as i choosed to not translate this topic en english.
It s nothing interesting but if you are a fanatic than you can go to the Romanian version and i dont know, ask a friend speaking this language to translate it for you...
2. A clockwork orange, against and beyond "a clockwork orange"
Now as a part of you may already know A Clockwerk Orange was primary a successful book writen Anthony Burgess, book which later has become a classical movie once adapted for wide screen by Stanley Kubrick. I have no time to give you movie plots in here, fundamentally you need some strong cultural background to read this blog accurately, i will give you a very brief introduction for what happens there, so briefly and simplifying we have the story of a young man with a extremely bohemian life, he is the leader of a gang doing different wrong things, the ideea is in some point they are crossing some lines, raping, killing people, bringing in this way there own freedom in a paradoxical point where this individual liberty is annihilating itself... So he is taken, the system is starting a crusade against him, to make him an example, they are experimenting on him, trying to annihilate his will, to modify his feelings, to turn him in somehing very different than he is and he is slowly becoming under the pressure more and more a vegetable...Now there are many theoretical approaches of these subject, this is one of the most controversial movies ever, as for me i am concerned with just one particular account namely the fact this story is provinding us with something very unctuous and oily named justifications, justifications for the actions of the system poluted in its very core by a secret society Kubrick is never ending to dismantle in his movies (despite the fact it seems he is belonging there too) . Now i am a person having myself an insight on how this repressive system works and i can tell you they start with you when you are a child trying to modify you, to punish you in order to make you to respond pavlovian, to control over your mind and behavior and they have no justifications, but sometimes they are faking them...
Now you could easyly answer my criticism by remainding me thats just a movie and the case there is a just a particular, singular case. Agree with you, fundamentaly i respect a lot Kubrick and his filmography, one of these days i was listening music from his movies, rarely you can find anybody with such a musical sensitivity, to come back at the criticism, what im saying is in the real life they do not need any pretext for punishing people, they invent, fabricate the pretexts, so my point is the film may mislead the watchers by creating the illusion there is some causation in there...
3. Psychiatry - the gay science
Well, the title of this subchapter is as you may know inspired by a book of Friedrich Nietzsche (named the Gay Science), anyway this point has nothing to do with the german philosopher. This point is a question over the growth in the humanitarian character of an applied science namely the psychiatry, science which, as you also may know, has become in the last decades more milder, more temperate. Once uppon a time a part of the sistem (or a brotherhood being in or outside the sistem ) was inducing sickness to different social members while the other was treating them like beasts , not so long time ago they were using things like electroshocks or straitjackets on schizophrenic patients. Good news, in this point of history we have a side inducing sickness and another one having some understanding and good methods for them so this thing i was asking miself : why they ve becomed better?
4. "Am i watching pornography". A short study on the Zombie logic. What about the Gods (blasphemous questions) ?
1. A new star is born .
2. A clockwork orange, against and beyond "a clockwork orange"
3. Psychiatry - the gay science
4. "Am i watching pornography". A short study on the Zombie logic. What about the Gods (blasphemous questions) ?
5. Pan -sexualism.
6. The haircut machine
7. The original sin. Are we doomed, condemned?
8. Music
1. A new star is born (coming).
This is in the original version of this text a point about what i named a driven circus monkey, a topic too sad, absurd, annoying and boring to keep your attention focused with it, so as i choosed to not translate this topic en english.
It s nothing interesting but if you are a fanatic than you can go to the Romanian version and i dont know, ask a friend speaking this language to translate it for you...
2. A clockwork orange, against and beyond "a clockwork orange"
Now as a part of you may already know A Clockwerk Orange was primary a successful book writen Anthony Burgess, book which later has become a classical movie once adapted for wide screen by Stanley Kubrick. I have no time to give you movie plots in here, fundamentally you need some strong cultural background to read this blog accurately, i will give you a very brief introduction for what happens there, so briefly and simplifying we have the story of a young man with a extremely bohemian life, he is the leader of a gang doing different wrong things, the ideea is in some point they are crossing some lines, raping, killing people, bringing in this way there own freedom in a paradoxical point where this individual liberty is annihilating itself... So he is taken, the system is starting a crusade against him, to make him an example, they are experimenting on him, trying to annihilate his will, to modify his feelings, to turn him in somehing very different than he is and he is slowly becoming under the pressure more and more a vegetable...Now there are many theoretical approaches of these subject, this is one of the most controversial movies ever, as for me i am concerned with just one particular account namely the fact this story is provinding us with something very unctuous and oily named justifications, justifications for the actions of the system poluted in its very core by a secret society Kubrick is never ending to dismantle in his movies (despite the fact it seems he is belonging there too) . Now i am a person having myself an insight on how this repressive system works and i can tell you they start with you when you are a child trying to modify you, to punish you in order to make you to respond pavlovian, to control over your mind and behavior and they have no justifications, but sometimes they are faking them...
Now you could easyly answer my criticism by remainding me thats just a movie and the case there is a just a particular, singular case. Agree with you, fundamentaly i respect a lot Kubrick and his filmography, one of these days i was listening music from his movies, rarely you can find anybody with such a musical sensitivity, to come back at the criticism, what im saying is in the real life they do not need any pretext for punishing people, they invent, fabricate the pretexts, so my point is the film may mislead the watchers by creating the illusion there is some causation in there...
3. Psychiatry - the gay science
Well, the title of this subchapter is as you may know inspired by a book of Friedrich Nietzsche (named the Gay Science), anyway this point has nothing to do with the german philosopher. This point is a question over the growth in the humanitarian character of an applied science namely the psychiatry, science which, as you also may know, has become in the last decades more milder, more temperate. Once uppon a time a part of the sistem (or a brotherhood being in or outside the sistem ) was inducing sickness to different social members while the other was treating them like beasts , not so long time ago they were using things like electroshocks or straitjackets on schizophrenic patients. Good news, in this point of history we have a side inducing sickness and another one having some understanding and good methods for them so this thing i was asking miself : why they ve becomed better?
4. "Am i watching pornography". A short study on the Zombie logic. What about the Gods (blasphemous questions) ?
Now after much experience in zombie close encounters i am thinking to write a book on this very hilarious topic, i have to tell you not only the Hollywood movies have zombies but the philosophy itself, now in philosophy a zombie is something working exactly like you or me except he/she/it is not thinking, there brain are dead, there is no consciousness, there are no feelings, nothing. Now, as i just told you they are still functioning in society, so for this you will you need in most cases some interesting inbuilt software named your logical apparatus.
Now i give just an juicy example:
Imagine you are having sex with your girlfriend (boyfriend) or something and all of the sudden somebody is knocking at your door. I know you will prefer not to hear them. So the situation is deteriorating rapidly because is the police using a loud hailer and telling you they will soon break your door. So you are going to open the damn door and what the guys at door are telling you is this:
What? You think we are going to watch porn movies? Now the thing is they are watching you all the time because they have to beleave you are dangerous in some weird way so as they are deducing some way you have not to """disturb""" them in any way...
Now what s coming next is a very ugly and blasphemous question: so what about God (Gods)? Do they watch pornography?
So we have another mental game for you, you have to imagine there are many, many inhabited planets and there is a God or some Gods somewhere in the middle, dwelling a starship like the one from the 2001 Space Odyssey and watching the creation, browsing, zapping the cosmic tv, so if would be like this im afraid the Earth would be the Porn Channel. Maybe they never watch and thats why the things are like they are.
5. Pan -sexualism.
Well, is nothing complicate, when i was young i have composed a theory explaining evertything through sexuality. Sincerely i forgot about these weird ideas till some time ago, when animanted by the revolutionary discoveries i made, i remembered my old theory and i start thinking of rewriting it. I will not doing it in here, i am just inviting you to try . So what would it look like? Please send me your pan-sexualism theories at www. pansexualism teories.com, i am just kidding, i beleave it would be the end of the world and you would have me in straitjacket in no time after reading your crazy compositions. I will leave this subject for now but i promiss to come back sometime with something more consistent.
6. The haircut machine
Well, the history you are learning at school is telling us this: sometime around the end of 18th century, to be more precise around 1790, in history of mankind happened something that would change everything for ever namely the industrial revolution. The innovative techniques in manufacturing, the outburst of the machines sector, etc would finally lead to major changes in society, economy and every other particular aspect of our lives. Now, joking but not entirely, i have some different view about what happened so i maintain there was something even more important than the innovative techniques in manufacturing and i am speaking about the large scale of using of the haircut machine. Now from then till now, this was the real change and challenge in our society, every single detail of our lives was keep changing so we were becoming more and more unisex. Now the truth and the problem is somewhere on the way this machine met some cave-men (i am one of them!). Now the cave man were breaking this magic machine, ruining it so as there are real problems with the pilosity in our times, problems becoming acute these days...
7. The original sin. Are we doomed, condemned?
Now this is a very serious, fundamental, profound topic, as you may noticed this edition of Fragments of Counterculture was rather facetious then profound, another thing is i have no time to write about something so complex, having so many ramifications like this topic. So i have just a point, platonic in some regards, because is about something what i would call the "moral equilibrum in the universe" and is logicaly coming after the topic about the Clockwerk Orange, i was saying the only possible logic in explaining the moral disorder of our world is something preceding us, in any other way our world is
Now this is a very serious, fundamental, profound topic, as you may noticed this edition of Fragments of Counterculture was rather facetious then profound, another thing is i have no time to write about something so complex, having so many ramifications like this topic. So i have just a point, platonic in some regards, because is about something what i would call the "moral equilibrum in the universe" and is logicaly coming after the topic about the Clockwerk Orange, i was saying the only possible logic in explaining the moral disorder of our world is something preceding us, in any other way our world is
morally dead.
8. Music
As you may know I use to add some magic, some music to this (sometimes) boring texts, 2 songs today:
A musical joke
1. Brujeria - Don Quijote Marijuana
Not exactly counterculture but is the only thing i have for now
2. Dj Tiesto- Adagio For Strings (Samuel Barber)
14, 15 Feb 2012
Number 3 for 2012
Fragments of counterculture
Something Weird for the beginning: I am looking at this site, i see my pictures and my writings inside it and instead of feeling something warm and cozy about all these , i feel it in a strage way as not being mine, something like all these would not belong to me anymore, i would like to consider this space belonging to the my readers, but what i am really talking about is the fact this site is creating such a flood of emotional negative discharge, such a quantity of irrational hate against me, that i started feeling psychologically distant from it. This is a space of free ideas, visions, reflections, i have to repeat i expect no rewards for waisting my spare time in trying to say something nobody knows or nobody wants to say or the hear for the simple benefit of the unknown readear and everything i receive in reward for all this is condescendence, ugliness and sleep apnea induced by drugs...
Now i am not sure you are ready to admit living in a society with capital punishment or death penalty for the simple fact of writing, publishing opinions, the fact is i am not dead yet, but my social or my economic condition are quite critical for the time being and they are ready to diploy further. As you may notice i am not exactly similiar as a writer with lets say Anna Politkovskaya in any regards, i am writing mostly abstract, philosophical text, here is no particular inquiry on any subjects other than my regular theoretical stuff and still things are very bad for myself.
This particular text will not be exactly one of my bests, sorry for that, is nothing stunning, absorbing or revelatory in this short study, is not very bad anyway, it took me quite a great deal of time to write it, about 4 hours for the original draft (written in Romanian) and probably it will take me another 4 for translation, considering me being a slow translator.
Now i am not sure you are ready to admit living in a society with capital punishment or death penalty for the simple fact of writing, publishing opinions, the fact is i am not dead yet, but my social or my economic condition are quite critical for the time being and they are ready to diploy further. As you may notice i am not exactly similiar as a writer with lets say Anna Politkovskaya in any regards, i am writing mostly abstract, philosophical text, here is no particular inquiry on any subjects other than my regular theoretical stuff and still things are very bad for myself.
This particular text will not be exactly one of my bests, sorry for that, is nothing stunning, absorbing or revelatory in this short study, is not very bad anyway, it took me quite a great deal of time to write it, about 4 hours for the original draft (written in Romanian) and probably it will take me another 4 for translation, considering me being a slow translator.
The text as you may see is bearing the title of Babilon, even its content is rather making allusion or reference to the Tower of Babilon, in the way this one is mentioned in the Christian Bible, as well as in some different historical sources than to the Mesopotamian city, the "mistake" is not really considerable and this is simply because the biggest part of this historical sources are situating the tower inside the city.
Sometimes my secession with the cultural or the informational mainstream is going to far but i still dont think i should be executed for that, while i am speaking about really weird things like the supposed existence of the ancient city of Babylon and its tower, the world keeps moving with a great deal of fresh events in it, this is not exactly a newspaper but sometimes because of my need to reconnect to the events around me, i take here some small deal of news without making any comments for these, i will do it now again, you can jump this small sub-section if you are an avid newspaper reader (while i am translating this text the news are becoming already junk ): Greece is "in flames" because of the austerity measures taken by the Papademus gouvernement, Whitney Houston died supposedly because of an drugs overdose, there are (were) about minus 20 in Kiew and Moskow and i am not happy about it, the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney won the Maine republican presidential elections which maintains him in pole position in becoming the republican nominee for the future american elections and everybody is posing about almost everything, which is really funny.
Flight itinerary:
1. Banquet invitation.
2. A virtual tour of present Romania.
3. Revisiting Lombroso
4. Loyalty. Fragments of an obsolete rhetoric
5. Babylon
6. "Where strangeness is the norm"
7. Music
1. Banquet invitation.
As you may already know i am a political dissindent, this is a fact, i never wanted miself to be one, i never imagined i will be one and i am not sure if a have to be proud, embarassed or feeling one way or another about this, now the thing is this dissidence is not simply political, social or cultural because is simply becoming manifest also in the field of choices i make everyday. Beyond the realm of politics i have to say i am a dissindent also in consuming culture, not only in creating it, i visit with great pleasure the big art museums, but i am not in love with the main part of what we call the contemporary art, i have always been different in listening to music and i never read what it was supposed to read , not even during my universitary studies. In many ways i am what is ussualy called an anti-intelectual and this is also a fact, even if is this is not exactly something physical, constant and invariable. Why i am telling you all this? Simply because i will give you soon a list of things like movies, books and so on and a part of this cultural charge are not exacty representative for what we call the classic model of education , neither for an orthodox approach of what we call culture and also , from the standard point of view they are not the priorities, if you would like to consume something. Well, even like this they were my priorities, so here they are (with some short comments):
Movies. As you may know this blog has a special chapter dedicated for movies reviews, i will not insist for ones ill be putting in here, maybe i will take a part of them there, but not everything, they are still good anyway:
I am starting with the Bosnian No Man.s Land - an interesting war drama, we have The Wild Blue Yonder a top documentary i did not wanted to review simply because is too much Werner Herzog on this blog for the time being , Clash of the Titans a heroical drama based on some (maybe too) eclectic mithology, There Will Be Blood - with Oscar in 2008 for Daniel Day -Lewis , Nord -a Norvegian dark comedy, coming up next - too thrillers exceeding in the quantity of blood and gore they would suppose to have , Botched and then Santa Sangre made by Jodorowsky, Sympathy for the Devil - the postmodernist manifest signed by Jean Luc Godard ( with Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones) , You and me and everybody we know, a hot movie made by the hot Miranda July, Angel -a supra-romantic movie made by the french Francois Ozon.
It is an embarrasing fact for me having so few books reviewed here, i have no time and i give my best for the movie and music sections, i still hope there will be more of them , maybe in english too some day, till then just some very introductory remarks for of them :
Ian McEwan -The first book written by him i ever read , On Chesil Beach , a smart, funny novel about puritans and events from there lives...
Michael Crichton- this time an old literary acquaintance, In case of Need, an excelent thriller on medical subjects
Dean Koonz - The face of fear, i was a little disappointed because he is really one of my favorites, not in in shape this time, if you want to meet the real Dean Koonz then try Velocity for example...
Douglas Kennedy - Dead Heart, fresh, vivid and surprising, a thriller having a comical touch, a memorable journey in fear and absurd...
Paul Auster-Oracle Night- i am reading it now, interesting and having a non-linear pattern of development.
Movies. As you may know this blog has a special chapter dedicated for movies reviews, i will not insist for ones ill be putting in here, maybe i will take a part of them there, but not everything, they are still good anyway:
I am starting with the Bosnian No Man.s Land - an interesting war drama, we have The Wild Blue Yonder a top documentary i did not wanted to review simply because is too much Werner Herzog on this blog for the time being , Clash of the Titans a heroical drama based on some (maybe too) eclectic mithology, There Will Be Blood - with Oscar in 2008 for Daniel Day -Lewis , Nord -a Norvegian dark comedy, coming up next - too thrillers exceeding in the quantity of blood and gore they would suppose to have , Botched and then Santa Sangre made by Jodorowsky, Sympathy for the Devil - the postmodernist manifest signed by Jean Luc Godard ( with Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones) , You and me and everybody we know, a hot movie made by the hot Miranda July, Angel -a supra-romantic movie made by the french Francois Ozon.
It is an embarrasing fact for me having so few books reviewed here, i have no time and i give my best for the movie and music sections, i still hope there will be more of them , maybe in english too some day, till then just some very introductory remarks for of them :
Ian McEwan -The first book written by him i ever read , On Chesil Beach , a smart, funny novel about puritans and events from there lives...
Michael Crichton- this time an old literary acquaintance, In case of Need, an excelent thriller on medical subjects
Dean Koonz - The face of fear, i was a little disappointed because he is really one of my favorites, not in in shape this time, if you want to meet the real Dean Koonz then try Velocity for example...
Douglas Kennedy - Dead Heart, fresh, vivid and surprising, a thriller having a comical touch, a memorable journey in fear and absurd...
Paul Auster-Oracle Night- i am reading it now, interesting and having a non-linear pattern of development.
2. A virtual tour of present Romania.
Sincerely, i would prefer not to be mixed in any way in the romanian shake, but the conditions being given, i having nothing else to do than being interested, keeping an eye on what happens there, i was speaking in my Romanian text about the ghost of the old post-revolutionary founding father - Ion Iliescu, he is still haunting the agitated chambers of the romanian political peisage (just kidding, he is still alive) , he is still provoking seizures and crises there, i was speaking about the political opposition posing its opposition , i said the man leading the Foreign Informations Office and consequently very probabily the guy charged with my case was just promoted, becoming the prime minister of the country, thing which will have perhapse further consequences over my situation, the last big thing his servants have done is burning my phone charger in the library (no, they showed me there fault) so as we expect big things to happen there, 74 people died because of the cold and i was saying this is happening everywhere and is happening probably because something is rotten in the state of U.E. and that is why we are in the fridge.
3. Revisiting Lombrozo
From a very intelectual point of view to revisit something means to read again, for the second time an author or a book, i never read Lombrozo completely so as i am not gonna revisit his writings, but something reminded me this name and i thought to say something about him and his intellectual legacy in here. First shocking thing about this author is obviously his name, if you split it in parts then...Who was him and why is him so important ? He was an italian criminologist, founder of the italian school of criminology, which "essentially stated that criminality was inherited, and that someone "born criminal" could be identified by physical defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage, or atavistic" (wiki).
As you may see this is a very biologist theory on human nature, originating almost all the important human behaviours in our profound nature, and considering the culture or the social enviroment as being secondary or even not being influential in individual developement. In the 20th century, however, the predominant view was the nature and the culture being kind of equally important in individual developement. Now, as you may know, i have myself a thory at least as radical as the one belonging to Lombrozo, i beleave our major biological characteristics as for example being tall , being low, having the tendency of becoming fat , the somatic types or any other important biological feature are results of an intentional plan. Who and why would do this and how could something like this be possible are questions going beyond the limits of this small point speaking as a remember of an important scientist maybe a bit forgotten. The point of all this is if we are going to consider our main biological features as being resulted from an intentional plan then in some way Lombrozo is back and the truth is we could read important things about somebody's psychology and behaviour using just our naked eyes...
4. Loyalty. Fragments of an obsolete rhetoric
This point was born from some comic ideas of mine , i was thinking if i would ever write a scenario for a computer game, let s say a shooter like Half-Life where you do nothing else then shooting monsters (for days, weeks maybe) then the most horrible monsters i could conceive would be named LOYALS.
The loyalty is an old and very respectable moral quality which in great extends terrifies me very bad - here is the embrio of this point.
Loyalty is a moral feature (being part from a set of moral features) which was historically one of the most beloved subjects for the moralist, poets and drama writers. Who is reading this blog for some time already knows i refer just very seldom to the peoples moral features speaking about them, that i am rather radical and fast in condamning and giving sentenses. This is an exception, this point is conceived to help us understand this particular human quality/ flaw. An obsolete rethoric therefore, i think this way of looking at the people was fully fashionable at the end of 19th century, then everybody got bored and/or fully armed with psychological technical rhetoric so as almost everybody quitted this language, the language of morality. As the trained intellectuals did notice the banquet is somewhere else in this text (the word Banquet may reffer at Plato°s Banquet) and consequently i will not bring in here a platonician approach on what is and what the loyalty is not , i just wanted to note that something is usually considered a noble and distinguishing feature of the human character can became a fatal flaw once consorted with the fanaticism, the blindness or the absurdity. I have to stop in this point not before inviting you to keep thinking at this subject, at least until you will have a grasp where the loyalty is ceasing be a moral quality and is starting to be a flaw, a moral shortcoming.
5. Babylon
Here is the story (no, you dont have to be a believer to read this, my ideas are anyway going somewhere else than the religious orthodoxy in some regards ): as soon as the descendants of Noe landed after the flood they start building a huge tower aiming towards the sky . Something like this you can read in the Bible, Genesis, chapter 11
Now the Bible is not the only source speaking about this tower, it is also present it seems in some summerian legend named Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta and from a different point of view the biggest part of the researchers ar telling us the tower had been real and that this is the one and the same thing with the Marduk' s ziggurat.
I will go on with the story: God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth."(Genesis 11:5-8) (taken from Wikipedia).
The obvious question is how do we interpret this text and i have a pretty shocking answer for you, there is not much to interpret, as you may know the God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth."(Genesis 11:5-8).resulting in the fall of the sinners, as you can see the God is punishing them in a very creative way, simply by mixing there languages which will cause farther and farther division, separation between this builders.
Now, the Romanian language is a very special language (cannot tell you why ) and this very special language is inviting me to further investigate this subject (simply because the words like Babylon, Marduk etc or parts of these word have some sens in romanian if we are working a bit at them) there are oslo contradictions, dead ends and u turns but i will not bring the results in here because i think at some level i made the things clear enough.
Now, the Romanian language is a very special language (cannot tell you why ) and this very special language is inviting me to further investigate this subject (simply because the words like Babylon, Marduk etc or parts of these word have some sens in romanian if we are working a bit at them) there are oslo contradictions, dead ends and u turns but i will not bring the results in here because i think at some level i made the things clear enough.
6. "...Where strangeness is the norm"
an excerpt from a book named Dead Heart (written by Douglas Kennedy)
7. Music
Too songs for today, first of all something which could make you confusional , i am the very opposition of them , but is just music
The Chemical Brothers - Another World
somthing with 150 average IQ would better
Desireless - Voyage voyage
love this : dans toutes les royaumes
Fragments of counterculture
Number 4
The tone i'm writting this text is a tone of despair, is the tone of not fighting anymore, is the tone of quitting the battle, be advised this text could be insulting, damaging for you...
As you may see, at the end, I choosed to bring a text in here in N Glish for the 4th edition of Fragments of Counterculture, anyway the real stuff will be here around 26 of March 2012 when I will celebrate my 34th doomed aniversary (being born in the wrong place is a mortal sin). Unlike the others texts i was bringing in here, this one will not be particularly original , this one is rather educational, interpretative, informational, what you will see here is mostly not the product of my thinking .
If your reaction is this : "Wo ar u gazy ? What title is this ? " then my answer is : no and stop reading this! The world you are leaving in, the world you're creating with your every dirty step on it is (cr)Gazy, not me. Now the ideea for this text is coming from some articles written in the Romanian Press, they have there a guy entering the hairdressing salon where his wife is working , shooting his wife and some other people, sincerely i am not sure this is real, they are big masters there in inventing all kind of stuff like this, i really don't understand why the vampires (see the movies section) are not choosing them to be the source of inspiration , why are they choosing me, so starting with that point i choosed to see a bit what is the deal with these "massacres", what they mean, who is performing them, etc.
We have some politics too, few things about the elections to come in this year, then some short post scriptum, music and then you can go tho hell !
Now, because i have to suppose you are kind of Standard Average Moron i will do something special for you considering you seriously brain damaged, so as because the biggest parts of this text are not original and not particularly interesting i will use the GREEN colour for the interesting points, you can read just the green parts of the text, there you can find me, the devil (well not quite the devil). All the rest of this text will be made by Quoting different internet sources, don't waste your time reading that! At the end, my english as you may see is still very bad and i'm really, really doing nothing to improve it. Thank you!
If your reaction is this : "Wo ar u gazy ? What title is this ? " then my answer is : no and stop reading this! The world you are leaving in, the world you're creating with your every dirty step on it is (cr)Gazy, not me. Now the ideea for this text is coming from some articles written in the Romanian Press, they have there a guy entering the hairdressing salon where his wife is working , shooting his wife and some other people, sincerely i am not sure this is real, they are big masters there in inventing all kind of stuff like this, i really don't understand why the vampires (see the movies section) are not choosing them to be the source of inspiration , why are they choosing me, so starting with that point i choosed to see a bit what is the deal with these "massacres", what they mean, who is performing them, etc.
We have some politics too, few things about the elections to come in this year, then some short post scriptum, music and then you can go tho hell !
Now, because i have to suppose you are kind of Standard Average Moron i will do something special for you considering you seriously brain damaged, so as because the biggest parts of this text are not original and not particularly interesting i will use the GREEN colour for the interesting points, you can read just the green parts of the text, there you can find me, the devil (well not quite the devil). All the rest of this text will be made by Quoting different internet sources, don't waste your time reading that! At the end, my english as you may see is still very bad and i'm really, really doing nothing to improve it. Thank you!
1. Elections (boring topic, read just the GREEN part)
2. The hairdressing salon massacre
3. More massacres (why not, GREEN again)
4. Roswell type incidents
5. Music
1. Elections (boring and not original topic, read just the GREEN part)
2012, a year filled with elections, the standard average moron worldwide is going to choose his destiny again, so with the finger deep in his ass he will put a "memorable", unforgetable stamp in the cabin on the ones mocking him the most and then he will go home expecting for the changes to come.
Ok, i'm becoming serious, Russia is already done:
is already done, the president Nicholas Sarkozy crushed (physical and psychological ) all his opponents, he won with some 99.9 percents of the votes, his main opponent Fracois Hollande was arrested, he is imprisoned in Bastille waiting to be guillotined for opposing the first's views. The big score is also recommending Mr Sarkozy for becoming the King of England and the president of the Usa, as well as the chief of Earth Space Confederation fighting to the end the Ferengy, the Romulans as the associate of the Klingonian empire (this joke is just for the Star Trek funs). Just kidding but you have to "read" smart this jokes,
2012, a year filled with elections, the standard average moron worldwide is going to choose his destiny again, so with the finger deep in his ass he will put a "memorable", unforgetable stamp in the cabin on the ones mocking him the most and then he will go home expecting for the changes to come.
Ok, i'm becoming serious, Russia is already done:
According to the central elections commission, Putin won nearly 64% of the vote. Opposition leaders have denounced the result as "illegitimate" and have promised to bring thousands of people onto the streets to protest on Monday evening.
Their anger has been fuelled by widespread reports of fraud, including evidence of ballot-stuffing and "carousel voting", when voters are employed to cast their votes several times at various polling sites."
from The Guardian
is already done, the president Nicholas Sarkozy crushed (physical and psychological ) all his opponents, he won with some 99.9 percents of the votes, his main opponent Fracois Hollande was arrested, he is imprisoned in Bastille waiting to be guillotined for opposing the first's views. The big score is also recommending Mr Sarkozy for becoming the King of England and the president of the Usa, as well as the chief of Earth Space Confederation fighting to the end the Ferengy, the Romulans as the associate of the Klingonian empire (this joke is just for the Star Trek funs). Just kidding but you have to "read" smart this jokes,
"The 2012 French presidential election is the next presidential election, to be held on 22 April and 6 May 2012, the latter being used for a run-off if necessary. President Nicolas Sarkozy will be eligible to run for a second successive and final term during this election." (Wiki)
"Desperate as he is to be re-elected, there is no doubt that Sarkozy encouraged this anti-Hollande coalition. He may even have demanded it from his European partners, in exchange of past favours and future God-knows-what. It has, however, been a long tradition for the two main French presidential candidates to be received by France's closest allies during presidential campaigns; Germany, Spain, Italy, Britain, the US and Japan, among others. Socialist Ségolène Royal was granted a meeting with Angela Merkel in 2007 – so were presidential hopefuls Jacques Chirac, Lionel Jospin and Edouard Balladur by Helmut Kohl in 1995."
The polls are showing a small advantage for Mr Hollande in front of Mr Sarkozy, probably the things will be finished just after the second round.
I care because i am one of the nominees for becoming the next president trying to succed the strong jews team
of the president Traian Basescu, anyway i don't get drunk with fresh water, i have no chances of winning, so as the country will go on on it's descending trend and will finally be vanquished from the map. Kidding, kind of very old fashion of Kidding,
of the president Traian Basescu, anyway i don't get drunk with fresh water, i have no chances of winning, so as the country will go on on it's descending trend and will finally be vanquished from the map. Kidding, kind of very old fashion of Kidding,
"Local elections will be held in Romania on the same day with Romanian legislative election, 2012.[1] As of June 2011, a law was passed by the parliament, and promulgated by the president, in which the mayors and the Presidents of the County Councils will be elected with only a one-round system.
Will be elected:
- all the villages, communes, cities, and municipal councils (Local Councils, Romanian: Consilii Locale), and the Sectors Local Councils of Bucharest (Romanian: Consilii Locale de Sector)
- the 41 County Councils (Romanian: Consilii Judeţene), and the Bucharest Municipal General Council (Romanian: Consiliul General Al Municipiului Bucureşti).
- of the communes, cities, and municipalities
- The General Mayor of The Municipality of Bucharest (Romanian: Primarul General al Municipiului Bucureşti)"
So with Sarkozy being the next president of the Usa, BarackUbama will become the prime minister of this country, they will instaurate a global state, the NWO and will name this state : the New Israel on Earth, we will become all zombies in the end, they will implant cheap chips in our brains and then God will finally get up from his sleep saying : everybody in the water!
"The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United States presidential election, to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which presidential electors, who will actually elect the President and the Vice President of the United States on December 17, 2012, will be chosen. Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second and final term during this election.[1]"Wikipedia
I heard the ex. prime minister of this country Mr. Silvio Berlusconi is planning to come back via a "coup d'état" prepared in secret by him, Mr. Adriano Celentano and Mr. Andrea Bocelli, they wish to instaurate a monarchy in this country and all this because the first is not strong enough in this moment to push his seccer team A C Milan in the final of the European Champions League, anyway the things are gonna change soon.
Kidding, actually there are no elections in Italy in 2012.
I will finish this topic showing you maybe something very common, many times the people are getting close to the politics, they are becoming interested in, they wanna hear, know, see what's gonna happen to them and at the end they will go there choosing between two EVILS, between people being separated just for the eyes of the public, there are also cases when they are stilling the elections directly at the highest level, namely at the centers where they are counting the votes , there are cases where everything is finished and known before you will do the vote (im not talking about the polls - they are ussualy showing you the result ) and all kind of different stuff like this. Coming back when the things will become hot!
2. The hairdressing salon massacre
""Three minutes and 27 seconds – that’s how long chief agent Gheorghe Vladan needed to fight with his wife and the hairdressing salon’s cashier and to shoot eight people, including the two women. A woman and her son were lucky enough to leave the salon seven seconds before Vladan arrived. It was busy and the woman thought that she’d rather go shopping before waiting for her son to have a haircut.
The attack, which led to the ouster of the police chief, happened after Vladan received a call from a proximity police agent, who told him that his wife had filed a criminal complaint against him. The proximity agent also told Vladan what the complaint included, according to EvZ. Investigators and psychologists interviewed by the publication say this might be what determined Vladan to shoot eight people and kill his wife and the cashier.
4 officers helped Vladan obtain his gun illegally
Ex police chief Vasile Viorel ordered the investigation of four police agents with precinct 14, telling a press conference that the four helped the suspect obtain a gun carrying permit although his application was incomplete, missing a psychological assessment, among other things.
After Viorel’s dismissal, Interior Ministry chiefs began an inquiry against him and six other officers with the Bucharest Police. “This is an internal investigation. Disciplinary sanctions can lead to dismissals or replacement on position, based on the gravity of deeds,” a ministry official explained.
7 lucky seconds for a woman and her son
Vladan needed three minutes and 27 seconds to fight with his wife and the cashier and to shoot eight people, including the two women who were killed.
A female customer and her son were lucky to leave the salon seven seconds before the attacker went in. The woman said that because the salon was busy she left to do her shopping and was planning on returning later for her son to have a haircut.
Antidepressants and alcohol
Medical tests revealed that Vladan was on antidepressants and had had alcohol before the attack. His blood alcohol level was 0.25 when he was tested, a few hours after the attack.
The investigation also revealed that Vladan used special bullets during the attack, meant to cause as much harm as possible to the victims.""
Bucharest Herald
Bucharest Herald
The first thing to say is I'm not believing it, they, as i already talled you, are masters in inventing things like this, but i cannot be sure of anything. The weird thing is my first reaction hearing all this was laughing, because this story is so weird and so loosing hair based that it seems highly improbable to be true, than i changed my mind a bit, i don't know, anyway the thing is this event gave me the ideea of studying a bit some massacres from the recent history...
3. More massacres (why not?)
Beautiful stuff for my readers, here is a link introducing you a bit in this very hot topic:
So i choosed 10 of this events which happened in the last 50 years, making a short presentation for each one of them at the end we will see who is perpetrating them, who is dying in massacres and some other details. I will use massive the methode of quoting from the internet, as you already know the GREEN comments are mine:
Let's start! Massacres!
1. Novocherkassk Massacre
The Novocherkassk or Novocherkassk massacre occurred on June 2, 1962 in the town of Novocherkassk, Soviet Union.
The popular uprising was the direct result of shortages of food and supplies as well as the harsh conditions of work in local factories. The protest began on June 1, the electric locomotive factory Budyonny, when workers from the foundry and forge shops stopped work after the company had refused to hear their complaints. By afternoon the strike and the resulting discussions extended to the whole factory. The State of tension was also the product of the decision, taken that day by Nikita Khrushchev, to increase the price of meat and butter...The protest culminated in a March against the City Hall and police station: the strike spread to other factories when it was learned that the same police had arrested 30 workers...
Official government reports on what happened afterwards are different and often contradicting each other. It is unclear whether to open first fired on student protesters were men of the Red Army or the KGB. Some argue that an army officer has refused to order to fire on the crowd, others claim that the warning shots fired into the air by the KGB ended up hitting some children who had climbed trees to follow the events.
According to one source, 87 demonstrators were killed by army soldiers armed with machineguns and many were injured, three of whom died shortly after. After the first demonstrations in the town was established a curfew, however on the morning following another group of several hundred people gathered in the square.
116 of those were arrested: fourteen were later found guilty by a process-hoax and seven of them were sentenced to death. The others received sentences of varying between 10 and 15 years in prison.
After this the Soviet Government decided to send additional food aid in the region and opened an official investigation. Other workers were arrested and military officers involved in the clashes ended in court martial. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn argued that all people who were injured and their families were deported to Siberia.""
2. The Hue Massacre
""The Huế Massacre (Vietnamese: Thảm sát tại Huế Tết Mậu Thân) is the name given to the summary executions and mass killings perpetrated by the Viet Cong and North Vietnam during their capture, occupation and later withdrawal from the city of Huế during the Tet Offensive, considered one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War.
During the months and years that followed the Battle of Huế, which began on January 31, 1968 and lasted a total of 28 days, dozens of mass graves were discovered in and around Huế containing 2,800 to 6,000 civilians and prisoners of war.[1] Victims were found bound, tortured, and sometimes apparently buried alive.""
In the summer of 1968, Mexico was experiencing the birth of a new student movement.
But that movement was short-lived. On Oct. 2, 1968, 10 days before the opening of the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, police officers and military troops shot into a crowd of unarmed students. Thousands of demonstrators fled in panic as tanks bulldozed over Tlatelolco Plaza.
Government sources originally reported that four people had been killed and 20 wounded, while eyewitnesses described the bodies of hundreds of young people being trucked away. Thousands of students were beaten and jailed, and many disappeared. Forty years later, the final death toll remains a mystery, but documents recently released by the U.S. and Mexican governments give a better picture of what may have triggered the massacre. Those documents suggest that snipers posted by the military fired on fellow troops, provoking them to open fire on the students.""
The École Polytechnique Massacre, also known as the Montreal Massacre, was a crime that occurred on December 6, 1989 at the École Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Twenty-five-year-old Marc Lépine, armed with a legally obtained Mini-14 rifle and a hunting knife, shot twenty-eight people before killing himself. He began his attack by entering a classroom at the university, where he separated the male and female students. After claiming that he was "fighting feminism", he shot all nine women in the room, killing six. He then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, specifically targeting women to shoot. Overall, he killed fourteen women and injured ten other women and four men in just under twenty minutes before turning the gun on himself.[1][2] Lépine was the child of a French-Canadian mother and an Algerian father, and had been physically abused by his father. His suicide note claimed political motives and blamed feminists for ruining his life. The note included a list of nineteen Quebec women whom Lépine considered to be feminists and apparently wished to kill.[3]"
In the early morning hours of May 13, 2005, gunmen attacked several government buildings in the city of Andijan, in eastern Uzbekistan, broke into the city prison to release 23 men who faced charges of religious extremism, and mobilized people to attend a protest on the city’s main square. Later that day, thousands of unarmed protesters gathered on the main square of their own will to vent grievances about poverty and government repression. At around 5:00 p.m., when Uzbek government forces sealed off the square, the protesters fled north on Cholpon Prospect, where they were ambushed by government forces. Hundreds of people were killed."
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded 25 others[1] before committing suicide. The massacre is the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in U.S. history.[2] It was also the worst act of mass murder on college students since Syracuse University lost 36 students in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.[3]"
Loughner, 22, who withdrew from Pima Community College in October after he was suspended for what the school described as disruptive behavior, was arrested after opening fire with a semi-automatic pistol on a crowd outside a Safeway supermarket in Tucson.
Six people, including a 9-year-old girl and a federal judge, were killed, and 13 others were struck by gunfire, among them U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was left gravely wounded with a bullet wound to the head.
Loughner made his first court appearance on Monday on five federal charges, including the attempted assassination of Giffords, as details about the suspect's troubled life continued to emerge."
"The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011.
The first was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST).[1] The bomb was made from a mixture of fertiliser and fuel oil[4][5] and placed in the back of a car.[12] The car itself was placed in front of the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and other government buildings.[13] The explosion killed 8 people and injured 92, of which 12 were critically injured.[11]"
I know they are systematically destroyed by the secret services, they loose there hope, they start seeing what you will see with your eyes at the Music chapter (see the song number 4) and then it happens, It happens ussualy in the Western World and is something related to the growing moral disorder and decay of this world.
I will not translate for you this topic, it has nothing original, it was initially conceived like a mocking topic which at the end becamed empty so i filled it in with some crap about the real Roswell incident.
5. Music
This is it, it was not a pleasure writting for you, I think you are most of you a disgrace for the human race, the real enemies of mankind, but anyway i'm trying to educate some individuals in here.
3. Reasons.
The most frequent and beatiful motivation for this is re establishing the order, this is there ultimate lie ...
4. What about that boys shooting people?
So i choosed 10 of this events which happened in the last 50 years, making a short presentation for each one of them at the end we will see who is perpetrating them, who is dying in massacres and some other details. I will use massive the methode of quoting from the internet, as you already know the GREEN comments are mine:
Let's start! Massacres!
1. Novocherkassk Massacre
The Novocherkassk or Novocherkassk massacre occurred on June 2, 1962 in the town of Novocherkassk, Soviet Union.
The popular uprising was the direct result of shortages of food and supplies as well as the harsh conditions of work in local factories. The protest began on June 1, the electric locomotive factory Budyonny, when workers from the foundry and forge shops stopped work after the company had refused to hear their complaints. By afternoon the strike and the resulting discussions extended to the whole factory. The State of tension was also the product of the decision, taken that day by Nikita Khrushchev, to increase the price of meat and butter...The protest culminated in a March against the City Hall and police station: the strike spread to other factories when it was learned that the same police had arrested 30 workers...
Official government reports on what happened afterwards are different and often contradicting each other. It is unclear whether to open first fired on student protesters were men of the Red Army or the KGB. Some argue that an army officer has refused to order to fire on the crowd, others claim that the warning shots fired into the air by the KGB ended up hitting some children who had climbed trees to follow the events.
According to one source, 87 demonstrators were killed by army soldiers armed with machineguns and many were injured, three of whom died shortly after. After the first demonstrations in the town was established a curfew, however on the morning following another group of several hundred people gathered in the square.
116 of those were arrested: fourteen were later found guilty by a process-hoax and seven of them were sentenced to death. The others received sentences of varying between 10 and 15 years in prison.
After this the Soviet Government decided to send additional food aid in the region and opened an official investigation. Other workers were arrested and military officers involved in the clashes ended in court martial. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn argued that all people who were injured and their families were deported to Siberia.""
2. The Hue Massacre
""The Huế Massacre (Vietnamese: Thảm sát tại Huế Tết Mậu Thân) is the name given to the summary executions and mass killings perpetrated by the Viet Cong and North Vietnam during their capture, occupation and later withdrawal from the city of Huế during the Tet Offensive, considered one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War.
During the months and years that followed the Battle of Huế, which began on January 31, 1968 and lasted a total of 28 days, dozens of mass graves were discovered in and around Huế containing 2,800 to 6,000 civilians and prisoners of war.[1] Victims were found bound, tortured, and sometimes apparently buried alive.""
3. Three cultures square massacre, Mexico
In the summer of 1968, Mexico was experiencing the birth of a new student movement.
But that movement was short-lived. On Oct. 2, 1968, 10 days before the opening of the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, police officers and military troops shot into a crowd of unarmed students. Thousands of demonstrators fled in panic as tanks bulldozed over Tlatelolco Plaza.
Government sources originally reported that four people had been killed and 20 wounded, while eyewitnesses described the bodies of hundreds of young people being trucked away. Thousands of students were beaten and jailed, and many disappeared. Forty years later, the final death toll remains a mystery, but documents recently released by the U.S. and Mexican governments give a better picture of what may have triggered the massacre. Those documents suggest that snipers posted by the military fired on fellow troops, provoking them to open fire on the students.""
4. Siria, Tadmor Massacre
During the 1980s Tadmor prison housed thousands of Syrian prisoners, both political and criminal and it was also the scene of the June 27, 1980 Tadmor Prison massacre of prisoners by Rifaat al-Assad, the day after the Syrian branch of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood failed in an attempt to assassinate his brother, president Hafez al-Assad. Members of units of the Defence Brigades, under the command of Rifaat al-Assad, entered Tadmor Prison and killed an estimated thousand prisoners in the cells and the dormitories.[1][2] Tadmor prison was closed in 2001 and all remaining political detainees were transferred to other prisons in Syria."Wikipedia
During the 1980s Tadmor prison housed thousands of Syrian prisoners, both political and criminal and it was also the scene of the June 27, 1980 Tadmor Prison massacre of prisoners by Rifaat al-Assad, the day after the Syrian branch of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood failed in an attempt to assassinate his brother, president Hafez al-Assad. Members of units of the Defence Brigades, under the command of Rifaat al-Assad, entered Tadmor Prison and killed an estimated thousand prisoners in the cells and the dormitories.[1][2] Tadmor prison was closed in 2001 and all remaining political detainees were transferred to other prisons in Syria."Wikipedia
5. Lucanamarca Massacre
The bitter and bloody struggle in the 1980s and early 90s between Peru's Shining Path Maoist guerrillas and the armed forces claimed many lives.
Many of the victims were civilians, caught between helping the rebels or helping the authorities.
At the retrial of Shining Path's founder Abimael Guzman, survivors of one of the worst atrocities gathered to make their voices heard and to call for the maximum sentence against a man whose followers terrorised swathes of the country.
On 3 April 1983, people living in and around the Andean village of Lucanamarca were getting up and getting ready for a normal day.
Hours later, 69 of them were dead, killed by Shining Path guerrillas.
According to Amnesty International, the massacre set the precedent for what was to become a regular pattern of gross human rights abuses, including mass killings, by the rebels. "
The bitter and bloody struggle in the 1980s and early 90s between Peru's Shining Path Maoist guerrillas and the armed forces claimed many lives.
Many of the victims were civilians, caught between helping the rebels or helping the authorities.
At the retrial of Shining Path's founder Abimael Guzman, survivors of one of the worst atrocities gathered to make their voices heard and to call for the maximum sentence against a man whose followers terrorised swathes of the country.
On 3 April 1983, people living in and around the Andean village of Lucanamarca were getting up and getting ready for a normal day.
Hours later, 69 of them were dead, killed by Shining Path guerrillas.
According to Amnesty International, the massacre set the precedent for what was to become a regular pattern of gross human rights abuses, including mass killings, by the rebels. "
6. École Polytechnique Massacre,, Montreal, Quebec
The École Polytechnique Massacre, also known as the Montreal Massacre, was a crime that occurred on December 6, 1989 at the École Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Twenty-five-year-old Marc Lépine, armed with a legally obtained Mini-14 rifle and a hunting knife, shot twenty-eight people before killing himself. He began his attack by entering a classroom at the university, where he separated the male and female students. After claiming that he was "fighting feminism", he shot all nine women in the room, killing six. He then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, specifically targeting women to shoot. Overall, he killed fourteen women and injured ten other women and four men in just under twenty minutes before turning the gun on himself.[1][2] Lépine was the child of a French-Canadian mother and an Algerian father, and had been physically abused by his father. His suicide note claimed political motives and blamed feminists for ruining his life. The note included a list of nineteen Quebec women whom Lépine considered to be feminists and apparently wished to kill.[3]"
7. Andijan Massacre
In the early morning hours of May 13, 2005, gunmen attacked several government buildings in the city of Andijan, in eastern Uzbekistan, broke into the city prison to release 23 men who faced charges of religious extremism, and mobilized people to attend a protest on the city’s main square. Later that day, thousands of unarmed protesters gathered on the main square of their own will to vent grievances about poverty and government repression. At around 5:00 p.m., when Uzbek government forces sealed off the square, the protesters fled north on Cholpon Prospect, where they were ambushed by government forces. Hundreds of people were killed."
8. 16 .04 2007, Virginia Tech
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded 25 others[1] before committing suicide. The massacre is the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in U.S. history.[2] It was also the worst act of mass murder on college students since Syracuse University lost 36 students in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.[3]"
9. Tuxon Arizona
Loughner, 22, who withdrew from Pima Community College in October after he was suspended for what the school described as disruptive behavior, was arrested after opening fire with a semi-automatic pistol on a crowd outside a Safeway supermarket in Tucson.
Six people, including a 9-year-old girl and a federal judge, were killed, and 13 others were struck by gunfire, among them U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was left gravely wounded with a bullet wound to the head.
Loughner made his first court appearance on Monday on five federal charges, including the attempted assassination of Giffords, as details about the suspect's troubled life continued to emerge."
10. Utøya Massacre, Norway
"The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011.
The first was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST).[1] The bomb was made from a mixture of fertiliser and fuel oil[4][5] and placed in the back of a car.[12] The car itself was placed in front of the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and other government buildings.[13] The explosion killed 8 people and injured 92, of which 12 were critically injured.[11]"
I will not bring in here some well known massacres like Beslan or Yellowstone i already discussed on this site, Tienanmen and some other very well known things are out too, also missing some very bloody events like Srebrenita, Zanzibar or Vlad the Impaler, let's see now, for the begining, who is the champion for these events:
If you are counting, not only in the case of the examples i gave you , the biggest perpetrator of massacres are the states, with few notable exception like The Shining Path and the poor """schizofrenic""" boys shooting """angels""", the state is the biggest human flesh consumer.
2. The criminal hand, who is the criminal hand?
Comments (the green zone)
If you are counting, not only in the case of the examples i gave you , the biggest perpetrator of massacres are the states, with few notable exception like The Shining Path and the poor """schizofrenic""" boys shooting """angels""", the state is the biggest human flesh consumer.
2. The criminal hand, who is the criminal hand?
As you may see the champions are the polices, militias or the national armies.
I know they are systematically destroyed by the secret services, they loose there hope, they start seeing what you will see with your eyes at the Music chapter (see the song number 4) and then it happens, It happens ussualy in the Western World and is something related to the growing moral disorder and decay of this world.
4. Roswell type incidents
I will not translate for you this topic, it has nothing original, it was initially conceived like a mocking topic which at the end becamed empty so i filled it in with some crap about the real Roswell incident.
5. Music
This is it, it was not a pleasure writting for you, I think you are most of you a disgrace for the human race, the real enemies of mankind, but anyway i'm trying to educate some individuals in here.
Back to 90s for the number 1 and 2
3. Reasons.
The most frequent and beatiful motivation for this is re establishing the order, this is there ultimate lie ...
4. What about that boys shooting people?
1. Visage - Turn to Greyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbQGJgtFaz8
2. Kim Wilde - Cambodiahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-0ObTTYPBc
3. Bleeding Through -Goodbye to Death (incredible band !)
2. Kim Wilde - Cambodiahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-0ObTTYPBc
3. Bleeding Through -Goodbye to Death (incredible band !)
4. Terrorizer - A dying Breed
See the graphics
4. Terrorizer - A dying Breed
See the graphics
Fragments of couterculture
Number 5
All of you are dead, but I am alive
(title after a Novel named Ubik by P.K.Dick)
Here i am with a new provocation for your every nerve, the fragments are back with a new edition named as you may see: All of you are dead, but i am alive, stay tuned but be warned: this translation will come slowly, so as probably not earlier than saturday you will have a final draft for this marvelous piece of text. What you may see in here until the moment i will announce the text finished is just sketch, scheme, preliminary draft.
Special music for you with this occasion, you may expect very alien sounds, all the rest is my very unusual usual stuff.
Back at the title, Ubik is one of my most favorite novels written by K Dick, there you may encounter very unusual things like "the talents", people reading other people's minds or the "anti-talents" human beings equally endowed as the first ones but having the charge of neutralising the talents, science fiction but true :), as for the part with the dead and the living i will not narrate in here what is that about, the truth is the title of this texts is this one because on 26 of March there are
years (five, the letter V as you see, a V meaning a lot of things or sending you in a lot of directions like the woman' s vagina, the ideea of revenge, or the romanian word Viu meaning alive) from the start of my special monitorisation, the Romanian secret services and there "friendly friends" (to go back at P. K. Dick) are experimenting on me a so called Ring or a ZA in romanian language. Who knows me may also know that i have a small scar on one of my cheeks with this shape, that is not innate by the way, its a later acquirement, but is not at all a hazard. No, am not complaining as you may beleave about that, the girls are usualy pervert enough to find that thing sexy, the emphasis is in here on me being from some very early stages of my life under some kind of " influence", is nothing magic about that , is just what in communism thay call "the security".
I was thinking to quit writing this kind of texts starting with the end of this year, i took no decision on this topic yet, anyway while i am using this hammer (a lot to explane, very deep simbolism in here, the hammer is not always sending to the ideea of masculinity but also to the ideea of revealing, disclosing secret things, covered, mummified things), well in this global communism we have a sickle too and this sickle is keep cutting very sharply parts of my life, so i was thinking to a blog entirely dedicated for the arts, something more silent and more professional maybe...
One of the reasons for thinking to an early "retirement" is the way the worldwide press, mass-media or the movie makers are taking what i am saying in here, last week as you may know i have written a text named "massacres", well, not later than the second day the press has started "spitting " avatars for this idea, as an immediate reaction to this text you had a rain of massacres first in France than in States, i don t know, maybe it happens with or without me, but a part of this things are a special treatment for myself. This is a story about power, up there there is a lot of moral misery, the institutions i mentioned earlier are at their turn parts of masive suprastatal powers having functions in controling what you think and beleave, i am not sure it makes any sense in fighting them, opposing them while they are creating real chaos...
So i came back from kind of an European tour, i am speaking about that exactly like a moronic pop -star which i am not, in fact i am touring Europe because i have nothing better to do in this times of madness, it was Spain, Barcelona, charming but touched with something i call the Spanish Parano, Paris where i kind of distroyed my legs (physical, walking a lot) still kind a dream destination but having something grey , B lge (the mistake is intentional , on purpose, a coin for you, having a B in front of something means denying that thing, same with an A usualy but not for every word, there are special constructions )-some problems in there for me, i am kind of too brave for their taste, Luxemburg and Germany, beautiful but strained and self sufficient, Austria -nothing to comment, everything is the right parameters in there, i am in Italy for few days, is raining and i am thinking in a very messianic way at the apocalypse, see the end of this text.
One of the reasons for thinking to an early "retirement" is the way the worldwide press, mass-media or the movie makers are taking what i am saying in here, last week as you may know i have written a text named "massacres", well, not later than the second day the press has started "spitting " avatars for this idea, as an immediate reaction to this text you had a rain of massacres first in France than in States, i don t know, maybe it happens with or without me, but a part of this things are a special treatment for myself. This is a story about power, up there there is a lot of moral misery, the institutions i mentioned earlier are at their turn parts of masive suprastatal powers having functions in controling what you think and beleave, i am not sure it makes any sense in fighting them, opposing them while they are creating real chaos...
So i came back from kind of an European tour, i am speaking about that exactly like a moronic pop -star which i am not, in fact i am touring Europe because i have nothing better to do in this times of madness, it was Spain, Barcelona, charming but touched with something i call the Spanish Parano, Paris where i kind of distroyed my legs (physical, walking a lot) still kind a dream destination but having something grey , B lge (the mistake is intentional , on purpose, a coin for you, having a B in front of something means denying that thing, same with an A usualy but not for every word, there are special constructions )-some problems in there for me, i am kind of too brave for their taste, Luxemburg and Germany, beautiful but strained and self sufficient, Austria -nothing to comment, everything is the right parameters in there, i am in Italy for few days, is raining and i am thinking in a very messianic way at the apocalypse, see the end of this text.
1. The ministry of truth (revisiting Orwell)
2. The hammer and the sickle, the global communism
3. The Romantic Couple (with Big Brother playing Cupidon)
4. Entertainment intolerance.
5. Shakespeare reloaded - about characters.
6. Coins, metal, bucks (!)
5. Shakespeare reloaded - about characters.
6. Coins, metal, bucks (!)
7. Gottedammerung.
8. Supermusic.
1. The ministry of truth (revisiting Orwell)
I am not reading Orwell this days, i have already explained to you what means "revisiting" something, i read in time almost all his books, the very known ones and the ones less known, 1984 is a classic not needing many introductions, that is a book about a totalitary sistem , an intereseting fact is the biggest part of the "specialists" rushed to find it, to identify it as being one and the same thing with the communism which is not exactly true, than they almost all were asking themselves how a Western (well according to Wikipedia Orwell was born in India from British parents) could possibly understand, have acces to the secrets, the key factors of the weird, unseen and complicated mechanisms of such a sistem without visiting at least one of the communist countries, as i already talled you this kind of rhetoric is today outdated i think , to discuss about the east vs the west, the communism vs the capitalism is something which completely lacks the explanatory force, even once turned back to the historical facts of the 20th century, so as questioning in this way Orwell's genius is something not very brilliant.
Going back to the subject of the novel itself, we have in there a theoretical society named Oceania, Oceania is ruled by a despotic leader , the Big Brother (unfortunately this expression became world wide known very fast without a proper understaning of it), there the citizens are constantly under mental control and technical surveillance and the Big Brother beleaves the "individuality and the reason are thinking crimes" (wiki).
The ministry of truth, we have in there a institution with this name, it's function is to analyze, decide and judge what exactly is true and what is not true, this institution is in the state the unique source and the only depositary of the truth, there is nothing and nobody to criticise, compete it's views, anyway, in time, the functions of this intitution are becoming inverted, while this ministery is statutary charged with finding the truth, in fact this institution is working to counterfeit the truth, to manipulate and change the historical data and to match them all so as to be according to the Big Brother s will.
I will not waste my time showing you that we are in the western world and not only pretty close in spirit with Oceania, the point of the topic was to put the lights back on this moment of intelectual illumination...
2. The hammer and the sickle, the global communism
As you may see this topic starts with a strong, maybe too strong assumption, in order to discuss about something so called the global communism you will normally have to prove such a sentence is actually based on facts, the bad thing is i cannot prove in here my sentence is factual, but i have to say i am talking about a global communism in a very narrow sense, you will understand i hope my views from the content of this point. The second important thing is on this point i am analyzing the main symbol of the communism world wide, we still have to distinguish the symbol from the communism itself and to be sharp when talking about the significance of the symbol over the main theory.
What about this symbole?
In theory this symbol is originated in some other symbol namely the hammer on a plough being the historical descendent of that one , it becamed the flag and the Soviet Union after 1924 and it's meaning is the unity between peasants and workers, something like a spiritual brotherhood, if you like...It is not a forbidden symbol (unlike the nazzi Swastika ) except for a few ex. communist states and it is still largely used worldwide by all kinds of communist or leftist forces. Now this is the mainstream view about this symbol, there are some different views, let's take for example the book Scarlet and the Beast written by somebody named John Daniel (i have to confess i never heard of this name before, but this is not proving anything )
"In 1877, when French Grand Orient Freemasonry declared "God is dead", and "there is no God but humanity", they replaced the 'G' that had traditionally been at the center of the Masonic Square and Compass symbol with a hammer and sickle. "Notice that the symbol forms the letter 'G' backwards, which is symbolic of the negation of God and is French Freemasonry's declaration of atheism."
(John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast, vol. II, page 45) http://trollcam.tripod.com/HAMMSICK.HTM
The symbol also contains a strong sexual component, it seems then in this unity between this two elements it seems to happen something like a transmutation, an alchemical transformation, weird because from a historical point of view the communist have originated the homosexuality in the capitalist society considering it to be a plague of the capitalist society, well there are many things to say and i beleave this is not the right time...
3. The Romantic Couple (with Big Brother playing Cupidon)
Let's play a bit, first of all i have to say this is probably a very surprising topic for you, there aren' t many sweets in here, well, you will see despite of the "sweet" character of this subject the approach is a very cold, sarcastical and Orwellian one. Speking about Orwell i don't remember if he is saying something, anything on this topic, anyway, before we start we have to drow some demarcation lines between the people being on the point of starting a relation, so i beleave everything depends on how much the Big Brother is loving you...
Let's split you in categories. So
- We have the beloved ones, Big Brother is using them, they are the dogs, the good friends of the system.
- We have the neutral ones, Big Brother is not using his omniscient eye too much on them .
- The hatred ones , from one reason on another they are falling under the focus of Big Brother s hate, so he chooses to play with them and their lives.
The first too categories are not particularly interesting for this "funny" (also dramatic) topic, on that cases
the people could find their astral twins to form a couple (astral twins is just an expression i am not using very properly, i wanted to say something perfect, ideal and it happens mainly for the first category), so as we will study a bit what happens in the third case.
Do you like the political philosophy?
1. Yes
2. No
3. I dont know
4. This is enough, i will watch TV
Well the thing with the political philosophy is that the political philosophers are creating sometimes kind of zero situations, points were we are stuck in the elevator and nobody remebers anything about his past so as the interactions between the individuals inside are fresh, vivid and creative. Now imagine you fall in the third kind in the upper distinction and you are preparing to find a new partner in your amorous life, because maybe you broke up with your previous partner. You also have to know and accept the fact Big Brother is knowing you better than yourself, he knows about you things you are not even close to know, he has a total, scientifical, mechanical, holistic view on your person, so now he has to find a partner for you. Please dont forget he hates you.
So here he is, Big Brother as Cupidon. Now imagine him opening his huge computer with data about people and making a long Search for partners for you. Many results, but there is one small detail which is very important for your future, namely Big Brother will give you the best unmatch available.
So he chooses this " unmatch", then he is spreading his network of "friends" of yours, bad family, "random" facts, so as you may meet the chosen one for you.
The result?
Big love, love at first sight, blindness, butterflies in your stomach, dizziness, delight, enchantament. For one or two days.
Then, apparently casual, starting with the second week of your relation he, she manifests : lack of libido, impotence, "he shouts at me", violence, i am moving back with my parents, i will sleep on the coach, i had an interesting conversation with a colleaguetoday, etc.
The solution is obvious: you have to make a demand for a change of the partner, you will have to wait, there is a long list filled with demands, in this time what happens is drama, if you like psychiatry you can open some books about the consequences of this type of relations, there are all kinds of couple neurosis, so we speak about "normal" people getting sick in the couple and only in the couple...
Very sad. This is it, i will let you have fun with your new and interesting partners, beyond the funny face of this point you have to consider yourself warned!
4. Entertainment intolerance.
So what exactly are you doing with your freetime?
"You dont know", "it just passed and now I have to return to work..."
I will give you an insight of what you are doing with it, i talled you i am turning around in all the Europe like a dying Bismarck (that was a ship) and the thing is i cannot abstein myself to see the young generations and their entertaining profile.
Entertaining profile of yours
- Being on the phone
- Calling friends
- Going to a bar
- Having chats, being on the phone
- Drinking a lot, having chats, being on the phone
i am everywhere like a bad spirit, in Paris, in Barcelona, in Amsterdam, wherever you want and like and what i see again and again is you and your sick habits!
What i beleave is missing is some aestetic touch, some good music, some good bands, some taste in arranging the things around if you like to make a fortune selling drinks to the youngsters, it seems nobody
cares anymore about beauty end taste and everything is going commercial, cheap and sad.
At the end it is all about education, you cannot stop people leave their lives in hideousness, their tastes, their choises.
5. Shakespeare reloaded - about characters.
Really boring stuff, i dont know why i choosed something so insipid for this point, anyway you can scroll a bit to go lower if you think you cannot take it.
The "reloaded" thing sounds very bad in my ears, but i will leave it like that, i am writting this text really fast, it is a Fugue, a Fugue can be interesting if it is composed by J S Bach (Note: allusion to the fact that pretty much of the J S Bach"s music is named Fugue) , i dont know about this text, i hope to make it at least consumable.
I was saying in the original version of this text Shakespeare is who he is from the intelectual point of view at least partially because of his huge refinement, subtlety in noticing, observing the human characters. The same refinement he had then in reconstructing almost as an plastic artist this characters. An old subject as you may notice, i had it in here before, not a very versatile and changing one , the same human matter in relativlely the same syntethic box have as result almost with mathematical precision the same quantity of passions, addictions and flaws. One by one the envy, the jealousy, the thirst of revenge, the addiction for power, etc became incarnated by different heroes, heroes that in time became so known as they almost became one with the flaw they personify. Hamlet for example is some very complex character but at the end he is the most known face of revenge, Macbeth is complicated as well but he can be redused as a power addicted ready to do everything to keep and gain the power, etc.
Well this is some kind of introduction, this topic is not exactly about Shakespeare, the point of the topic is the language or more correct the discourse about the human character. I was noticing last time i was speaking on this topic, this discourse is more and more left aside this days, i never find it in media so as i have to conclude is slowly dissapearing, the questions of this topic is
what we have instead?
Do we have anything in replacement for this way of noticing and speaking about the humans?
My answer is : not quite, if you are looking in the newspapers for example you will see they are almost never saying anything about (let s say as an example) the cupidity of x or y politician, they always wait for their actions and they respond very analytical, it is safer i have to say, in this way you stay out of the courts of justice, but on the other hand you suffer of some kind of blindness if you fail to notice the repetition of x or y immoral phenomenon refusing to see in the holistic way...
6. Metals, coins, dimes for you (for free).
Something special, i will renounce to translate this topic because in the meanwhile is Easter, that has to be a sacred time , a time dedicated to meditation, a time to be better, a time for forgiveness
So as
Happy Easter to you all !
coming back with the coins some other time.
7. GotterdamerrungThis was supposed to be the title , later i choosed the one you see in the head of the text, anyway as you may see i have a topic on the theme, it s a short study, there are not any big contributions from me personally so i have to invite you to read directly from the original sources if you are interested in this subject.
Just something introductory
"The title is a translation into German of the Old Norse phrase Ragnarök, which in Norse mythology refers to a prophesied war of the gods that brings about the end of the world. However, as with the rest of the Ring, Wagner's account of this apocalypse diverges significantly from his Old Norse sources." wiki
8. Music
Never forget to Bye the music you like
You have 5 songs today
1. Bond - Wintersun
2. Sarah Brightman -Hijo de la luna
(3) Hijo de la luna again, in a different view
Mors Principium Est - Hijo de la luna
4. Music at the limits and beyond the limits
Ayreon -Computer Eyes
Special points 3.00 and then 4,49
5. "Fire and ice"
The round sound, where the sound come back to itself
Symphony X - Seven
3.40 and 5.00
Fragments of Counterculture
6. Thai Boxe
Here is the 6th edition of Fragments of Counterculture named as you may notice Thai Boxe, a very agressive edition of fragments made at the speed of light, i had something more than 5 hours to compose and translate this text, this means a 2.5 hours average for each of the two, the people being accustomed with writing know this is highly insufficient to find, form, crystallize some ideas, even in this situation i will do my best to have this "paper" highly articulate and in the shape of a thai boxe fighter.
Many events i did not covered in the time i was not here, in the country i was born we had important political changes, the opposition came to power after the fall of Ungureanu gouverment, fall caused by a censure motion, anyway the legend Traian Basescu is still there and this is not having really harmonical results i think, in France we have tomorrow the second round for the presidential elections with Francois Hollande being favorite in winning this elections, etc.
About me, i did not quit smoking and this is getting me drunk and drunker, there are drugs in the cigarettes i smoke, they never stop doing that, it is there main amusement and there hard fighting point, i was saying in the original paper i am in Italy right now and this is making me think at conservatism and counter-revolutions, from my point of view it was better here back in the time of Berlusconi, the people react at this sentence not seeing probable i am saying "from my point of view", this is a narrow and personal way of speaking.
Now it comes the shock, i will go to and end with this topic " the fragments of counterculture ", what i mean is all this will keep going until the end of this year and then i will stop writing for 3 or 4 years , maybe more, i need a break (maybe some arts...), i start writing all kind of stuff back in the university, that was in 1998, i am kind of tired and bored and i need some thinking time for myself, from the start i have no secret pact or agreement with the services for this, it is not the fear for the consequences for my life making me quit (at least for a while), i am alive only because of some luck and some bright moments of inspiration, when i ll be back here i hope my position will be a bit stronger, that is a strategic retreat and i will not change my mind about it. Anyway, i think you should see the "bright side" of life, until the and of this year this will become more and more agressive, sharp and brave.
7 Thai box rounds
1. Countrie"s Hawks (History and evolution, empty words)
2. The Father, the image of the father, the relations with the father (some sunday afternoon broadcast for the entire family (hot topic)).
3. The penitentiary system.
4. Commercials (crazy stuff)
5. Words, some good examples of how they did made the language.
6. Crazy but non-dramatic stuff.
7. Music.
1. Countrie"s Hawks (History and evolution, two empty words)
This topic is a trip down memory lane, first we will visit some collective pieces of memory and then some personal recollections of myself.
In order to do that we go back in the cold war time, back then in the Eastern Europe we had Soviet Puppet dictatorships, what is concerning us at this point is a very sharp and clear hierarchical society, any society has many hierarchies, back then we had a hierarchy we've lost in the meanwhile, on the road to become a good comunist one has to become first a " hawk" (ussualy in kindergarten), then a pioneer (first years of primary school), UTC - the communist youth (around 18 years) and then a party member (as you may know there was just one huge party, the communist party).
Well, being a member of the party was not the final step of this road, there were many "advancing opportunities" inside the party, many times this ascendent road was coming in parralelism with losing your moral standards but this is not the issue of this topic - to see where this evolution was going back then and what kind of morality status had the ones involved in this political evolution, by the way my mother was a simple party member, my father was one of the few that never accepted to become a party member losing in this way all kind of opportunities. So i never get to the point of becoming a party member being too young for this, i wasn't a communist youth , but i was denominated a Hawk of my country and then a pioneer.
While i remembered this things i reflected a bit uppon this anthropological structure, uppon this socio-evolutive scale and i realised i am kind of sympathetic with this way of seeing society, the people conceiving this were not idiots at all, the names sound good and beyond the names the ideea of having a huge wing taking everybody without distiction under itself was a very good one, very beneficial and entitling for everybody leaving there, on the whole a society having at least the appearance of something ordered, structured, with clear and definite laws of evolution.
Two things, i am not writing this topic in order to say some good words about the poor communism, it had it's good sides but this is not the place to emphasize them and the second thing is the ideea for this topic came to me after seeing a bird from the window of some train, it was a hawk...
Well back then i suffered a strange accident, a singular one, not too many weird things in my early years, i was about to change the status of hawk with the one of pioneer (10 years, something like that), as i talled you that was not a selective processus, everybody was taking this steps, so i falled in a weird way apparently because of not having a correct possition in my school bench, i was staying with my legs under myself so when i tried to get up i falled hitting a bench from a different raw with my head. Not such a big deal, some blood, a few days with a huge bandage on my head and everything was all right.
Now imagine a hunting hawk, a hunting hawk is something plunging, descending like a "kamikaze" down, so as you may see we have something like a weird similarity between somebody falling in his head and his status of a ""hawk"".
Now the thing is at that point i was on the point of being for ever separated from this "hawke" status and to become a pioneer, the next step, so there is something weird in explaining the event...
What explains the event from my point of view? Well i think the event was not an accident and it was caused by the black humour of the Romanian Security, meanwhile the time has passed and I developed myself a very sharp sense of humour so i have to ask myself where are at this point the countrie's hawks because there are a lots of "mouses" (to say) and hunting them is an emergency and not only there - from my point of view we are leaving in a world where Charles Darwin would die because of an apoplexy, the "mouses" are hunting hawks, the small ones are the big ones, nothing has it's regular order and sometimes the future seems to be written already.
2. The Father, the image of the father, the relations with the father (some sunday afternoon broadcast for the entire family (hot topic)).
Now the first thing coming up into my mind when i am reflecting uppon the thing with the father is something very unnatural namely the Freud's story concerning the birth of the God, according to Sicmunde (a mistake ) in the ancient horde there was an Alpha mail possessing all the chicks and eclipsing all the mail members of the horde. So some day the mail members of the horde joined there forces stiking and finally killing the Alpha mail, after this they start long figths for supremacy of the horde. None could win the battle so in time something was missing from the horde namely the paternal authority. In this way, through years the killed mail come back as a image, as something spiritual and this image evolved in time towards the ideea of God the father as the christianity see it.
I have to say I always loved this story, even it's highly improbable of being true in any way, there are in science very beautiful stories (yes Freud is not science and still ...) even if they are completely false, Freud to come back to him left us also something really smart if not necessary true, according to him the supraego, the prohibitiv side of your personality, the interdiction is almost one and the same thing with the father, the voice of the father.
Now, in a way the question : how is your relationship with your father may become how moral are you or how many bones do you have? Not entirely, there are moral human beings being educated and formed by mothers or grandmothers and there are also normal families creating deviances but i have to maintain every child have to develop a special relation with the parent having the same sex with him.
A boy having a massive exposure at his mother will show later, i beleave, distinctive female psychological treats, same thing about the girls being too close to their fathers...
The ideas above are not exactly my primary concern, my primary concern is the concept of the father being one that can be linguistically associated with the idea of masculinity (the french pere retranslated in to romanian as hair or stick), the anti males movement worldwide are considering the masculinity as the source of evil, many times we speak about human beings being subject of different physical or sexual abuses and then coming up with irrational hate against the wrong people. We are leaving in a society where phenomena
like pedophilia are more extended than we would like to accept, not seldom the victims are becoming very agitated activists for extirpation of the mail genitalia, again the war against nature is wrong, anyway, there is no nature in ourselves, just some very saint jokes but this is way tot complicated for you to understand...
I was taking in my original draft of this paper the state of Quebec as an example, back in the 50, 60 s it seems they had a high incidence of domestic violence in there, then in the 70s this society was converted to a very restrictive feminist society, ussualy there is something confusing about this way of thinking, there are not the big balls, the masculinity and the testosterone determining an idiot to repeatedly abuse his wife or his children, it is rather the opposite, the insecurity, the fear, the stress which are also affecting the masculinity are causing the occurence of such behaviours. I forget to add "being a member in some secret societies". While losing the good relations with their hair or their bones there are a lot of societies losing also the good relations with their creator, anyway is there business.
3. The penitentiary system
Look at this:
The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. Fyodor Dostoevsky
Russian novelist (1821 )
Now the imediate emerging question is what about your, our degree of civilization?
The thing is i saw with my own eyes a prison only one time (2 days of arrest) after being deprived (stealing) of my passport, i have to say i was shocked, if my memory is accurate that had no natural air, no way to have acces to a window, 2 or 3 levels of barbed wires around the window, that was a small room for two persons, we had an emergency button in the wall but almost nobody ever answered the calls and i had the possibility of leaving the room only for one hour for a day, in that hour you could get out in the small place being surrounded by very high walls so as it was impossible to see anything around, nothing green, nothing else then the sky. Walking in circles was the only thing to do. Remember i was just under arrest and i was released after two days without being found guilty of something...
Well, i think that is an emergency and has to suffer imediate ameliorations. What is obvious is they are using all kind of economical reasoning to cover this misery, but the truth is the situation is like this because of some traditional malevolent and inhuman way of thinking.
So here is some idealism for free : if i would become the dictator of a small republic (without being a puppet of any foreign secret services) i would imediately dissolve the actual penitentiary system and i would use for the beggining something like natural habitats, something like free-zones where everybody has an enclosed piece of land, a small wood house and the right of privacy, decency and intimity. Then, there would be some common spaces to use only at wish, no walls, no barbed wires and maybe some real chances to escape if you wanna take some chances, wanna risk your life.
Now the ennemies of the ideea have a lot of "oil" to attack this ideea, "give to the "lumpens" good conditions thay would say, good quality food, big and serene rooms, the chance to do sports every day and what you will obtein is a never ending go in -go out on the main entrance (via the justice system). I have to admit this is partially true, than we have the problem of distroying the nature, the overpopulation, etc.
This is just an ideea, i will keep thinking at this, probably in time it will become more feasible, more suitable...
4. Commercials (crazy stuff)
If you beleave there is somebody, any company in the world to put anything in here and to give me money for having them "in the air" you are really naive, here is a pretty crazy place playing sometimes songs nobody ever heard before, a place with originality and intrepidity and they like to put money only on conservatives, driven ones and parrots. Now the thing is i woke up recently being targeted by a media program using posters, placards and all the stuff.
What do i mean? I mean you know i am crazy, for exemple the Tv is speaking to me :) so as i never watch fucking tv. because there are very immoral and corrupted human beings working there, i read the newspapers only with one eye because many times they are zombies too, movies...no comment, so in the meanwhile staying out of exposure i kind of become normal :), when, all of the sudden everywhere i go there is a media compaign, perfume commercials (Dior), clothes commercials (Lacoste) coming in a way directly after me... Now being crazy means in there view beleaving you are somebody important because the big ones are coming to you. I have to say i am far more crazy then that - i beleave i am very important because i screw up my free-time in order to do a fucking INTERNET CARITAS FOR IDEAS while this people have absolutely no importance, they are some sharks hunting profit even if they would step on the bodies of their own parents.
The deal with the poster commercials is everybody is seeing and not seeing them, usually you notice you just passed a poster with something but nothing more. Well i have to say i am an accelerated human being and if this is not innate then it is because of the perpetual induced stress so as i notice something more about the things around than the regular average ... :) , for example i see they use beautiful girls for all kind of products and they never put their names on the posters, i would like to know their names please! Then the thing is you can put whatever where you wish, nobody sees nothing anyway...
5. Words, some good examples of how they did made the language.
It is not very easy to translate din topic from romanian because back there the things are self explanatory, i am using an analyitic method, break the words in peaces, etc
So here we have some examples:
Performance - per it sounds like the french pere -father, to form is to create, so you have no performance without "pere"
Analytic synthetic - in the first formula you are in a very unnatural position staying with your back to your father, well the second seems far more sound - you are one with your father. Ups! Man (you will say) -there are also chicks studying philosophy! I dont know , i am just translating.
Flatulence - look ! Frate means brother, lent means slow so we are talking in here about your slow brother. No kidding.
Hughenot - have you ever heard this word before? If the answer is yes this means you are a gayyes not a gaynot, the people knowing this kind of stuff are most likely gayyes . So the "Huguenots were members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France during the 16th and 17th centuries" (wiki) massacred by yourself and your gayyes girlfriend (boyfriend ) for eternal shame because they were not gaynot.
Tyranozaurus rex - something to do with tyranny, rex - is also a very used dog name
6. Crazy but non-dramatic stuff.
Initially the name of this topic was Beans World Cup, at the end i changed the title, i dont know ,i watched my cursed agenda for things staying on my nerves for writting this and what i found was:
Gangs of not working (named after the movie Gangs of New York), referring to the fact the streets of Europe are filled with gangs of easterns (not only) doing nothing, staying in group 5-6 individuals together (only males) and fighting for existence this way, i found in my agenda the Chelsea player Mata (your mom in romanian) and i have to say he is staying on my nerves too., etc etc
7. Music.
Always buy the music you like!
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCEN4OCJ0DI&feature=related
Chicane - Offshore (Ambient Mix), Some ambient music, maybe a bit to common but i love this song
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dys1_TuUmI4
Then we have Epica - cry for the moon, Epica is a dutch symphonic metal band
To notice 2.10 and 5.08
3. For the second time symphony x, Set The World On Fire this time , a song maybe not so brilliant as seven but having a strong and impressive chorus .
4. Bonus track for my readers in english
Devin Townsend - Greetings
Fragments of Counterculture
7. Seven
First of all, sorry for the delay in translating in time this text, as you may know, the original draft (romanian version) of this paper was published in here more then two weeks ago, in the meantime some informations became obsolete, i 'll do my best to refresh the content of this infos, in the same time i have to say this english translation will be a very soft, light version of a very angry, agressive, desparate text. I beleave friday 22 June you will have a final version of this text, 'till then i have to kindly ask you to be pacient...
I just finished my daily routine in reading the newspapers around the world, i noticed something very weird, we have a "scandal" in Romania - the actual prime-minister is accused of plagiarism in his PHD thesis, in a very, very strange way the accusations were made in "Nature international journal of science", i have to say i beleaved until yesterday this magazine, Nature is mainly concerned with the life of the penguins and the polar bears not with the foreign politics , it is very obvious, i think, they are making themselves the vehicule of some underground political machinations via some unknown German Journalist, i think this is a very embarrassing moment for this magazine and also for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , as you may see the actual president of Romania Traian Basescu is using his underground German connections to put pressure on the actual prime-minister, a strong critical voice and political opponent of him...
I "said" in the original papera few words about the visit of the Pope Benedict XVI here in Miano, visit occasioned by a internation reunion on family issues, i don't know much about the content of the discussions, a said in my malevolent original paper the modern, western family is composed this days from a covered homosexual father, a beans lover she (in order to keep him sexually erected) and some kids in many cases starting their sexual life way, way too early (if you know what i mean)...
I spoked in my original paper also about my very poor quality of life in this "touring" way of leaving between a bunch of European "dark" cities (morally), i said there are 5 years from the moment they sent the "rats" to stink my every step on this land and that starting with some point in time i had no more money so as i have to live using "charities", well, many times the forces behind this noble institutions (following noble ideas) are very dark and non-transparent, they have many times "Policier" functions, they are getting, collecting and trafficking infos on the people using their services, many times, in my case they are in a very obvious manner helping the ones being in charge with the repression and are trying to do their best to harm me, i don't know where you can find real, well intentioned help in a Europe being absolutely naive and cold blooded concerning any social and human matters...
I said some very dirty words in my original paper about the people working in this centers, many times they wear the cross making as a result the people attending this centers beleave they have something like a spiritual communion with the church and with Jesus Christ, i explained them this name Jesus means being up, high (maybe you know the idiotic hippy humour with Jesus using Marihuana and stuff) being almost physical over the sinners and their miserable view of life (the city of Rio is giving you a good image...), now many times this "crossy" people are under the events, ready to harm, ready to do anything in order to be in good relations with the "secrets", well, i have to say in this way they are very, very distant in spirituality and value from the one they try to follow...
Opera cacophonica
Well, opera cacophonica is the international circus coming with me everywhere, torturing me without break, for the moment i passed the Italian chemical cold, the Austrian chemical dizziness, the Parisian chemical whatever you want and i am in the point of having huge sleep deprivation problems, for this Guantanamo at the end somebody will pay, i can assure you!
It everything about a lack of will, of strenght, of valuable moral guiding principles, what is weird is i see on the streets people with some very arrogant, superiour attitude while they and their institutions are going dawn so visible, are overturning...
Very special music for the ones having very special ears, with this occassion, enjoy!
1. Slavery in 21th century
2. News
3. Nicolae Ceausescu
4. Nations
5. Supermusic
1. Slavery in 21th century
a) Introductory infos
This topic was inspired by the title of a recent music album, you will see what i am talking about at the music section of this text, slavery- for the average moron - a historical reality sending back in time at least 100 years, it is very easy to check out if this opinion is actually true...Now use your google, type this word and you will find all kind of things having wikipedia in head, about wikipedia i have to say this is sometimes a source of information which deserves your trust, some other times the things are different, depends on the nature of the topic, even like this reading, using a very conformist source of information you can find out something very shocking namely:
The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history,[4] remaining as high as 12 million[5] to 27 million,[6][7] Most are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations.[8] Human trafficking is primarily used for forcing women and children into sex industries.
Going further, you can discover there are 3 main types of slavery, the typology is following the origins of the slaves, so as we have
Chattel slavery, so named because people are treated as the personal property, chattels, of an owner and are bought and sold as commodities, is the original form of slavery. When taking these chattels across national borders it is referred to as Human Trafficking especially when these slaves provide sexual services.[
Who is the mother's baby and what is Deva?
1. Speaking of reading
2. Different things (Mafia stories)
3. Autopsy for words (to be)
4. Chaos Anno Domini (press reviews with a title inspired loosely by a Sepultura music album namely Chaos AD)
5. Journey to the end of the night (title after Celine)
6. Music
1. Speaking of reading
But it's not about this very trivial kind of reading this topic is about, as the library mice may beleave, but the fact that I tend to read all sorts of oddities including almost all the advertising posters from the streets, the inscriptions on people's clothing and some time ago i was used to read even the license plates from the cars doing all kinds of operations with the letters like reversing, changing the order, etc. Well, if the first two are pretty normal, the third one is really odd, if you are going to ask a psychiatrist what he has to say about that , he will say that this third part is something named obsesionality which is, at its turn anxiety...
Take the verb to be in several versions, try English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, your language, i do not know if Russian is relevant, I have not tried anything so far, you have to start with the present time, indicative mode, copy them, place them on a page and then look at them . Start then correcting this words (hearing defect is also used), cut them down to pieces (in the right place), then using your language skills try to find them how the pieces of which are formed were made. Doing that you will recompose the picture of the world as it was done in creation. This will be revealing, you will be enlightened or maybe not, because it is possible that the demonic status you are being is not allowing you to see the light!
It's a little tricky, but what I write is not for average iq people, , so try to open this Kabbaka and you will have some good benefits.
4. Chaos Anno Domini (news reviews with a title inspired loosely by a Sepultura music album namely Chaos AD)
5. Journey to the end of the night (title after Celine)
"A sunny place for shady people" (quote from a book whose title I forgot )
I have started a little frivolous topic about human ages in the context of the idea of rebirth before and then I decided to delete it because i am not informed enough to treat the subject seriously and so, instead of a sadistic subject, i decided to go to the last chapter , Journey to the end of the night, as you may see a title inspired by the famous book voyage au bout de la nuit, written by Celine, this title was revealed to me, I was shown somewhere in a railway station in this summer , then I thought to write a text called so, I prefer more of a topic now ,broadly the title and its "aura" are brought in here to stand above my testimony about what happened this summer, where where I traveled
I started the Adriatic sea, it was Trieste, an old acquaintance of mine then Barcelona, i was stopping
from place to place in each resort (in fact the trip was little more spaghetti than that, these two points are only highs, the ends of travel, i did not just travel from one point to another).
I wrote something on here about restaurants and things like that, about the types and patterns of contemporary leisure, I criticized, ridiculed, all sorts of manners and habits and then the result was zero, however, i chose to lost some time again trying to paint for you European beaches and what is happening around them.
I have to say that after a couple of months in the Mediterranean i caught a kind of melancholy about the romanian coast, about resorts like Mamaia or Vama Veche, the last of these resorts far as I know had bars with chosen music, there is a superclub rock-metal , there excellent outdoor concerts,you could listen to punk bands, rock bands, on the beach and in various other clubs you could here blues, jazz music, etc., during this, the Côte d'Azur and the Italian Riviera there is nothing like thi, nothing for youth, everything is designed for people at least age two to say (40), all about luxury food restaurants (probably) fine, no pubs, no club approached by young, nothing loud, nothing sexy, nothing alive.
Well, journey at the end of the night can exist only due to the lack of quality music, for me personally a world without good music can mean or reminiscent of something so radical, so much as that title, but not i was not ialking only about this, it's also about the quality of people, locals and tourists singular oriented towards the idea of carousing, a kind of cosmic opacity , about thinness and a huge minimalist approach to life in all its aspects, on an asexual and frigid world, a world controlled, scared, terrified, trembling about some mentally reduced leading luxury car, something to be shot rather than described in words and then given to direct to Rob Zombie.
Well, the night's not over, it continued as I explained in my way in romania, continue here, I do not know where actually begins and where actually stops...
I did not get out as I wanted from this topic, I threw this topic in speed in less than an hour without even being drafted in mind before, but more or less all these texts are coming into the moment, under the influence of time, under the auroraof the moment inspiration , if you want the music and then we see more ...
6. Music
6 songs for today, buy the music you like, i will use youtube but only to open roads for you:
1. I ended last edition of fragments with Spanish music, we reknotting the thread now with
Nino- amor
2. A beautiful song, who enjoy the unique voice and contribution of Serge Tankian
3. Steven Wilson is known to be voice, guitarist and songwriter for the band Porcupine Tree, he has some solo projects as well, today we have one of this projects , the insurgents album, so
Steven wilson - Abandoner, album insurgentes
4. Who knows music knows that for example Tchaikovsky occasionally brought in music ir order the music to not become boring one small dance Arabic, Chinese, Russian, etc.
We have today a little song called arabesque, I think the Arabs themselves had been not doing this so good, so
Nightwith - Arabesque, (album Imaginarium)
5. Moving on to heavier music, I chose a song with a technicality, a special virtuosity again, we're back in the area with fabulous musicians , the progressive power metal (not the same!), You have
Sonata Arctica - Black Sheep, a song that has superhuman speed somewhere at minute 2 ...
6. extreme, the most extreme sounds, guess who is back, one of my favorite groups is back with a new album, seems that is less violent than before, however I found a song on my taste, the first minute of it is just my taste, I do not hear the rest but that minute infinite scroll from head to tail, metal beyond the maximum:
While listening to the first minute of this piece, it is recommended fixed gaze at the picture on the cover:
Fear Factory - New Messiah (album 2012, the industrialist)
Bonded laborMain article: Bonded labor
Debt bondage or bonded labor occurs when a person pledges himself or herself against a loan.[14] The services required to repay the debt, and their duration, may be undefined.[14] Debt bondage can be passed on from generation to generation, with children required to pay off their parents' debt.[14] It is the most widespread form of slavery today.[8]
Forced laborMain article: Forced labor
Forced labor is when an individual is forced to work against his or her will, under threat of violence or other punishment, with restrictions on their freedom.[8] It is also used to describe all types of slavery and may also include institutions not commonly classified as slavery, such as serfdom, conscription and penal labor.
I must add the countries where it happens the most are: Sudan, Mauritania, Congo but also China or Brasil ...
Now you have to understand the slavery is forbidden almost everywhere, there are very tough laws sanctioning this, we have also the "universal declaration of human rights" banning the slavery, the question is why this phenomenon is still occuring and why it is occuring in such proportions?
b) A bit of Philosophy (your young thinkers have talent! )
Now in very few words because i have no time now (I studied Philosophy in University, i have also a Master Degree...) idea of human rights has historically been (at least in west) founded on Christianity, in the ideea of we all being the children of God, it is pretty easy to understand, If we accept this idea then the relative equality between men results immediately. In time, concomitantly with the with loss of privileges and fall in power and influence of the church and the rise to power of the secular ideas and ideologies this base for the human rights became weak and undesirable, so as it was replaced with some more naturalistic ideas, according to various naturalist philosophers the human beings are born naturally equal and free so as according to them the slavery is banned directly from the mother nature...As you may see, everything, all the charge, the whole discussion stays in the idea of what is behind, who guarantees for all this!
Now, in modern times, the young and "talented" generations of thinkers being behind the actions of different international institutions found out there is nobody else then them in the universe, there is nothing or nobody behind guaranteeing your freedom, your dignity, etc so as they choosed to piss on this idea considering it an obsolete and boring trash staying in front of their own magnificence and personal wealth.
That is how the human rights lost all their power...
c) Something else
This is a beautifull text, beautiful ideas, just one thing, i dont think this is what the musicians inspiring me were talking about. They are not talking about Sudan (i beleave it is also important !) but about the western world, about a very and totally different phenomenon, about a phenomenon of using the Inquisition (this is also - like slavery, a contemporary phenomenon ) in order to make the people fall down, to make them quit their freedom, their personality, to loose their moral fibre, their moral bones and to become simple tools in the hands of the few..
It happens in schools, in universities, everywhere, nobody cares about you if you are the target, like this people fall one by one in their hands, later, entire generations of doctors, justice personal, politicians and artists are controlled, puppets, zombies...
Unlike the first phenomenon this one has no immediate financial sense (and it cannot be tracked like this being a pure power phenomenon), we are talking about public personalities having big money sometimes but no freedom, many times what they think is thinked for them, what they beleave is received during the night via mental calls, what they want is what the owners want, etc.
It is not only real but also endemic. And top secret i have to add.
This is just an introduction - it depinds on you to go further in both directions, on both doors i have opened for you, my job is done so i jump to the point number
2. News
News : it seems the ex prime minister of Romania (also the political mentor of the actual prime minister Mr. Victor Ponta), Mr. Adrian Nastase attempted suicide after receiving a sentence of two years of jail in some obscure case against him, i read in the international press Mr Barack Obama has 13 points lead in front of the Republican Mitt Romney (interesting number i have to say- this 13), another thing, sad this time is the great director Bernardo Bertolucci died aged 72 years - i remember The Sheltering Sky - this is the last movie made by him i saw - beautiful, sensitive and profoundly sexy...
Well, we have also in full developement the European football championship, i said some dirty things in my original paper also about the world of football, i will not translate that words in here, instead, i will say a couple of things about what i see there , i hate the way the televisions are making the show, that cameras hunting emotional reactions from the funs are giving me creeps, it also seems a lot of very professional fotball players are missing the target too much ( :) ), it is too visible!
All the rest is the regular politics of doing sports, the big ones always win - even if they are obviously inferior, the small ones are going home in big hurry... well, this is the show!
I also have to mention some other sad phenomenon namely the Non-combat of some teams in some games, i dont know what's behind this phenomenon, but i can take a guess...
All the rest seems ok, i have some good words about the organisers, this championship is better organised i think that the previous one (i did not like that Austria -Switzerland event), the rest is - i hope the best will win!
Diablo 3 - 3.5 millions buyers first day, if we are going to count the thiefs too - we could be enough to make a country of Diablo players, we cold separate...
A game I expect for long, Diablo 2 was my favorite game of all , I played it for years, months on end without stopping, i have to start saying it is sad they have cut the characters, in their place, i would have kept the existing characters and maybe come up with some other heroes, there are just 5 characters to play the game, you have just the Barbarian remembering the second version of the game, i liked the Druid the most, i understand the battle is a bit "dry" and that on Hell if you die you will loose your character...
Probably it is planned to have a later expansion, it was the case of the second part...Well, i did not have contact yet with the game so everything i can say is i hope the game has something from the magic of its second part, something from the beauty of that soundtrack and something from the magic of that introductory movies...
Have fun!
3. Nicolae Ceausescu
Hot stuff, everybody heard this name, this name is actually one of the few Romanian world wide known brands, before starting i have to say i come from a family that was against this political regime, my father was one of the few remaining forever out of the communist party (it was bad for the outsiders...), so as you have to understand this text as a personal, non affiliated, objective, neutral opinion.
I was being asked one time what do i beleave about this 20 century important political figure, i have to say i had not back then a good answer to offer to my interlocutor, so i became, in a introspective way curious myself what do i beleave about this person and his regime, about the time of communism and i discovered surprising myself i imagine this political figure as a constructor, a builder. What came after were rather constrictors...This is a point.What do i remember is a a healthy lifestyle, back then the sports were flourishing in the country i was born, i remember in fool time of dictatorial censorship we had good nivelists, i remember the intelectuals were respected (well not exactly the ones opposing the regime), the very few movies we were seeing at the tv were very carefully selected and the public culture was not stinking how it happens this days, going back at the constructive part, when i was born my family was inhabiting a building near the a building near the edge of the city,, in few years they built so much as that place became almost a central place of the city...
I also believe that from an economically point of view the people faced shortages because it had to be so, I doubt very large that centralized agriculture can not feed the people ...
There is much to say and i have no time so as i thought to illustrate the difference between the systems by a brief history , at 10 km from the city of Hunedoara there is a large mountain lake named Cincis, here is a touristic link for this area http://www.turismland.ro/lacul-cincis-muntii-poiana-rusca/
, well once there you could cruise the lake by ferry for some small amount of money, it was clean, green , well maintained, a dream place for locals, then the 89 revolution came and in the wait for the major investors this ferries have rusted, could not be used anymore, after several years one of this ferries was brought to city, left somewhere downtown, a rusty wreck...I dont know why, but it is something paradoxical, this wreck seemed put in there to remind for all how was before, to emphasize the difference between sailing on the lake and sailing in wreck on land ...
4. Nations
A very sensitive issue, as you may know the world still suffer of the disease of nationalism, if i would choose to take them nation by nation and to tell you what is the name about i would hurt a lot of people so as i will tell you what the names of the nations are talking about without saying what country i am pointing to. OK?
The nations were built according to some criteria, when the first people descended from their wrecks on land :), they separated in order to form larger groups, in order to try to proliferate, when they left towards the four corners of the earth they were already , each group, quite homogeneous, having dinstinctive treats...
Let's see them, i let you guess who i talking about, there is some note i have to let you: every name is made to be read in more then one way, so we will try a few variants:
Check this
The highs (the ones being up), The downs (the being down), the ones having money, the ones to ask money, the ones being arrogant, the hairy ones, the bald ones, the bad ones, the ones being bad with the chicks, the farters, the children of the farters, the ones having stripes, the black ones, the ones who cook, the ones having no legs, the ones who can not keep their mouth, the gas lovers, the slaves, the ones being in prison (cold places), the stinky ones, etc.
I will let you discover who i am talking about, there are no exceptions, do not enjoy the bad of others, anyway a very comic and flattering list of ...us!
5. Music
I cut a point from the original text, if you will look at the Romanian version of this text you will see there are 6 topics , anyway you loose nothing, kind of superfluous information, i was complaining about my speed in writing this, i said the westerns have way too many holidays, very lazy people :), i said the french people are stingy and avaricious :) and i said there i prefer the warriors characters to the hippy and pacifists bitches.
Buy the music you like!
1. We are starting with a Swing, a forgotten music style, an unrepeatable experience, a very gifted d.j. from Linz
Parov Stelar - Booty Swing
2. Parov Stelar second time , a different music style, but brilliant again
Parov Stelar - Hurt
3. A band we already talked about at the music section of the site when I presented an incredible album named Circus Black, Amberian Dawn - one of my favorite bands (maybe my number one this days), today something from an album named The Clouds of Northland thunder namely the song LionHeart:
Amberian Dawn -Lionheart
4. A prog and power metal invasion here in the recent weeks, today we will meet a german band addressing this music style, a band with excellent music , beautiful church organs, funny lyrics but above all with a voice score breaking all the ranks, i was reading somewhere on youtube a comment left by a fun saying: here is somebody singing better then Freddy Mercury, well is not exaclty the same musical style so as is difficult to compare, anyway listen this:
Powerwolf - Prayer in the dark (album Lupus Dei)
5. At the end, some extreme sound, we have Soulfly (Max Cavalera ), from a disk named Enslaved (the one inspiring the first topic of this text), i choosed the only song in other language than english, the best song of this album in my view, probably at the end in your own language you fill always the best!
Soulfly - Plata O Plomo
See you soon
Fragments of counterculture 8
In vain
(originally in zadar)
As my regular readers have been noticed , I decided to change the announced preliminary title for this text, this text should be named : Inhumanity, later i choosed the new one (in vain) because of the odd echo or of the slightly pathetic resonance of that words. So as, we had the original title in Romanian namely "in zadar" , a word with kind an exotic aura, studying a bit this word I learned that there is a city in Croatia with this name, also that the Latin and Hungarian version for this word is zara, here we meet again with the word ZA (the ring) along with another interesting component, namely the RA component, as you may see being present also in my name. Ra sends to Egyptian sun god idea, anyway i do not have a topic on this ideea this time, so as I will get over this theme for the time being...
I missed for pretty long time, it was of course summer and I was obviously lost on various parts of the coast where I get tired, I struggled and I starved for my portion of the sun and sea, I will return to these issues, however, the idea is that after a long time, I decided to come back now, on the brink of autumn with a new edition of the fragments...
Writing this text will take probably long , i am right now in a location that seems to become more and more weird and strange, i was about to go as soon as the signs, the auspices had shown it as unfavorable, behold, because I can not write on the road, I'll be stuck here for 4-5 days just to write for you, as you know, at this point, i do not gain anything by doing this, on the contrary I lose, I lose time, i am under fanatical, ferocious attacks and last not least, i put in here ideas that get "lost" in the wrong place, if you know the expression : to throw pearls to pigs, than you can find me in the post of the launcher...
Well the reason for doing this is simple at the end, I said it always, if I can help a soul, a romantic maybe, one myself, then , what i win is more valuable then what i loose by informing 1000 zombies, it is not a secret, I try to search, find and help "myself" out there among you, but the title says a lot, it is a lottery...
I am tired, as I said in some earlier texts , I returned after a very unlucky "crusade" worn on Romanian land, I beat thousands of miles to meet with friends and family only to return amputated, hair cutted by my own family, i was also treated with a pornographic adversity by my former countrymen, I reacted here very nervously telling hard truths, probably this days while i am writting this my well known "byclicle " will have an influence over the style of the text, what is the bike? The bike are the changes in my psychological mood :) named psychiatrically cyclothymia (cyclo, biciclo etc).
While I started writing this text i had just part of the threads being ready, as you know my phone was broken, i had in there a repository of ideas, of "coins", there was to get my "mana" for these texts, speaking of phones, immediately after I complained that they interfered with my electronical devices distroying them , I have sent another phone, more advanced than the one i had originally, the point is that there are something good on the road, a tide movement being contrary to the nothingness that i confront every day of my life, anyway there are no notes and ideas on it from the factory, so as i will have to work for every topic again.
You have to trust me, it is a torture for me to write in English, if you are interested in the subject of the innate talents and abilities i could tell you I started studying English in the third grade with teachers in particular (i mean my parents were paying for the studies), starting with the 4th grade I studied english at school too for something like 8, 9 years, I lived two years in Canada, I've seen thousands of movies in English where I pricked up my ears in order to listen and, at the end, I still do not feel at home writing in english, so as i use the goole translator for this text. It's a shame!
While i am writhing this the things are a little hasty here where I am, the mother's baby is sick
a bit of Deva syndrome, ups! just a bit! Who is the mother's baby and what is Deva?
Well in order to find out what "the mother's baby " i am afraid you will have to ask , it is the transformed name of a city , well, Deva is the city where I was born, where as I said I already had a lot of problems...
Who is creating the problems? Well, the ichthyosaurus, he is very hysterical, he is calling his Gones to help him make me more and more problems so as i may live a nightmare second by second, a mobile Saigon, by the way, the phone we talked about above was forged in vietnam.
I am pretty sure this text sounds more and more strange for you, first of all, what the fuck is that "the ichthyosaurus"?
Now do what i say: you have to write the word in your google image searcher, so you will receave a good picture of what an ichthyosaurus is. Now i am not talking about ancient lizards when i am writting this text but about some political entities , look at the map!
What are the GONS?
The ones not going.
The ones not going.
Here it rained for several days in a row , i said it is morbid, then I digress for poetry where i aslo found variants as: it rains stupid, etc, speaking of poetry I wrote some poems myself once uppon a time, i do not know if it was the best that has been written, but it certainly was the most nervous I poetry I ever read, the is problem is that I lost this very personal things among the pile of defective computers, notable when i escaped from Canada, leaving the computer on the table of that room where i was living, because from a certain point as soon i was entering that room, I was caughting a kind of torpor, ultimate dizziness, so as i couldt enter the room to take my stuff before i leave the country.
How can be explained something like this?
Dont know, dont know, ask the f.... secrats, secrets!
Anyway the ideea is I would paid royally to recover it (i have no money , keep it for a while :)).
So in vain, no you dont get it, this days I read a book written by Paulo Coelho named The Zahir, it camed to me, I found it and although I dont miss books, being always in libraries I thought to give him a chance, anyway starting with that title, Zahir , via a process of auditive and intelectual sublimation , i mean this:
Zahir, za hair, zohar, zadar, zadur, zadan, satan , the list goes on the both sides of the sheet with values,
i choosed the word zadar meaning in vain but also being close to the word zidar from romanian meaning a builder, a mason...
Speaking of the hearing (and of the misshearing), you will have 6 deluxe songs in here again, by the way i digress again, i wear exactly in this moment a t-shirt with the inscription:PORN DELUXE CLUB,
i wear it in order to ironically celebrate the fact there are some years since last time i had sex, they do not give it to me, in another sense message would say if it would to measure how bad i am loosing my hear (porno, porn, par nu, no hear) in luxury, then i think Roman Abramovich should make a little room!
1. Speaking of reading
2. Different things (Mafia stories)
3. Autopsy for words (to be)
4. Chaos Anno Domini (press reviews with a title inspired loosely by a Sepultura music album namely Chaos AD)
5. Journey to the end of the night (title after Celine)
6. Music
1. Speaking of reading
I finished the book I talked about above, its defects, to start with them because it's fashionable to do so are it is a bit too sweet and somewhere in the final of the story it has some initiatory story i did not like very much, otherwise it inspired me a lot, some good ideas there, Coelho is someone who is capable unlike some majority of the known writers to create stories and ultimately that's about it when writing prose , i am sure that if there was any reviews on this blog, then we have lost forever in disputes about what the prose is and what it is not, I am glad there arent any, if there were i would close it, I'm a locked-minded person and I like myself like this :).
Anxious or anxiety means having fears without obvious reason and motivation, if you are trembling in fear with some reasons then this is not pathology - that's the trick .
Well, as i talled you, once uppon i time i had some pathology and from that time I have left some old habits, lately i discover all kinds of strange things (total pa-ra-no-ia!), for example the fact the inscriptions on license plates in some places are not as random as it seems, there are various groups and packs with different functions showing their affiliation very in front, for no one understands and no one stand to read something like that, I thought i am about to conclude this topic having rather short and non-explosive arguments , in one of the coming editions maybe i will do a whole number of these fragments exclusively from photos with comments - that would be very, very shocking, you could see what i was talking about!
2. Various things (Mafia stories)
I need to start saying I have bad news, this text probably will not be ready than monday, i can work just one hour today for this texdt , tomorrow is Sunday, so Monday night i hope to have ready the translation for you...
Varous things, a more non- expressive title we could not have, anyway, last time I was home I become upset with my fellow citizens and as I said before, I wrote here that retaliation somehow all kinds of hard truths about different local histories, well when you mess with the mafia must you have some good reasons and as you will see , no exactly my idealism and or some kind of "blonde" girl spirit pushed me to treat such a subject, it is not my angel fighting for justice or trying to save somebody it is rather something very personal.
Here is a link with some local mafia stories, as you can see the text is dating from 2005, unfortunately the text is in Romanian and i have absolutely no time to translate anything for you, it is a text about some violent, local mafia having ramifications at the top at the local police, justice and having wires leading to Bucharest,
now there in the area there is a strange story with these individuals becoming fortunate beyond normal, they say that they have found a treasure dating from the Dacians, the ancestors of current Romanian people, namely a large amount of money in gold coins called Cosons.
Now before proceeding further, I must say i have no relations with any of them and they did not done anything wrong openly against me.
3 points to emphasize:
- first that only the very naive people believe in fairy tales Hollywood Carlito type, I think there may be, perhaps some of this storuies are real stories, guys making a name, a place for themselves in the world violently, but in most cases this kind of actions which seem to be chaotic are actually really well organized, have in backgournd the secret services and some other state connected organisations...
- Second thing is i dont beleave a word about the founding treasures story , now please consider a bit this word: Cosons, cu, co = with , sons are the sons (well the history says that there was once a dacian king of that name and that from he remained that currencies), so i thing the treasure was actually a part of the local population, part of the population being the target of the romanian intelligence services, now this services have not worked openly, preferring to create a local mafia, strictly coordinated by them, which among other functions had to attack, plunder, violence and eventually kill those who resist, not keeping there voice low...
- Third thing - they have the nerve to erase fragments of this text while i am writing it, the thing is i was always looking down to this kind of individuals, mobsters and stuff, well going a bit back on my timeline there i discovereder one of those individuals is the owner of a store placed randomly very close to where I
was born, another has a girlfriend who coincidentally lives in the neighboring block from where I stood after i moved from my first house there, another i already talked on this blog moving in the same building with me (my third and final location in Deva), one was parking his car just at the point where I was sleeping when I came there, I must say that I do not know and I have relationships with any of these people, but that despite the fact that they have never done anything openly against me they had in time a massive presence in my life. Cu ceva dintre lucrurile
was born, another has a girlfriend who coincidentally lives in the neighboring block from where I stood after i moved from my first house there, another i already talked on this blog moving in the same building with me (my third and final location in Deva), one was parking his car just at the point where I was sleeping when I came there, I must say that I do not know and I have relationships with any of these people, but that despite the fact that they have never done anything openly against me they had in time a massive presence in my life. Cu ceva dintre lucrurile
I must say that while I developed this theme in mind, I found (fabulos! after some years of study) that the freshly returned President of Romania (after being suspended after me writting some critics about him, well it is not me, i have the power to criticise but not the power to put in motion the infernal state machien) has a positive side, I have reason to believe that not only I am in chains but also the other side of the boulevard of life (this kind of mobsters i mean )
3. Autopsy for words (to be)
A topic that should be the soul, the essence, the magic extract of this text, but I can not afford to develop very strong because things are more than scandalous, are dangerous, so allow me to give you the idea and then i will leave it on you to handle it as soon as i will show the old path to enlightenment.
Take the verb to be in several versions, try English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, your language, i do not know if Russian is relevant, I have not tried anything so far, you have to start with the present time, indicative mode, copy them, place them on a page and then look at them . Start then correcting this words (hearing defect is also used), cut them down to pieces (in the right place), then using your language skills try to find them how the pieces of which are formed were made. Doing that you will recompose the picture of the world as it was done in creation. This will be revealing, you will be enlightened or maybe not, because it is possible that the demonic status you are being is not allowing you to see the light!
It's a little tricky, but what I write is not for average iq people, , so try to open this Kabbaka and you will have some good benefits.
Well , I decided to help you a little more, here you have something to start
To be, indicative mode, time-present, first-person
English French Romanian Italian German Spanish
i am Je suis Eu sunt Io sono Ich Bin Yo soy
Keep going !
Those who listen to metal music know that the title of this topic is inspired, as I said from a Sepultura album named chaos ad, inspired only conceptually. substantially, this topic is inspired by the news, well while i was translating this text, the news i was commenting have become obsolete, i dont know, i will try to catch up a bit...
So day before yesterday Bill Clinton was giving his "political blessing" to Barack Obama's from a strange bent position (in a picture of Romanian press), then we have another member of the British royal family he posing without clothing, i find out everybody is cheating at all levels - i speak about plagiarism , i actually think the plagiarism brings you up in a low area (but actually very high in the state and universities) of the intellectual landscape, " am I a poor little lazy dog. I'm hungry . Take me with you! " says the plagiarist and scientific authorities say: "Well, we have not seen you before. Now, after the plagiarism we started to know each other. Be welcome!"
Ok. I found out that guy Mario Draghi is still struggling to save the euro, , I had an ex -girlfriend with the nickname meaning something like"Honey" (draga in romanian), well, i dont know if there is any relationship between them, the Greeks are everywhere in the media, the last time I was impressed by this ones was at that soccer match from the European Championship, with the greek player Karagounis having a neurotic crise, suffering deeply as would be it for a cosmic drama when he was simply simulating a fault, well, they, the Balkans and the Balkanic people have their charm...
The Nokia camed up with a Windows phone - that "s the spirit! My nose smells something that seems to be" a milestone " I think this is step forward, as i understand it is a specially adapted windows for phone, however I think this is a step fundamental in the evolution of technology, soon (one, two) you can operate in full windows on your smartphone...
By the way!
Apple is going to launch Iphone 5, i told you this miserable people defected my blackberry phone and that soon after, someone intervened placing me another phone, this time a Samsung, a device something new than my Blackbery, so immediately the next day, the media has coughed blood with the title: Samsung must pay to the Apple 1 billion or something on the ground that the Korean company would be swiped design of Apple.
A small correction: as soon as I arrived in Romania with that phone (not the second day i had it) the media began to stress Samsung company, first was a title in one of the newspapers in Bucharest, then i also have found this tille in international press , well they rushed to help their eastern brothers in their schizophrenic fight with me...
A small correction: as soon as I arrived in Romania with that phone (not the second day i had it) the media began to stress Samsung company, first was a title in one of the newspapers in Bucharest, then i also have found this tille in international press , well they rushed to help their eastern brothers in their schizophrenic fight with me...
I saw that Romania was refused entry to the Schengen area - is this a Chinese word ?
I believe the cause is the romanian political power as well as "the intelligence" from Bucharest have totally different priorities, a different agenda than bringing the country in the Schengen area.
That was in the Western press, I have not opened Pravda much, I opened it now I had a lot of fun- i give you a title: "Europe turns into sea of Sodom" - that's much what I say miself, much of sodomy but the truth is we are also sucking cock big time.
This were the press reviews, no time for updates, i have no idea what happened today 10 September...
5. Journey to the end of the night (title after Celine)
"A sunny place for shady people" (quote from a book whose title I forgot )
I have started a little frivolous topic about human ages in the context of the idea of rebirth before and then I decided to delete it because i am not informed enough to treat the subject seriously and so, instead of a sadistic subject, i decided to go to the last chapter , Journey to the end of the night, as you may see a title inspired by the famous book voyage au bout de la nuit, written by Celine, this title was revealed to me, I was shown somewhere in a railway station in this summer , then I thought to write a text called so, I prefer more of a topic now ,broadly the title and its "aura" are brought in here to stand above my testimony about what happened this summer, where where I traveled
from place to place in each resort (in fact the trip was little more spaghetti than that, these two points are only highs, the ends of travel, i did not just travel from one point to another).
I wrote something on here about restaurants and things like that, about the types and patterns of contemporary leisure, I criticized, ridiculed, all sorts of manners and habits and then the result was zero, however, i chose to lost some time again trying to paint for you European beaches and what is happening around them.
I have to say that after a couple of months in the Mediterranean i caught a kind of melancholy about the romanian coast, about resorts like Mamaia or Vama Veche, the last of these resorts far as I know had bars with chosen music, there is a superclub rock-metal , there excellent outdoor concerts,you could listen to punk bands, rock bands, on the beach and in various other clubs you could here blues, jazz music, etc., during this, the Côte d'Azur and the Italian Riviera there is nothing like thi, nothing for youth, everything is designed for people at least age two to say (40), all about luxury food restaurants (probably) fine, no pubs, no club approached by young, nothing loud, nothing sexy, nothing alive.
Well, journey at the end of the night can exist only due to the lack of quality music, for me personally a world without good music can mean or reminiscent of something so radical, so much as that title, but not i was not ialking only about this, it's also about the quality of people, locals and tourists singular oriented towards the idea of carousing, a kind of cosmic opacity , about thinness and a huge minimalist approach to life in all its aspects, on an asexual and frigid world, a world controlled, scared, terrified, trembling about some mentally reduced leading luxury car, something to be shot rather than described in words and then given to direct to Rob Zombie.
Well, the night's not over, it continued as I explained in my way in romania, continue here, I do not know where actually begins and where actually stops...
I did not get out as I wanted from this topic, I threw this topic in speed in less than an hour without even being drafted in mind before, but more or less all these texts are coming into the moment, under the influence of time, under the auroraof the moment inspiration , if you want the music and then we see more ...
6. Music
6 songs for today, buy the music you like, i will use youtube but only to open roads for you:
1. I ended last edition of fragments with Spanish music, we reknotting the thread now with
Nino- amor
2. A beautiful song, who enjoy the unique voice and contribution of Serge Tankian
Buckethead featuring Azam Ali & Serj Tankian - Coma
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kj0rVQoc0k3. Steven Wilson is known to be voice, guitarist and songwriter for the band Porcupine Tree, he has some solo projects as well, today we have one of this projects , the insurgents album, so
Steven wilson - Abandoner, album insurgentes
4. Who knows music knows that for example Tchaikovsky occasionally brought in music ir order the music to not become boring one small dance Arabic, Chinese, Russian, etc.
We have today a little song called arabesque, I think the Arabs themselves had been not doing this so good, so
Nightwith - Arabesque, (album Imaginarium)
5. Moving on to heavier music, I chose a song with a technicality, a special virtuosity again, we're back in the area with fabulous musicians , the progressive power metal (not the same!), You have
Sonata Arctica - Black Sheep, a song that has superhuman speed somewhere at minute 2 ...
6. extreme, the most extreme sounds, guess who is back, one of my favorite groups is back with a new album, seems that is less violent than before, however I found a song on my taste, the first minute of it is just my taste, I do not hear the rest but that minute infinite scroll from head to tail, metal beyond the maximum:
While listening to the first minute of this piece, it is recommended fixed gaze at the picture on the cover:
Fear Factory - New Messiah (album 2012, the industrialist)
Fragments of counterculture, 9
First of all, some clarifications before beginning the translation of this text, this text was conceived in a bad period, in a state of emergency, it has two entries designed on different days both under the sign of some hysteria, being radical, angry and out of control in parts of it.
In anticipation of better times, more conducive to open discussion ideas, I invite you to read this text, with good parts and the less good, I'll translate unchanged, untouched, what I wrote in Romanian, enjoy!
Thursday, September 27, i am starting writing of the 9th episode of fragments, a beginning that sounds a bit like the files of a journal, first of all i have to tell you I'm sick , on the way back from France to Italy, I was introduced again highly drugs content in cigarettes (probably) and so, since yesterday morning, i accuse extreme daytime sleepiness, have agonizing pain of headaches, some irritation in my throat and malaise. Besides, things are around me, wherever I go, as evidenced by the title of this text, I'll come back with explanations, besides that, I said something in the small text i put in here yesterday, then i erased, trust my prophetic view! This remains true.
I do not know what exactly is to blame for what happens to me this days, probably i have to blame the previous edition of the fragments where i said some bad things about my fellow Romanians (the Reds , rumen means red, anyway, that does not say much, depends on why someone is or is not red), I think their secret services really take me seriously and use their immense power and influence against me, which is always a bit stupid and infantile.
Yesterday , after returning from my Espanish-French tour i had a warm welcome here in Milan (the first part of this text was written there), I came here sick, physically and spiritually destroyed and i had a bad surprise, after a trip I tried to help everybody as much as i could, I was expected with mobsters staying at street corners trying to induce conflicts and eventual, violence, I left the city, this text would be done at Vienna.
There were weeks i suffered extreme mental attacks, Paris is where they are the most active , they were all sorts of dreams , nighmares, I woke up hitting with my hand very hard a metal object found near where I slept, from my point of view this is due to an foreign intrusion in my mind, I had very realistic dreams with my dead mother, I honestly do not know where they have photographic materials with my mother, what I said then is ugly to translate , it was a bit racist, I said that my mother was not Gypsy as their mothers...
The rasism is a bit wrong here but not entirely , in this case as well as in some other cases gypsies or any other etnic comunity is not to blame for what was happening to me, but is true that the Romanian services used them all the time, especially because belonging to that ethnic group , this is a traditional way, a modus operandi for them...
I'm sorry that I did not really feel like writing, I think what I say sounds pretty bad , the evil began in Barcelona, where, besides the fact that people there behaved like bastards, my phone was broken again suffering from some sort of Bermuda Triangle syndrome, it recovered after all, however, I did not recovered after the hard time i had there, I do not know who they think they are, how they can afford such misery and inhumanity, there is something on their side - It's true that I laughed a bit of them in a text here and unfortunately, it's also true that those who have their names or some component of their names including the "son" component have to stay away from that city because they are risking their lives otherwise. It camed Paris which no longer resembles what was once, the city is ugly, antiromantic, dirty and full of people of questionable quality.
1Okt 2012
Meanwhile, the things have precipitated even more (!), just got back to Milan after the tour in Barcelona and Paris and the Milanese side came out a little of the laws of nature and perhaps in an desesperate effort to absolve those before for the mess (for the Messi) they used the irrational method of pushing things to the limit, that is by creating things even more absurd and monstrous, they fell there in a kind of darkness, in a state of meanness, of nothingness equal only to itself. I left, i will not go back, the idea is that after I wrote this rather hysterical various issues with some racist overtones, I woke up with gypsies waiting for me at some corner, I chose not to fight them, they were 3 of them, I was assaulted a bit, i said these people lack three essential qualities any human would have to possess namely "honor, soul, and faith" (i used lyrics from a Romanan singer named Commander Hoisan ), I hope I will can always control myself, otherwise things can degenerate very bad.
As you may know I am mentally , psychologically and socially under continuous and limitless abuse, if they begin to also physically assault me, more than they did this time, i will choose to fight back, using any means I will have available. In red colour- this is also for myself - not to forget!
It's way too much!
I am currently in Wien, strange times to come, after I swore over the entire Europe for the events, i do not know where to open the door to get in, i said in my original paper i will probably follow a norther direction, is very difficult to do so, the winter is coming, I'm poorly dressed and have very inadequate means of survival for severe weather.
Special - those who have good eyes may have noticed the inscription Tanz der Vampire , Romanian-Arts disappeared from the title box of the movies section, well, the damage is done, i dont know what to say, certainly not all filmmakers fall under this description, though perhaps too often i find evidence that this is so, it does not matter now - we go forward, for the time being that box remains closed.
1. The time bomb - grazing camels Vs dogs to poop.
2. Comments, criticism, dialogue.
3. Escape from Europe - theories about the future of"hipercapitalism"
4. "Topic of ideas (3)
5. Music
1. The time bomb - grazing camels Vs dogs to poop.
This is a satirical topic (! - I do not want to see the F... police around me because someone is an retarded alienated imbecile and read here that I am a dangerous person who writes about bombs), it is a joke, a joke maybe a little over the edge, you must understand that I have not completely lost my common sense, but on this tour i had met on the road some exceptional circumstances , excesses of dirt, jerk and indifference that exceed the capabilities of any description, I decided not to overlook them but addressed them with humor, is all that can be done when the decline and putrefaction are becoming too excessive or too obvious ...
I think those of you who have read much history, literature, literature with historical accents could met cases of travellers, poets or various intelectual voices crying with sadness the disappearance of civilizations or societies , weeping at the tomb of the lost societies, following with melancholy their evolutionary curve, underlining the effects of time over any human enterprise, if so then perhaps you remember to have read something like this:
"Going through Palmyra or Persepolis you could stop for a second in order to hear the vibration of life this cities once had, to feel a bit of the brilliance these cities once had ... Nowadays, where flourishing neighborhoods once stood with life pulsating at its limits are only ruins , where noisy merchants put on sale goods made overseas now reigns peace and where ancient priests stood solemn hymns to the gods the camels graze"
Something like that, I have not struggled too hard to accurately recreate the feeling of this deep melancholy you have when you read some of the (big ones) people that come into contact with the ruins of civilizations , well, I extrapolate to today, you must read with humor not with melancholy because it is about yourself and to know to keep the proportions ...
"Going through ... various European areas...you could stop for a second to hear the vibration of life this cities once had, to feel a bit of the brilliance these cities once had ... Nowadays, where flourishing neighborhoods once stood with life pulsating at its limits are only ruins , where noisy merchants put on sale goods made overseas now reigns peace and where ancient priests stood solemn hymns to the gods the dogs poop (and nobody raise the mess)"
That would be the European version, we have no camels .
2. Comments, criticism, dialogue.
Note-this chronicle is based on the news releases dated October 1, 2012
Sorry I do not fit, i am eminently tired, exhausted, drained of energy and vitality, some of today's threads are really interesting, they would be worth a clearer and more brighter writing, anyway this one is not one of the threads of great interest, it is just the common criticism of what happened in the past few weeks since I wrote last time, real events, events existing sometimes (only) in the news, various issues and most of all news comments, news releases dated October 1, 2012 as i already said.
How do I start? I start with something I call "show no mercy", an expression that stands as name for many things such as a album for the metal band - Slayer , there was once a website called like this, a site where you could see the largest abomination on Earth (if we're at this chapter!), but instead of doing a history of this expression, we better use it s most obvious sense, namely that of a reckless, ruthless show, lacking the soul and the feelings towards those who watch this show, it is one of the fundamental characteristics of the current mass-media, unfortunately there is also something that fits for this expression in this text , I hope this is something isolated, in addition, as you know, I do it because the events or times are totally special, not for commercial purposes.
I look a little in the international press - where i see for example the two U.S. presidential candidates being on the last meters before the 3 TV debates, debates that could mean Mitt Romney last chance of catching Barack Obama, however, the history shows that (According to British newspaper The Guardian) very often, these TV debates were unimportant in the end, the last time they really mattered was apparently in 1960 when John F. Kennedy won against polls, after a debate with an R. Nixon (attention to the name) unshaved and abstracted.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to launch an autobiographical book titled Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story, we take his word for it, however something is certain, namely that his life is still full and exciting, as you know the movie The Expendables 2 was just released a movie having along with Arnold some other major action movie actors like Sylvester Stallone .
Otherwise, what you already know, the most of international investment are going to Asia, there is a conflict that is about to escalate between China and Japan on the issue (on the surface) of Senkaku islands, there is a space problem (according to russian newspaper Pravda ) in storing nuclear waste, bears attack people (in conformity with the Romanian press), people shoot bears (in conformity with the Romanian press too), , and a funny one, there is a gold version of the new iPhone 5 - definitely they ll find buyers!
Otherwise peace and harmony.
Last minute sensation!
A funny story in the Romanian press today, they say an American farmer was eaten by his pigs, this is unprecedented, gorgeous, wonderful, exactly !, that's is what happens to me, do you have maybe some extra grains?
3. Escape from Europe - theories about the future of "hypercapitalism"
(Or about the future in hypercapitalism)
The first part of the title of this topic is, despite the strong theoretical character of the topic, copied up to a point after some pretty famous movies including Escape from New York and Escape from LA, this while the second part of the title brings a concept rarely used in contemporary economy, the concept of hypercapitalism:
I never met this concept before this concept to spontaneously arises in my mind so i tried to study a little if exists and if the answer to the question is yes what means, etc.
I found we have something similar in the economic theory, namely the concept of Supercapitalism, there is an author named Robert B Reich who wrote a book with the following title: Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life, the basic idea of this book would be this one: capitalism of the 19th century turned into the 20th century global capitalism and then, in the internet era, it became Supercapitalism, well, the author argues - this comes in conflict with the democracy, and this mainly because the corporations are getting to deeply involved in politics . I do not say more because I do not criticize books in here, I was keep searching, there is something!
Eureka! (Where was she from?)
Here's the definition: Hypercapitalism = Extreme capitalism at the expense of traditional values (Wiktionary).
There are also some books including the term, here is one if you're curious: Jeremy Rifkin - The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, eventually I will not use any references from this books or any other for this topic. I must commend that I used the term correctly from the first time without having ever read anything about it, as for the part concerning the sacrificing of the traditional values I beleave they are slaughtered anyway with or without the reason of cumulating capital.
Now i think we have a starting point for our small discussion - once we go on the road with a relatively clear and well-defined concept. So, before fleeing in barrels and boats from Europe , let's look a little if we really have in European Union (the federal level) something called hypercapitalism.
The answer is i do not know and even more seriously i do not know how to find out, it must be said that I am not at ease with the idea that we live in a world that sacrifice value by value, forcing moral boundary after moral boundary in the ideea of accumulation of capital, I think that's something that seems more related with some kind of economic romantic view corresponding with the 19th century:
As for a counterexample - what is happening to me is the best one , what is happening in my case is completely opposite in spirit, there is someone who in a very foolish way spends huge amounts of money , while going beyond morality and good taste just to keep me in a state of frustration or prostration , well, this is a counterexample still lacking a great importance in the overall picture.
Let's go a bit back, it seems that by this point we were able to know what the hypercapitalism is, but we failed to find out if this one it is or is not present on the federal level of the Union we unfortunately share. What is obvious instead is that we live on a continent lacking any clue, any theoretical or practical horizon on what the left is, if you can remember I spent almost three years in Canada, coming back to Europe I could compare the two systems, I do not know how often you read this site, but those who read it often enough know that most times when i mention this name: Canada i make it derogatory, well , unfortunately this time it has to be the opposite, there are real social services there, they have outstanding programs (funded by government) for reinsertion on the labor market for the ones being on social support, excellent housing aids , perpetual financial aid for those who want it as well as other helpful ideas and programs ...
OK - you should not forget that I graduated in philosophy, I read a lot of economic theory - by the way , I have former colleagues who write for various publications, I saw for example part of them claiming based on abstract economic positions that the welfare state is bankrupt, failed, it is not working, it is a ghost of a bad economic theory´- i think this is very funny because such a thing as the welfare state was not present among us for long time now, there were some states that have tried something, Sweden as far as I know, as I said Canada has an excellent welfare state (there are tottaly different reasons for me to criticize so often Canada) but none from the European countries leading now the European Union (and then even less at Union level) to look similar in any way to the real welfare state. There are, I think, a lot of people, many fanatical defenders of modern capitalist state who are recklesly criticising something never really implemented at least in Europe.
I know, i know - you dont have to tell me about the argument of the immorality of the state while being redistributive and leftist, every point of this is liberal nonsense - criticizing the so-called government theft - while on the other hand, they and their allies fall sometimes much lower than that, namely the simple act of forcing people to share a part of their wealth.
Well, from this point the discussion leads over taboo areas, where the dialog stops and conflict beggins (unless the point where we split was way above)!
In red - what I say may seem very paradoxical, you have to remember that I am a man suffering because of the reckless actions of a European state politicians and intelligence services, that, in the minds of some, should immediately turn me into an anarchist or at least in a fervent critic of the state, in an extremist liberal, it is not the case, the amount of abuse on the individuals caused by the state does not increase with increasing of the state power, that's mythology - the image of this monster, evil by nature that has to be kept in chains as much as possible because if it gets stronger it does more and more harm , this is absolutely false, in fact, if I gave my example, I am the victim of a weak state, a weak president who used all kinds of parallel mechanisms to the rule of law to harm me.
Now let's go a bit from the softness of the theory to the harsh reality of the street, you can not see it maybe, I see it , there are a lot of European cities having an increasing number of homeless people, with social problems that are becoming increasingly obvious, with people coming from nowhere, taking a stop in front of the railway station, sitting on suitcase and looking to the future, waiting for something ... sounds like fucking Orwell that's the harsh reality. There are times of crisis, I think even if it was not a crisis they would not have done anything for this kind of "expecters" in life , so to finish, i dont beleave you have the eventual hypercapitalism to blame for this, but a kind of moral blindness, the cosmic callousness of the local authorities, politicians, the media , etc.
You guessed now what's with Escape from Europe?
The idea with those films, Escape from ... is there they had a society divided in two, with some rich people guarded by armed guards and with the rest leaving in misery in pestilent suburbs, well, in this film, everithing is due to the escalating of crime, a part of The New York is a jail , my theory is not about crime, but about social polarization caused by economic factors, about the coldness and the antagonism between the two main classes, about enmity between them, about building of a fence (now invisible) that separates the world into two . If this continues I will choose at some point to go, try to get out of here, at any prise. It is sad.
Conclusion, it is perhaps a bit radical , from my point of view, unfortunately the EU is start looking like a new camp, a new jail, a kind of Eastern bloc expanded westward.
4. Topic of ideas (3 interesting ideas)
I started several times to write something at this point, I deleted every time, you should be aware that due to unintentional drug use there is a biochemical imbalance in my brain, my "trains of ideas" are slow and uncertain, i continue to smoke and it kills me, there is more and more chemistry in my cigarettes, for example, now out of dizziness I have a throat irritation, i spit green, I think I was abducted by aliens, just kidding, just kidding!
I wrote and then I deleted, it was something about a so-called quarantine, a super SF idea, super SF by her character completely inapplicable to reality, it is something impossible to think outside of some theoretical dystopia (you can not put in quarantine cities because they are populated with abominable specimens , depersonalized individuals who are manipulated becoming vehicles for the evil), then we should have been as it was naturally a topic called "abomination" with examples and cases - I chose to overlook these things for now, it was a topic called future and pedophiliaand starting from the trivial observation that future noun name in English is as you know, "future", word that can be analytically decomposed in something sending to my name! Well i suffer in our times, and maybe this shows the attitude of theEuropean leaders about the future , then i had some "timeless" reflections about "security", I deleted every time, some things were too radical, others too insightful, so Ichose to come here with some ideas I will not develop to much, I invite you to reflect on them and to develop them after your power ...
1. The first idea is actually a question: is everything written before? If so, in what proportion?
This could sound a bit like some stupid and non-articulated philosophical way of putting questions, it may look like the discussion of illiterate people, who, between two platitudes about everyday life asks each other: hear baby, but you believe in destiny?
Well, my question here can be equated with that philosophical question , is not at all naive, a few lines above - when talking about the word: Septentrion - i cannot explain to you because you have to hear it in romanian to understand what i am talking about , it is a simple word that almost like all the other words are dating back hundreds of years- but seems to refer to something very particular happening now, I'm sorry, I can not explain...anyway that is just a detail , the things go much beyond that word in particular, if you have not noticed anything then be more careful!
2. Demons - Have you ever seen one? No, but I read Dostoyevski, the book with the same name. haha !
I saw somewhere, i do not say where , something extremely bizarre , there was a guy who came from time to time by the place I was attending myself, kind of well dressed individual, groomed, with money, having a good profession, really a top one, well in an afternoon i was sitting face to face with him - I thought he had something on that day, his face had a sort of exhaustion, a fatigue more pronounced than other times, I looked closely, at one point I saw something very shocking - for a second or two his eyes become reddish colored, they received for a second a very pronounced reddish shade , then blue came back as if nothing had happened. I have not seen something like this in any other place than in the american movies , there, in the movies - sometimes demons eyes get red color. Well, without this cultural note, I must say that I have passed by the incident without thinking too much about it . But so, I started to put questions to myself, was that an illusion, was that a strange effect of light, can this be explained through a biological standpoint, what kind of biological foundation has something like that, etc? Here's an example:
Do not be stupid!
Also, if you think I started writing horror stories here thinking that the first dose is free :) you are again totally wrong... otherwise i never seen any Arhangels although there are some places where it is said they are real (look at the map - for example there is a town in southern France called Les Arcs ...)and i never found Metatron or any divine glimpses (see Zoroastrianism).
3. Vegetarianism
I do not know what to write anymore so i I thought to let you know i was thinking to become a vegetarian but I can not afford that right now :) (it's funny, man rarely thinks in life to do something good and then just can not afford), so i ll leave for the future, unfortunately now i eat what i get - it's like jail!
I see myself in the future closer with something i would call a cross-cultural spirit, as you may know almost every culture or religion prohibits the eating of a meat type (less Christianity - that is pretty brutal about food, I think at least partially the excesses of the Western cuisine are linked unfortunately to the dominant religion in the West), I think it's better to give credence to all the religions together and stop eating carrions, stop supporting a criminal industry and stop having intoxicated bodies.
There is an interesting question - as we're on a topic of ideas - if I think God gets angry when we are decimating his creatures, why are they so tasty?
I must say I do not know the answer to this question,this is probably not by chance, I must say though that the fact that this meat is tasty does not necessarily involve the idea that these animals may have been designed for us to eat them, maybe everything is about temptation...
This being said, this edition, this time shorter, ends here, some music, less this time and see you in the future (very probably at the beggining of October).
5. Music, one of the few non-abominable things I know:
Ane Brun, Koop - Koop island
2. Dream Theater - Octavarium (2006 Live In Seoul), a very long piece, insist on the first 7.30 seconds - on the synth!
1,257,717 views when i was there!
3. Kalmah - Dance Of The Water
An old song, but always in the top of my preference list
Fragments of counterculture
10. The moebius strip
(to catch Flies)
Some concepts and introductory words:
The title of this post refers just apparently to the name of the German mathematician August Ferdinand Moebius (or Möbius), this name is closely linked in the collective cultural consciousness (and not only) with a major discovery made by him, namely the famous non-orientable strip...
Here's a picture with the strip:
How could i explane you the hidden meanings of this title?
The problem with the title is that in Romanian language this one is self revealing, all you have to do is to read it a bit wrong, to be a bit deaf (my readers are used with it), well, in English the things are very unclear, but i will try to clarify some things for you, in Romanian there is a single word for a strip (that for example the strip with glue used by the peasants to catch flies) and the word referring to the idea of band, gang, an organized group.Now the strip as you may understand is not a strip but an organized group, this time my followers.
Moebius - I can not tell you how this name is made and what the components mean because it would be indecent...The title of this post was chosen last night, this morning before I write something I found in a Romanian newspaper something about Moebius, it is very unlikely to be a random match between our way of thinking!
! I think it goes without saying that the purpose of choosing this title is purely humorous, the humor is based on an comic effect achieved by the erroneous reading of this name, in another context i have to maintain this should not have any effect on the memory or on the scientific legacy of the man who was actually August Ferdinand Moebius!.
I will not write here (I'm in Wien yet) all the text, the text will remain partially manifest after writing it (ie on the first page of the blog) while the other points will be added later ...The first point, point which obviously cannot suffer any delay, is the account (and contains a number of clarifications and refinements) for what happened in the past few days in the train from Budapest to Vienna in Gyors train station and in the police station from the same city.
The rest will come later ...
1. Chapter title: Caught in the middle ...
2. Quotes i like
3. Comments, criticisms and reactions.
4. "Metals"
5. A post-scientifical view...
6. Instead of concusions
7. Music
1. Chapter title: Caught in the middle ...
The things are like this:
The secret services that are staying around me hidden behind fences became pretty violent lately, putting all kinds of cheap gorillas on me. Ok?
I chose to get armed with a gas spray so as to react if something happens again, I had to go to Romania for the spray because there it is cheaper and I can afford it - well, I was arrested by the police in Hungaria before to get back where I started my voyage (Wien), especially in order to seize this weapon, besides that , I was abusively arrested for 12 hours, subject of gratuitous violence, after that, they let me go...
So, as you may see, I found myself increasingly caught in the middle, squeezed between two pressure groups, as you know from past numbers of the Fragments of Counterculture first we had gangs or groups of individuals trying to provoke violence and acting orchestrated on the one hand and on the other hand we have the police forces acting as well , i would say not exactly orchestrated but acting on orders from outside, I am so in the middle, unable to defend myself, victim of increasingly violent acts, i decided to do something eventually, I do not know, I ll think about ...
This particular aspect is so important to me that I chose this detail as title for the entire chapter, this chapter will "talk" about my new arrest spent in Gyor, this detail is important because it is a detail of the blind despair, of the feeling of being trapped in a cage between two fundamental evils, between two fallen monsters, again - between various hairless gorilla (!) -yes, hairless, they are violent, aggressive, physical individuals- but still easy victims when they are becoming physically or numerically overwhelmed , people without honor - very easy to manipulate, on the other hand the police forces - sure, the text that follows is about a fallen police section and about a fallen individual, a demon, but I think i can generalize somehow because, too often, police are manipulated, and becomes the vehicle for my Moebius band...
Let's get to narrating facts:
With Lines:
Episode 1. The context.
- It was Saturday October 20, I was caming back after a few hours' visit in Romania towards Vienna, I had with my 10 euros (for the entire travel), I spent (incredible) five and I kept 5 to pass through the cursed customs between Romania and Hungaria ( Lokoshaza - Curtici), so on the way black I bought a train ticket between Romania and the Hungarian city Bekescsaba especially to avoid any contact with the Hungarian police, everything was ok, I got hardly in Budapest in the evening, i had no more money with me, then I boarded the last train of the day for Wien ...
- The train Kalman Imre, is leaving from Budapest every night at 21: 10 minutes and reach Wiener at 23.54.
- All ok, i get in, I sat quietly in the train, about 10 minutes before the train to stop at its first stop, in Gyor, the conductors were coming very, very slowly in my direction,
- I was somewhere in the middle of the train between two train carriages, at the limit between the normal wagons and the sleeping cars- my bag was left back in a compartment.
- Standing there I noticed something odd, namely that the two conductors were wearing some weird sunglasses on their heads, i highlighted this aspect because one of the two conductors will become very important in the minutes to come, I looked at them and their physical appearance seemed strange and sickly a bit for me, there was something very contradictory in their clothes, dressed in those blue communist costumes (all like before 1989) and with sunglasses on head (something with the sons) ...
- I was asked the ticket, I said I do not have , I was told to get off at Gyor, until here everything OK.
- Meanwhile, I noticed that the blonde conductor lady with sunglasses (that was a night train) has placed herself in a position that was obstructing my passage to the inside of the car, so as I could not go to take my luggage before descent.
- I tried to initiate a discussion, it is and it was impossible to discuss anything, in Hungary the things are completely different than anything you could imagine , nobody speaks any foreign language, not English, not French, not German, not Italian, not Spanish, everybody is Hungarian and basta (as the Italians would say)!
NOTE: A bracket, this was not the first time I traveled through that area, I have seen cases with people who spoke perfectly English, i have seen cases of train staff there who were speaking not only English but, incredible, even Romanian, I think the fact that everyone involved in this case refused to speak any language is not a random one and it is itself rather orchestrated ...
- I think I became a little angry because there were just few minutes left before me getting off, so i verbally engaged the big lady of the train, i did not touch her in any way, well, despite my efforts the blonde bombshell was still standing in arched position near the door through which i could enter into corridor to have access to compartments.
- Then, the guy showed up, the pair of the blonde lady, a guy my size, bald, phlegmatic and having something balkanik on his face (i mean he was absolutely not serious), i started a conversation with him, another deaf conversation, he had nothing like speaking any foreign language, anyway, I got a bit angry and I raised a bit my voice to them.
Episode 2. The Sodomite.
- Now, after the verbal interaction between us, the conductor disappeared for a few minutes, when he camed back he was accompanied by a guy I've nicknamed as the Sodomite, a guy I will not forget and i will not forgive for a long time ...
- A man for whom I thought to come up with a sketch, a portraiture, this is very hard to do because he was the very common type, about 1.88 at 30 years, a beard (goatee) in triangular shape on top on his mouth, having something alien on his face from my point of view...
- He was dressed in jeans and jacket, he shooked for a second a badge like this
that said he is Rendorseg (a rene) , the Hungarian Police and he asked for my ID .
- I gave him my ID without much conviction .
- He took the phone and made some numbers, ignoring me completely for a few minutes
- I was a bit annoyed and then I told him to return my ID card because his is not the real police or he is the police exactly how you're an financial advisor when you go with your children to kindergarten (lets say if you really are a financial advisor ).
- The truth is I touched him with my hands, here I was wrong, I have not been violent against him in any way, but I touched his clothes and i said to him in English that he is a fagot dressed in civilian and he cannot keep my ID any longer.
Episode 3. "The fight"
- Now, the sodomite did nothing for a while, he did not mind me, then, all of the sudden he begun having small and very gay erection and jump with his hand at my throat, then immediately dropped it because probably he realised he is still a cop and so he started acting to restrain me, pulling me and trying to turn me against the wall with some strange methods the police ussualy apply when they are arresting individuals, anyway for the moment he failed but continued to push me into the corner.
- What i was thinking was about how ridiculous is what he is doing, I pulled the hand back when the Sodomites tried to bend it, but I did not become violent because that, in this case would include violence against a policeman!
- Now, to have an inside view, if I'll punch one of you, or vice versa, it does not matter , perhaps i risk something like one, two years (if you need hospitalization) of prison without execution, considering that I have no record at all and no record of violence, etc.. Well, as you see, in this case the things are a little different, we speak about violence against a cop ( in almost all criminal codes and corners of the world) and that leads straight to prison, where they will be sure to put you exactly where it is worse for having the guts to face a Sodomite of theirs. So as i refuse to fight back, remember i had a Nato Gas Spray with me, i did not use it, i simply let him push me in to the corner of the coach.
- Surprise ! In the meantime the conductor appeared from nowhere, and the things instead to became calmer became more agitated, he jumped on me too, pushing me towards the same corner.
For a second I turn my face and i watched them, they both put their fingers on their mouthes making me the sign for Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhht. Remember all this happens in an international train full of "good people" (rather ghosts), the two are pushing me to the wall with all their forces without any right, i am immobilized in the corner ...
- The train stops at Gyor
Episode 4. The madness
- Shhhht it is not me!
- I begin to scream with all my power: Call the Police! Call the Police! I shouted for about 15-20 times as load as I could!
- People gathered there like for the madhouse, but nobody did anything, there were dozens of people who attended this super weird -show with me restrained near the bathroom of the coach by a strange man dressed in civilian clothes and a train conductor!
(One guy took pictures, then, immediately after, somebody from the train's staff warned him not to take pictures! This was the beginning of some Stalinist stench! )
- And finally the cops were coming!
- When police showed up at the train door, I was turned facing the far corner of the coach with my hands restrained behind my back. Well, my first reaction was joy, I thought that madness will stop right there, but, all of the sudden I felt my hands handcuffed very, very violently.
- I got off the train being pushed in a very brutal way , i was moved next to a pillar, with my face towards the pillar, there were behind me one or two individuals (Police agents) pushing me with great force towards the pillar so as my chest and my face were glued very tight with the pillar , meanwhile, many, many agents have appeared on the spot, womens - talking incessantly to their mobile phones.
- Well, about what? I dont know, i speak no sense of Hungarian, but normally in that situation they verify the data about you looking for any irregularities related to your documents, if you are under the pursuit of the law, things like that. I do not think that was the case in my case, I think that were waiting for instructions for some """unknown""" foreign secret services what to do with me!
- It took about half an hour for the circus to stop, the train has not left the station because for all this time the conductors were giving hot statements for the police, the people around was watching like a horror movie without anyone to interfere in any way or to ask any questions, I was myself not asked anything, i was still sitting against the pillar with my hands strongly scratched by that handcuffs being satanicly tight on my hands ...
- The Sodomite? Well, he was not watching the show, he was writing something in a notebook, at the end the conductor has finally finished his statements, i was watching his face asking myself why in the world anybody would do something like that , I noticed he had an air of contentment, he was in ecstasy, that was his big night - with so many people jumping to help him , showing him how important he was, he was having the face of an Oscar Winning Hollywood superstar ! Poor being!
Episode 5. The Arrest.
- Finally the Kalman Imre international Rapid train leaves for Vienna, i am not inside, to my despair i am under arrest, i am still handcuffed and we go via an underground passage towards the police cars parked in front of the station of Gyor. I am accompanied by two very aggressive police officers , actually they are the two that kept me before facing that pole, pushing me from my backside.
- We get to the station, my clothes are taken, i am checked and checked again, one of them found the Nato spray and refrains very difficult to punch me, at the and everything is ok, i sign for my things taken from me, i received part of my clothing articles back and i am caged in a box having obviously no windows...
- Meanwhile, they do some other operations, nothing special, new statements for objects, i sign all kinds of sheets without having any translation for them (!!!), nobody is asking me anything and AGAIN no one speaks no foreign language in their cursed Bangladesh...
- Horrible night, no sleep, i drink water from a well and that's the only funny thing , i pee every hour, caused by drugs not from any other cause, that was in cigarettes and it has nothing to do with them, in order to urinate i have to leave for one minute that damn room, the bath room is on the side of the room they were staying in and it has a window so as, for one minute, I could see the moon and could take a breath of fresh air!
Episode 6. A Hope.
- Morning the door opened several times, I am asked by a guy having in front of him some sliced bread and a round, tiny, box with jam if I want to eat anything, i do not accept to eat, i think to refuse all food and I have many suicidal thoughts, etc.
- At 7´a clock a translator finally appears , a good one, he was polite, talkative, reliable, he is telling me for my eternal Shock that the conductor will show up at 11 a clock in order to make a complaint about me "pushing him" which, under the Criminal Code of Hungary, is forbidden and therefore my arrest is to be extended for another 4 hours , after that I will have an interview with someone, following as the head of Unit will decide my fate... those were exactly the words of the translator.
I must say that his presence was beneficial for me and for my morale, if i am looking back I must admit that they had some good cops too, i dont know if they were playing good cop- bad cop, anyway not all of them were stupid animals.
Episode 7. The release and the Kafkian interview
- The 4 hours left in an absolutely horrible way, I was really scared, I was really scared because of there lies , i was afraid they will do all three a common front against me testifying for i dont know what monstruosity invented by my shadow followers...
- I make 1000 thoughts, i was even hidden a small coin in my mouth in order to sharpen its edge later to cut my veins if i would be sentenced on the spot to jail while being not only innocent but also the victim...
- dozen messages come to my head , in a MENTAL way , some positive encouragement, family, etc
- Finally they open the door, the translator comes telling me that I will be released soon.
It is following an interview where i stand face to face with a lady resembling my former university college Paula (see name), "Paula" sais something i cannot believe my ears: she is not interested in any way by our fight or our violent episodes, but she wanted to know all about traveling without ticket in the trains, well, for an entire hour i gave her a briefing on the subject like in a silly movie and i finally go out of there!
Episode 8. Observations and teachings
- First, I should probably get out of the train without my things if the blond was cutting my way ,the thing is I really have some useful things in there that's why I wear it, i dont know!
- Then, it is obvious that touching a cop even in a non-violent way, pulling him by the collar is not exactly recommended, especially if this happens where nobody sees, or nobody can intervene, where they may freely reveal their "raped in childhood" side, -of course this happened also because of that dark status of the civilian dressed cop, working in twilight, being in and under the law, that aspect get me out of my minds.
- Clearly, I was the one aggressed and it's also clear that I was not abused by a miserable simply man because, probably if it would be so, eventually I had jumped to fight him back, I was assaulted by his badge , that badge you can not do anything against it, even if the man wearing it is tottaly or partially out of his job...
- The behavior of people there disappointed me so terribly, basically i made the huge noise there when I was restrained at the corner of that train coach, because I did hope that someone, a human mind could intervene, a fresh human intellingence will do something about that, well, the people are absolutely ghosts making me sick sometimes, I would have intervened in there place for any of them, non-violent, asking what is the fault of the person assaulted, who are they and what kind of law susteins their behaviour etc..
I do not know, maybe a girl, even some dirty Cops cannot be so fallen to assault a peaceful woman who is interested in what happens there. Calm, peaceful, without aggression or defiance for the authority , you should go up there and see who are those guys, and what are they doing and if you notice that something is wrong you can ask help from some other people in the area. Well, it is not in today's human nature to get involved, then you may become a witness in a trial, you get complications in vain ...
This is a part of the damnation which will come !
Nobody knows, nobody sees, nobody wants to be involved, no one notice anything, this nobody it is not an absolute one, I already said that there was a young man who took pictures, maybe a movie camera would be better for this kind of situations, it would be interesting to see the movie, something so incredible!
- There can be no any European Union now or in the future with national institutions hiring people who do not speak or refuse to speak any foreign language, with individuals wherewith the communication is impossible, such things are likely to degenerate into conflict all the time, to create dangerous rifts in the communication between individuals and groups!
Episode 9. Causes and conclusions
Yesterday I speculated that it might be Aladin of Romania (see movie The Dictator) behind the "attack" (one hour ago i was almost hit by a car in Wien), but here is a situation in which no particular person can move a mechanism like that, without having many, many tentacles and hidden networks, i have many other enemies besides Sri and Traian Basescu , what happened may have links to certain groups and agents in Deva (my home town), I wrote bad things about them and then I visit the place again , other secret services, as you may know, i very harshly criticized here various Italian, French, Spanish forces, i do not know, anyway I can talk about national and transnational agents and agencies who may be behind these pressures and attacks against me.
Episode 10. "It was ok in the end"
Perhaps some of you, especially those who are not in good faith may wonder why all this textual fuss if ultimately nothing happened, as you see, it follows from the text above that somehow I was almost violented, almost beaten, someone was about to hit me, the scandal was about to degenerate, etc (well I was physically assaulted than good).
Well, it's true, but it's also true that I came out of this in good conditions because I was perfect. Perfect means I did not made even the slightest mistake, I must say that it could have happened, the moment for this arrestation was not chosen bad by them, I came after few very heavy weeks , i had lately some very rough life, difficult times, i was coming after an absolutely horrible voyage to Romania during which I slept very little, I was tired, stressed, etc, well, in this conditions there is a high possibility to make mistakes, any mistakes, to become violent, to further engage them verbally in the police station, etc..
If I would make a mistake, the slightest mistake, I'd probably have ended up covered in blood, hospitalized and eventually locked in jail.
Now you understand?
Only my very high concentration , only my deep instincts made me go out from there in good conditions, but that was a dance on the wire ...
2. Quotes I like
As you may know I'm one of the very few people refusing to overuse quotations from books or other sources in my texts, here is a small exception including some texts I like (as you'll see i'm reading fiction this days): Before starting, I must mention it probably goes without saying that all the authors and the books mentioned here have nothing in common with the slightly trivial character of the packaging in which this text was placed.
1. " As we enter these huge temples we become young again, like children visiting the home of a new schoolfiend, a house that at first seemed forbidding"
J.G. Ballard - Kingdom Come (speaking about supermarkets)
2. Here's a discussion between a washing machines salesman and a potential client (they had known each other):
" It s free! An almost maniacal grin distorted Christie'ts face. Free!
- You mean...?
- Gratis. Not a penny, not a euro, zilch. Chriestie patted me chearfully on my shoulder. Free. An inconceivable concept. Look at you! It'ts outside your entire experience. You can't cope with it.
- I can cope!
- I doubt it. Confidentially, Chriestie lowered his voice. I come every saturday, sooner or later someone asks: "How Much?"
- Free, I say.
They'tre stunned, they react as if i'm trying to steal from them. That's capitalism for you. Nothing can be free. The ideea makes them sick, they want to call the police, leaving messager for their accountants. They feel unworthy, convinced they've sinned !
J.G. Ballard - Kingdom Come
3. Carrying the fire...
-We’re going to be ok, aren’t we Papa.
- Yes we are.
- And nothing is going to happen to us.
- That’s right.
- Because we’re carrying the fire.
- Yes, because we’re carrying the fire.
From The Road, Cormac McCathy
4. Something about television, being maybe a little too American in style, but still universally applicable.
It's an amazing thing really, but when you think about it, we learn life's most important lessons from TV. The vast majority of our knowledge about interogations, Miranda rights, self- incriminations, cross- examinations, witness lists, the jury sistem, we learn from NYPD Blue and Law & Order and the like. If I tossed you a gun right now and asked you to fire it, you' d do what you saw on TV. If i told you to look out for a "tail", you'd know what i'm talking about because you'd seen it done on Mannix or Magnum PI.
From Harlan Coben, Tell no one.
3. Comments, criticisms and reactions.
a) America has lost the elections!
As you probably already know, the U.S. president Barack Obama just won a second term. I honestly did not know how to express my feelings about the events until I found somewhere in the Romanian press this magic formula, quite a clear and enlightening one...
As you have seen, i have been quiet these days, especially after me being scared by the Hungarian barbarism and brutality, on the other hand I did not want to interfere in any way in what happened there, what happened there was a ghostly show, ... no signs of life.
b) You know what I feel these days?
I feel like moving in a slow world, evolving into a sort of slow-motion infinite spiral, i feel i leave in some kind of reptilian paradise, slow blooded, that's it, the reptiles are almost everywhere leading the game and they are leading with one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake and what we see and smell this days is no more than smoke...
c) Try to find some news worthy for comments - i saw an American actor saying yesterday, probably trying to take advantage of the general deafness created with the elections , that the Hollywood is filled with CIA agents - is filled with all kinds of agents I would say , google celebrates today the great mocker Bram Stoker, i read in the Romanian press that in Romania you can become a senator for money - well, that.s just a initial investment , in time your investment is amortized and you can start making some real money?
Other? Russia (Pravda) say that the world is heading towards World War 3- what I can say is that the world peace is not desirable if it is accompanied by billions of tiny individual wars like the ones we see everywhere this days, New York- after hurricane Sandy left they have there an early winter - well, painful psychological truth behind the events is that in times of crisis people choose the status quo,
d) What's to say more?
Some clarifications and annotations to what I wrote up here.
a) First, to get back to little episode that I would like to forget , I mean the one in the top of this text, I do not know if I said that, in all the time I had contact with him, the guy that i would later call the Sodomite has not pronounce any word in any language... kind of the perfect mute. Later it was like an execution without warning, I think that the "code" that regulates the behavior of these gibbons stipulates that they must at least minimal manifest verbally before moving to physical heroism ...
b) As you can see, there is something apparently contradictory in my writing lately, I refused to intervene for what I consider to be the least evil, I:m talking obviously about the U.S. elections, instead citing various issues, I poured this blog with a socialist content, may seem to some a clear sign of support for one party but it is no question about it ...
c) I made a comment to a statement made by the actor Ben Affleck saying that Hollywood is full of CIA agents- I must say that i am not sure if he was joking, or whether he really mean it , maybe he was referring only to the film ARCO...
d) Hell! while I am complaining about the slowness and the cold bloodded character of what is happening around, this text itself develops in a almost rotting rhythm , what can i say? Slowly we rot, slowly we rot ...
e) A few days ago, i read the press, I revolve around news, as i do it almost every day, i was annoyed, i was confused, distracted, amused and suddenly i found in a story, something about Francois Hollande (maybe), this strange expression "freedom of expression". I must say that somehow, this expression hit me in the back of my head, I was stunned that somebody really dares to say this words today!
4. Metals, "Bribery" for you...
The title of this topic is obviously a parody that refers to the idea of coins for the poor, it is equally about the size (being tall), height, illusion, etc.
a) A metal for you, which one is the most "poetic" name of a State capital on Earth?
Well speaking about poetry- it depends! Anyway, you should make a try!
Um... not really!
Um... not quite!
You're Close now! :)
Try Bhutan! Thimpu! Thimpu means TIME! (written in romanian as timp, articulated Timpu sau Timpul)
If you liked it then I guarantee you that somewhere on the map (i will not say where) there are two neighboring villages which are called something like "Your mother drinks (the first one), and the second : "Your father even worse!" (in Romanian, but they are not in Romania)
( b) A Metal that was dropped to me .
Where were the founders of Christianity?
In several places, but some of the most important theses included in this doctrine were established in the year 325 in the council of Nicaea.
You just have to notice that the name of the town appears to be closely related to the idea of not seeing, Not see, See not, Son ...
c) Barbone! Barbone!
I swear I searched in my pockets, no, not for coins to give you, but anyway after some papers where I keep notes and ideas .I said it before , this is an internet CARITAS helping the passers with ideas! That-s why i was calling you : Barbone, that.s the Italian name for a homeless! If you are coming to me!
As you can see, as a complete collateral observation, in Italian, unlike other languages, the term which stands for homeless people does not have a negative connotation, but rather brings with it an amuzing view !
d) Icarus and Daedalus
I was thinking yesterday about this legendm of Icarus, son of Daedalus - a combination of words which can be translated as "I am my dad's son" and i was thinking of it because I find myself in a sort of maze (and i am myself a son of my Dad somehow), i have the Minotaur there too, obviously i was wondering where is the way out, the exit, maybe the solution is not the flight - maybe the solution is not the "hair loss" :) , i will think more!
(it is a wordplay - a zbura - to fly, a z bara - to loose your hair)
5. A post-scientifical view...
I noticed that this text has gained during its development a frivolous touch, some profan character, well, i will try to change the tone a little, some two weeks ago i was staying exactly where i am in this moment, ,here it is just a library, it was about at the time when i have written here about that individual that seemed to me to be a"demon" and not long after, I woke up with a group of people around - it was a girl saying something in English about "scientific writing" .
Well it was intentionaly, she was sent, pushed to say what she said, no big deal, it happens very often, people pass by me and addressed all sorts of words but looking elsewhere, etc. - only the content of what they are saying it's telling me they speak with me or about various events related to my person , however, in this case I asked myself what kind of writing I do here?
The answer, in my inner forum, was this one : a post - scientific type of writing (when touching certain philosophical themes to tell). Sounds a bit arrogant, I do not have airs of being omniscience, in fact I can say that these days i am quite " unclear" with a lot of stuff ... On the other hand, I looked to see if there is any term in the scientific or philosophical vocabulary similar to this one, there is something called: Post-normal science, but that one does not have the meaning I gave myself to this phrase, i am not trying to make here a Kuhniana scientific revolution, i am not trying in any way to belittle or devalue the work of all people working the field of science,i am merely trying to explain somehow my position in relation to at least some parts of what is called today science.
As another approach on things, I have to tell you something, when I was younger, i was dreaming to become an astronomer, no, not dreaming in the way that children are dream of becoming all sorts of nonsense, but rather serious. Well, at the end I could not because I did not have the necessary math training in order to approach something like that, at some point I chose to study biology and that is because I was obsessed of the accuracy and the realism of this neighbor field of study , the science, i had to quite in my first year of study , in the faculty of biology in Bucharest atr least, we had a tremendous quantity of information to learn weekly, sometimes very much to study from one course to another, it bothered me eventually i ve chosne to stay only with the philosophy. There the things were quiet, there was not too much to read, a faculty giving more freedom for its students, at least at that time, the idea was back then that i had enough time to read whatever I wished...Here it is, i am finally saying something good about Alma Mater - which with, some years ago I got in some kind of very trivial conflict, anyway with the Greeks you can never know(:)). The fundamental idea you have to to remember so as i choose to emphasize again is that the whole time I studied filosophy, i looked very "up" to our "rich relatives" from the field of science...
In one of the last days, i was travelling by train, I casually looked in the laptop of a guy(it was a train going from Milano to Verona - in Northern Italy) who was writing something , surprise, he was writing about concepts and ideas belonging to the field of astronomy, my heart jumped a little and I start reading what he writes there, it was something about black holes, singularities, etc..
Me, I'm have just written something here on the blog and that's how I woke up in this old state of competition, me vs. the science ... I kept reading, they were things about the infinite density or the infinite curvature of the matter in case of the gravitational spacetime singularities , I came to laugh a little, i think it is obvious the infinite density and the infinite curvature of something are things beyond reason , behold, I must say, I realized that, with age I started to see the things a little differently, namely to feel that, sometimes what I say is far more realistic and more applied than what is happening sometimes in science. Sure, it's only one case,it is only a science, the abstract theoretical physics becomes impossible to understand at some point, as you know there are entire sub-domains, such as mechanics, optics etc remaining extremely precise and "visible" in practice ...
6. Instead of conclusions
Usually these texts have no conclusions, they open with an intro, continue with some content and end without any conclusions, sometimes this "high school" pattern of development of my scripture pisses me off too, everytime I write I say to myself : until next time ill give up writing like this, anyway, when i come back I try to focus exclusively on the content, I wrote here about strange things , you have to admit at least that...
On the other hand, when things like the one recounted here in the first section of this text are happening to you when you return back here you are writing with some kind of nausea, even with a little fear, it is nothing to gain - it is everything to lose, this is actually the truth that lies beneath all this activity, I thought to disappear for a year, i do not know yet, maybe I will write only for the arts section, by the end of the year I'll let you know if i will let them win and i will let the dust to settle over everything or i will keep going, going against everything!
7. Music
Before we go any further, two things to say: first of all, again, buy the music you like , support the artists you love, so as they may come back to amaze you all the time with their new products, second thing is all the music, artists, people involved in what comes next are are not related in any way with any meaning or connotation with any part or content of this text or its title...
1. As usual we are starting with soft music, not really soft this time, anyway, the first song I chose is
- Serj Tankian - Butterfly (album Harakiri 2012), with some parts of the track (0.38 - that voice ...) reminding of the Golden SOAD era,
2. We have a band I just found out about their existence, coming up with a delightful music!
Galahad - I Could Be God, great song but having maybe a small flow, it is a bit too long, try at least the first 5 minutes...
3. A group that for many years has been my favorite metal band, so ladies and gentlemen if i'm your dj the music would be always Lacrimosa! This time from the last album named Revolution, the song nr 6
Feuerzug (Part II) 10:22 p.m. - 27:01
Here is the link, enjoy!
Because the link is to the whole album, I think you understand, the song is between minutes 10:22 p.m. - 27:01
Tilo Wolf, "still carrying the fire in music!
4. As usual, we are concluding with some very brutal music, this time it is CIA s favourite band (:)), Cradle of Filth of course, this time with an extract from the last album, The Manticore and Other Horrors, a song called For Your Vulgar Delectation,
here is the link:
So enjoy it vulgarily!
See you at the end of this month!!
Counterculture 11
This text has a moderately cryptic character. If we are going to consider this feature together with the questionable quality of my English, then, I'm afraid you may not understand very well this text. Anyway, Enjoy!
So, i am back for the penultimate edition of the 2011 Fragments of Counterculture, an edition which I will try to write very quickly, i am as usual under pressure, stressed, stucked, this is due to a wrong move in space (outside of my usual problems with the "services"), i decided to go to "home" before Christmas (as you may know - the Christmass is a special holiday for me, my name can be translated in English as Christmass (without any changes and transformations)), the path leads again through Vienna and then again through Hungary and so on (so "who put the pub on the way? " and then the place where I had suffered so much for no reason)...
The title, undoubtedly a shocking title, I fluctuated recently between a series of generating concepts for this text, my first choise for this text was Necropolis (somehow fitted for the locations where I hang out most of my time), then G (sending to the idea of G-force, something about "la force gravitatIonnelle" (in french) (If you would divide the word "gravitationnelle" into syllables then the parts of this word could tell you a strange story about a guy named ionel (John) descending among mortals, making a woman pregnant , he is the father and he is called Ionel (eg my father was called Ioan (John), colloquial - Ionel, I wear the same name myself)), then i thought to the title : Who's your daddy? - this would have been a funny title, maybe fruitful theoretically speaking, i dropped it because it was ultimately trivial, The Children of Men - which I eventually dropped as well and finally i thought at this word, Heliopolis which turn to be at the end my last minute choise for this text.
It has its faults, it is a bit too "Illuminati" for my taste, however, a contribution of sunlight was necessary for me these days - be it abstract, if otherwise I cannot have it ...
Heliopolis - the disambiguation page from Wikipedia tells us that this word is designating many things including the well known ancient Egyptian city, then a suburb of Today's Cairo , we have as well a Brazilian city with this name , a neighborhood of Sao Paulo, as well as many other things - if you are going to be strangely interested in this subject then you can study yourself the many, many uses given to the word over time.
A weird thing- I'm sure people so smart as you have already been hit very hard by the thing i am going to emphasize for you :), as you may already know Heliopolis is a word that can be translated into english with the expression: City of the Sun.
Now, this is obviously a Greek term , a trivial study of a comparativ timeline for this two important civilizations ( using the comical version of history that we learn in school) shows Egypt (and Heliopolis ) being there before the Greek and Hellenistic civilization to be born, the conclusion is this one: it is very likely that the ancient Greeks used this word to name a pre-existing city.
Something strange! The sun , your favorite star is largely composed of hydrogen and helium in plasma state, here's a quote from wikipedia (containing some weird grammatical errors):
"Helium is named for the Greek God of the Sun, Helios. It was first detected as an unknown yellow spectral line signature in sunlight during a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen"
As you see, the scientists suddenly got lucky and they had two major discoveries in one single shot, first of all they discovered this chemical element - Helium, and then - another major breakthrough that is the chemical composition of the solar plasma.
If what you believe is: Good for them! i have to agree with you.
Here is another quote:
"Hydrogen 91.2 71.0, Helium 8.7 27.1, Oxygen 0.078 0.97, Carbon 0.043 0.40, Nitrogen 0.0088 0.096, Silicon 0.0045 0.099, Magnesium 0.0038 0.076 ,Neon 0.0035 0.058, Iron 0.0030 0.14, Sulfur 0.0015 0.040 ,
What is this?
This is a list of the chemical elements that are usually present :) on your favorite star called the Sun.
Now comes the question, the mortal questions (!), why the ancients seemed to know that there is helium in the sun.
Or maybe they did not know and it's all random ... And there exist another odd explanation as well, namely that the scientists who have discovered the Helium immediately started a large-scale cross - cultural compared investigation in order to coherent everything, things, names, scientific concepts with cultural realities, to bring them all eventually to an absolutely perfect MATCH. Too perfect!
Now, from my point of view, it is unlikely that the last two explanations are correct in any historical way, maybe I missed something here and you can found some other option (to save the day for scientists) than the one that seems plausible to me, a strong anti-Darwinist position showing that what we call "the ancients" possessed extremely advanced knowledge about the universe, so as we probably meet here for discussions just because, probably, they did choose to disregard their own descending breed , their own bloodlines or at least most of them, via keeping secret all this information. From this point on, we are a bit in a scenario similar up to a point with the Idiocracy movie...
I - Are you following me?
You - You can not escape us! (a grin)
I - Right.
Only a minute! one can tell, if it is as you say than where is the Hydrogen in all this semantic equation ? I do not know, but if you allow me some bad (scientific ) humour I would say that the Hydrogen have been themselves ( it is almost impossible to translate everything, i am using again the method of separation of words into pieces, in syllables, the word-splitting , hid (hyd) means bad, ro sends to the Ro (as Rome, Romans, etc), gen can be translated by type, variety, see as well the the word Retro) so what follows are some hideous guys speaking some roman version of language...I'm not sure about that, I said it is just humor1
Heliopolis, let's jump in a completely different semantic area, I obviously cannot pass over the potential analytic reading of this expression as Hell I Police (io means I)- incidentally this is very close to the truth and I must say that despite all the efforts made by Moebius 'Stripe' they were the only occasions when I saw Hell ... maybe i could make them see some Hell with their own eyes at the end , returning a bit to the last text which I wrote here, it must be said that my previous text and its miserable anti- hero have created some hysteria around, the dumb guy i which we called the Sodomite have lit the imagination of the readers around so I woke up with clones of him (individuals with similar physical traits with him, aa you wanna ask who brought them to me? Take a guess!) around, I think he has fans, he is inspiring, it is absolutely crazy.
I saw that some people read all sorts of weird things in there - there was nothing hidden or cryptic in that text, things happened exactly as I described it, otherwise, I'm still shocked and trumatized after being arrested in a manner that normally would led to the arrest and and imprisonment of some top member of some Mexican cartel involved in the international traffic of narcotics, weapons and other particularly dangerous things. I a blogger, not fucking Pablo Escobar, now you tell that to the Hungarian Police! Sometimes I feel that people around have lost something important namely any sense of proportion!
Well, this is the Police sometimes, unfortunately this is the continent where we are , the truth is i have the "disadvantage" of an imposing height and physical stature and so, maybe some bastards are encouraged to become animals because of that ( bastard? a really bad word , any bloody dictionary you might consult will tell you bastard means this: "illegitimate child", well it means way farther than that, it means having no father, no hair, no dick, being a victim and being somebody involved in the transition of evil in the world via the psychological chain victim (family) - perpetrator) ...
I - Are you following me?
You- Closely. Incessantly.
I - Well, i like reciprocity.
What else is there to say in this introduction?
I decided to continue in 2013 in the same format (this is great news!), as you have noticed, unlike 2011, in 2012 I wrote a lot less, I think, however, the value of this texts was ever increasing , the texts have gained in explanatory power in this time and last but not least they have become more and more "exotical" ( it is for sure that the quality of something of being "exotical " is not necessarily a virtue, but beyond the static logic, in some logic of history, it began to be!), in another context the most issues you read here are not to be found elsewhere, as you know i am reading a lot myself and i have to say i am almost perpetually disappointed by the company I have in this enterprise ...
I must therefore to praise myself alone :), every time I write a text , that text becomes a unique probe sent into the unknown, when traveling with this probe most of the time there is nothing else around.
I thought of an expedition on the Congo River , on the footsteps of Morton Stanley and David Livingstone, for a session of "Gorilla Trekking"?
I - Are you following me?
You - Well, probably, but we prefer more the comfortable places and settlements.
I - I am sure about that. (they stink)
This is not a literary exercise, the thing with the Congo expedition is for real, i thought of doing something like that, but i can not afford.
But who am i talking with in that dialogue?
Well, with my "shadows".
However, before becoming too frivolous, let's move on to our agenda.
1. Various things
2. Terrorism, terror (A small exploratory study on the non-sense of this term)
3. Abnormalities, alterations, malpositioning and cultural inversions (in Western culture (and not only))
4. Open your mind!
5. Music
1. Various things
Here's a topic not having a predetermined subject, this thing has a good side because this is the very place wheren I lack any thematic and methodological constraints, so let's boldly proceed !
a) Romanian parliamentary elections , I was born there, I'm not sure i am very happy for being born under this particularily "lucky star" , however, from time to time I get involved in what is happening there. Here are the results :
"Interim Final results for the Chamber of Deputies
The Chamber of Deputies, USL has collected 4,344,288 votes, representing 58.63%, with 16.50% followed by ARD, PP-DD UDMR 13.99% and 5.13%.
Provisional final results for the Senate
USL has obtained 60.10% of votes, ARD is 16.70%-DD PP obtained 14.65% and 5.23% UDMR "
A brief comment: After a disastrous performance the Basescu political regime fell slowly into disgrace, losing much of its popular support (but not its international support!) , so as, even without being an expert in Romanian politics anyone could have foresee this result (even without the polls), but there is some surprising element in Sunday results, namely the score, the proportion, an overwhelming victory for USL
and an almost catastrophic defeat for ARD. I do not know if there is any politicalopposition at this time in Bucharest, of course, formally speaking - ARD is going in opposition , in some way ARD is really one and the same thing with the president Traian Basescu (it is his small Pocket Party which become large along with its personal success), now president Basescu is still there, so as, in my view , they are there in the paradoxical situation of having the whole political echelon in power . Congratulations for the winners, congratulations for the losing winners , although nobody is in big hurry to admit it, I had myself a small contribution in this developement.
I do not know if you've noticed, some passages of this text have been specially tailored as to include some sophistic reasoning (this means that I wanted those little errors of logic to be present where there are), i used some equivocations, what is clear is some people from the Romania's parliament are going to go home while being replaced by new senators and deputies, ARD is not being equal with the president occupying the
Cotroceni palace (interesting name for a presidential palace, Cot means Death, Radu, the rest is up to you to understand! )
b) Let's go a bit back to the introduction. Did you like it? Somehow did it seemed to resemble something familiar?
Here are some helpful quotes for you!
From Book 6, Canto CXXIII: The Magic Car: [28]
"Is not the wondrous chariot me
Named Pushpak, wrought by hands divine.
This chariot, Kept with utmost that
Will waft thee through the fields of air,
And thou shalt light unwearied down
In fair Ayodhya's royal town.
From Book 6, Canto CXXIV: The Departure: [28]
Swift through the air, I Chose frame,
The wondrous car from earth Arosa.
And decked with swans and silver wings
Bore through the clouds ITS freight of kings. "
From Ramayana
"Mygod! You cannot be serious! My mom is gonna forbid me to read this blog from now on, just a bit, because I want to be sure, were you really talking in that introduction about something near in spirit to the "Ancient Astronauts" hypothesis?
Well, kind of, yes."
Pseudo - science? Well, I love the ideea, taking some distance from the poor school theorists
is always a good ideea, in another context, this reminds me a little from the time when
I was preparing myself for the entrance exam to the Faculty of Philosophy, not knowing which were exactly the bibliographical requirements for the exam, i started reading an old, communist book called "Dictionary of Philosophy" - written obviously by the communists, well, they were seeing everything through the lens of their guiding Marxist- Leninist theory so as any other things not being Marx or Lenin ware easily trashed as "wrong idealistic theory about the world and cosmos, they were wrong when ..." ,
Well, my advise is :take your time when with the theories, a Popperian advice if you like, wait for refutations before throwing the hypotheses to the trash bin.
Here's a picture for you of Val Camonica, Italy :)
c) If someone would give me a link to the this blog in 2002, I would have labeled the author as a sick and pitiful fool, I think , this time directing my target towards the future that perhaps in 2022 I'll be completely unrecognizable even to myself , in terms of theories that I claim! I hope, for the good of the planet, i am not going to write even in 2022!d) Movies.
If you stay closely to this blog, then you probabily saw that I came up with a list of movies at the movies section , I must say that you should not take the list very seriously , it is rather something like a memo there, there are some exclamation marks anyway, those are obviously more special, anyway lately I've reflected a bit about your spiritual and emotional state, so as I felt a deep pity on you for seeing most of the time bad movies, so i thought to come up with some lists, charts, things like this for some interesting types of movies.
How competent em I to do that? Well, looking through the lists made by some different persons I understood i am quite competent, ie except my general skills I have in my favor the detail I've seen a very significant percentage of these works (some 75% regarding works made after the 80s). A note - it is obvious that there are many films that do not fit clearly into one category or another, so as I used my intuition and experience to classify them as best I could . Why do that when such references can be easily found on the internet? Because i am coming with a personal contribution...
Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies,
post-apocalyptic films are films that speculate the theme of the apocalypse resulting from "Nuclear holocaust, plagues, too much pollution, scientific experiments gone wrong. Post-apocalyptic movies depict worlds in which men have to start over, they have to rethink their way of life..."
quote from:
2.The Road
3. Matrix (series)
4. Escape from New York
5.The Time Machine
Here are a few more - The Book of Eli, 12 Monkeys, Delicatessen, The Divide, 2012, Waterworld, 1984, Escape from LA, City of Ember, Mad Max, I Am Legend, Babylon AD, Children of Man, etc.
Best dystopian movies,
I tried my best to avoid duplication, what is dystopian is often science fiction as well, etc
2.Blade Runner
3.A Clockwork Orange
Matrix trilogy, Serenity, Escape from New York, Total Recall, Mad Max, Hungergames, 12 Monkeys, Minority Report, Johnny Mnemonic, Terminator, Idiocracy, V for Vendetta, Delicatessen, Robocop, Inception, The Book of Eli, The Butterfly Effect, TimeCop, Eraserhead, etc.
Best science fiction movies,
1. Star Trek I: The Motion Picture
2. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
4. Solaris (1972)
5. Blade Runner
Stalker, Dark City, Artificial Intelligence: AI, Aliens (1986), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), The Time Machine, I Robot, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), Star Trek II: TheWrath of Khan, The Matrix, The Fifth Element, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Predator, Stalker, Minority Report, The Cube (series), Event Horizon, Serenity, Predator, Escape from New York, Escape From the Planet of the Apes, The Fountain, Inception, 12 Monkeys, Avatar, The moon, Mad Max, Minority Report (2002), Total Recall, AVP, Planet of the Apes (1968) The Abyss, Reign of Fire, Absolon
Best Horrors,
I tried to select some smart movies, unfortunately at this section I've seen only a fraction of them...
1.The Exorcist (1,2,3)
3.Wolf Creek
4.The Shining
5.The Blair Witch Project
Saw, A Nightmare on Elmstreet, The Ring, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Jaws, Silence of the Lambs, Night of the Living Dead, Final Destination, The Amityville Horror, Devil, Resident Evil, Christine, 1408, Carrie, The Others, The Crazies , Gothika, 28 Days Later (2002), Cannibal Holocaust, Videodrome, Dracula, Resident Evil, The Cabin in the Woods, Cloverfield ...
For other categories such as thriller, drama, war, I will return another time
2. Terrorism, terror (a small study of the fundamental non-sense of the term)
This topic is not meant to illuminate in any way things like 9-11, Al Qaeda or other related subjects as you might think, I must say that although I have some pretty strong assumptions about these things, I am not very sure of anything myself, in addition, these assumptions are not the subject of this topic which is rather theoretical, anyway, we were already on the point of doing a collective heatstroke if I would kept the rhythm I started this text.
According to Wikipedia, a "mild" source of information:
"Terrorism is the use of terror systematically, often violent, Especially as a means of Coercion ... Studies have found over 100 definitions of terrorism ...
Terrorism ... "comes from the French word terrorism, and originally Referred specifically to state terrorism by the French government as practicedise during the Reign of Terror. Terrorisme The French word in turn derives from the Latin verb terreō meaning" I frighten ".. .
In November 2004 ..., the United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "Intended to cause death or bodily harm to civilians or Serious non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating the Population or compelling the government to do or year International Organization or Abstain from doing any act ".
We have to notice immediately a couple of things, first of all that this definition (as good as it is, it is one of 100) can be summed up as follows: "coercion by terror", secondary as you may see at its origins the terrorism has been (as you have seen in the case of the French Revolution) the work amd opera of the states.
Now, Let's start again, this time with a different approach, if I would take a camera and walk the streets interviewing people about what they think terrorism is, I'd probably get a big bunch of emotional impregnated answers such as:
"Those planes hitting the twin towers"
"The evil work of Satan"
"Very violent actions, attacks'etc etc
Probably a lot of people fail to distinguish between, on one side, the actual violence, the attack itself - this attack is always an instrument used to achieve something and its purposes on the other side, this purposes are often relative to power, the purpose is most often getting power, media attention ( power as well) etc.
Well, the terror is nothing else than the psychological effect that accompanies inseparably the realization of such acts . In this respect, it must be said that most of what the Western mass-media calls terrorist acts are not necessarily, "prima facie", terrorist acts, we have historically been used to believe that such organisations as IRA, ETA or various Islamic factions are the first and most fastidious known perpetrators of such acts, still, very often the terror was just a side effect of the actions of these groups (as you know a side effect is something that may or may not occur when using a drug ) . A brief study of the history of 20th century shows that in this century there were two major types of attacks, "terrorist" kind of attacks: first, we had a time when the aircraft hijacking was very fashionable, it seems between 1948 and 1957 planes were hijacked in the amount of minimum one each year, then we have a second type of attacks creating a lot of hysteria around, namely the placing of bombs in various locations, it was the "modus operandi" of IRA, ETA or various Islamic factions such as Islamic Jihad, well, the purposes, the goals were various, getting exchange of hostages or various amounts of money ( often in the cases including Aircraft hijacking), getting media attention, the attention of the international community or trying to mobilize different social segments, waking them up for the fight (IRA or ETA factions), but as you can see, the terror is in almost all these cases a non- intentional or a secondary result, side -effect of the acts committed .
Moreover, I would say that, legally, terror can not be an aggravating factor to any acts of violence. Thus, using this term to refer to various massacres (sometimes) is completely wrong, it's like saying: "you killed people, you're guilty for scaring me!"
(There is a joke about the inhabitants of a city suffering from some incurable disease, well, they are asked to quietly go in the direction of the cemetery, for not making the city very dirty with their dead bodies, just in case in the future the place is going to be repopulated, well, somebody asks: ok, but why we have to be quiet, we are going to die anyway ? The answer is: Well, yes, but the idea is to not create panic.)
Beyond the humor, in the use of this term, the focus falls on the wrong things, the emphasis is on some psychological feature accompanying in a very random and hard detectable way the attack itself, using this term is in some way trying to keep things in a form of dark mystery, the mystery is causing terror sometimes itself, the discourse on terror causes terror , the terror is not a scientifical, measurable, detectable, controllable, cauzal term, the terror is a kind of abstruse speech leaving the real important things to fall into ridiculous and secondary, this time, measurable, detectable, controllable and causal things .
Well, now, maybe I cleared the things up a bit ( unfortunately this topic, even if it brings some light into this issue is far from being very clear itself, i have no time to analytically isolate all the components) concerning the "motto" of this blog, I am against terror and i am against the discourse of terror, I see this speech as a fundamental nonsense, as an attempt to obscure the collective consciousness, then, surely I was myself the victim of aggressive coercion attempts, I never gave up , here is a second sense in which it can be said that this blog is anti-terror blog.
I am sorry about this important topic being a little "spaghetti" (things are a little too mixed), i had half an hour for its development and deployment, without too much preliminary time to think , however, there are some ideas and even some lines of approach in this short dissertation .
3. Abnormalities, alterations, mal-positioning and cultural inversions (in Western culture (and not only))
Hell of a title for this topic!
This topic is mainly about two things : first of all it comes with a radiographic look at the culture surrounding us, then this is a topic bringing something like a first year school reading lesson. Reading? But we know how to read! I'm sure about it, by the way I started to read newspapers and magazines at the age of 3 years and a half, 4 (i was reading newspapers aloud in my home), well, this topic is not exactly about this kind of reading but about some different kind of reading (where I have to say that I was not so precocious ( and if i would been it is likely that I would have been exempted from a lot of unnecessary suffering), i was not precocious because it seemed for me this kind of reading is something rather frivol and cheap , Well, I was wrong .
So let's start with the beggining, as long as the name of this topic is "fragments of counterculture", a key goal of this section of my blog is to repair, replace , detect and heal certain cultural objects affected by various incompetent or even subversive"hands" .
I will give some examples, certainly this are isolated, disparate examples, they can not prove (in reality I am not interested in proving too much) the "mistakes" i am talking about are a part of a induced, controlled, intentional wrong vision , a global or an Occidenatal program (at least) having the aim of concealing the meanings, to alter, invert the themes and ideas. Why anybody would consciously manipulate culture? Well, for coercitive reasons, for psychological influence, etc. As you will see this kind of treatment for the culture is not something necessary modern or contemporary.
The use of myths, legends, stories with religious content to influence, manipulate, hide, gain power over minds is dating from ancient times...
Before proceeding to enumerate, sift and study various cultural objects, ( I can not find a better term for this things, i was looking for a definition for this term and I can not find anything, I find instead only the books noted as cultural object , anyway, methodological I will consider for this topic the whole panoply of characters , heroes, anti-heroes, fairies and monsters, beasts, aliens, ufo, etc as cultural objects, you should note that they are not static objects but thy suffer some obvious changes over time, changes in optics and changes in approach, from one author to another, from one director to another (If we talk about the film), from one trend creator to another, many of these objects have a limited lifetime, they are fashionable for a while, people are frightened, mesmerized, deluded, transported or in love with this objects and all of the sudden then they become forgotten and placed in the refrigerator of the cultural objects. I must say some of these objects hold an a priorical dose of perversity or a status duality , in other words, in some cases, the inventor of these characters placed in a hidden way something like a metal tag staying on a disfigured corpse giving us sometimes essential information about the unseen skeleton of the cultural object , or about the way of thinking of its author, often this label is hidden in the name of cultural object, sometimes in some other various features...
Boring, boring, boring.
A lot of theory, nothing juicy, nothing tasty...
Let's go to the tasty side !
But before we go out there and do the both things I talked about earlier, namely to measure how accurate is the possition of various mythological, historical cultural objects and simultaneously to try to read them correctly, we need to take a short tour through what is happening in Western culture these days, what is happening in the culture these days is quite crooked and quite sad, for example we are surrounded by thriller novels having as monsters and serial killers what in reality are found to be the good guys and as well having as heroes various types of bean guys, we are surrounded by spy movies (i think this year holds a Guiness World Record in the number of the Spy movies being around), presenting us without any shame how wonderful, adventures and heroic are these spies, well, my parents hare keeping many years ago a small library, there it was just one book including any data about spies, her title was ever enlightening for me ( and that way before me having to do at very personal level with spies ), the book was called, The spies were coming from hell, well, this time "we are" correct. Etcetera
OK. Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to get acquainted with a small but important part of the cultural heritage you received from your ancestors, we are going to start with the bad guys (sometimes you will see that are actually good), with the monsters, for then to see what is with the heroes.
Be warned, this development is entirely satirical, being written in a wild mocking style!
A short definition: By monster I mean some horrendous presence or apparition that explodes all of your standards for harmony, order, and ethical conduct." So says Joseph Campbell for a cross-cultural and mythological approach (The Power of Myth. NY: Doubleday, 1988. 222).
Here are some bad guys!:
Golem, werewolves, Vampires, Godzilla, Cerberus, Chimera, Hydra, Gorgons. Manticore, Kraken, Big Foot, Mummies, Zombies, Grendel, Witches
Let's look at them a little one at a time:
The word golem occurs once in the Bible in Psalm 139:16, Which uses the word גלמי, meaning "my UNSHAPED form". wiki
A creature that created some waves around, most notably after his modern transformation in the very famous Tolkien`s Golum, I think we speak about a girl (girl om, om meaning man) having masculine traits as well :), otherwise, even without being an absolutely evil creature, he fall under a vawe of Internet attacks rushing agaist him in a very fierce way, ever accused of being gay, drunk and stupid he chose to put an end to his days, leaving the place for another idiotic dwarf namely the Hobbit.
Varcolaci in Romanian language, they were once uppon a time real wolves (were wolves), later they´ve become curious how it is to be human and made this irretrievable mistake, to become humans via shapeshift, what they did not know is that the most people are like a flock of sheeps, so here we have a very good example of a very mistaken sfapeshifting trick, to become a sheep after you was a wolf must be something really infernal. I think this is a very difficult mistakefor them to accept , the mistake of a lifetime.
What, some suckers? I know what you are going to say : my girl-friend is doing that (sucking) stuff all the time and she is not a vampire, well, my friend, what could I tell you ? Be patient! It comes along with the time and with the thirst. Their thirst is ever increasing,
They are stinkers ! (pire, par, like the french pere is something about the hair, etc )
This is the most beautiful example of inverted thinking (although you can not be absolutely certain , because there are some grammar differences between the two versions ), zala has to be translated as "the ring" (prison, cold place, stress, evil conspiracy :)), now this guy has been God (like), good , being IN the ring, so I really do not see why has he been described as a monster. Well, there is somebody there who really likes the bad boys.
It was a 3 headed dog guarding the Hell and the Iberians, it is considered to be the brother of Hydra of Lerna and Lion of Nemeea, for my part I beleave that he had even more brothers than that, I think he was neither more nor less than a BROTHER if you understand what i am saying, Wait...What Was I Saying? Was this a dog or a bear?
She was composed out of 3 pieces (we talk about a "she" so as i will not use the term "it" ), she had a half she was taken from her mother (mera), the other half was bald (chi) and the third half was a very ugly she-mail so the result is really, really horrible !
A sucking chick , ugly like hell (hid), her father was Romanian (Ro), her mother was from Afghanistan, if you are going to do the stupid, stupid mistake to cut any of her heads, then in their place they will grow always more, after many trials the engineers have chosen a multiplication rate of 3, very difficult to kill her in any serious computer game, my advise is whenever you see that you´ll have to deal with her, take time to save the game, I'm not kidding, she will seriouly kill you and this will braindamage you forever!
These ones have foot and limbs problems, (gon, go not! What, the ancient Greeks were speaking English? I do not know, dont put me silly questions please! I was only twice in Greece, to Thessaloniki, the ancients were not there so ...), they were really good in Heroes 3 if you could remember that, they have the disadvantage of being from a bad castle, if I remember correctly, they were looking like some kind of cattle, probably that is exactly what they are, a cattle.
Well, that depends, if it is Manticur than he (it) was certainly a queer, a fag (cur meaning Ass, what is tea? Ask the British! They drink it all the time! ), if it is Core like the english Core (they were using most often English and Romanian to build this names - i dont know witch one was the choice here) he (it ) was a Man and i dont know what is he (it ) doing between the monsters.
See that name in the top bar? Which one? Mine, mine. Kraken was me when i was younger, after that I start grewing up and gaining height.
Big Foot
Well is that scary? What is so scary in having a big dick? I saw on the internet some guys having two penises, now that's really weird and bloody scary, I must say . I want to say that this is a characterto look for, it worth to develop relationships, friendship with this kind of guys, they have a very sharp common sense, good moral sense and highly developed aesthetic sense.
They were some Egyptians bald guys , which once they reached maturity were asked who love they the most in their own family and they answered : Most? Most, we love our Mummy.
Here's a internet link to understand what the zombies are and where the zombies dwell:
I like this one, he was a co-starring character in Beowolf, it is said that he was killing and eating anything , but anything he was meeting in his way, well, it's a way of saying because he probably met in his life many viruses or bacteria that he certainly ate but he did not actually kill, on the other hand I think that there were things that he killed but he never eat , things like the Beowolf himself , i mean, because we were talking about zombies, Beowolf lost all his mood for life after meeting Grendel ending in a state close to the one of the living -dead, even if he was still alive at least last time when the writer of Beowolf passed in front of his villa .
Witches ...
Witch. I can not say what is the true nature of these girls, I can only say that the common thing that a healthy diet never hurt anyone.
Here are a few, mixed -up:
Robin Hood, Achilles, Castor and Pollux, Heracles, Perseus, Prometheus, Krishna, Enkidu, Superman
Robin Hood,
A hideous and stincky guy (hid, bin) , he began to hide from the people originally during the Trojan War, he has been seen from then only once or twice in 13th century, in England, when he get out to buy a soda, after that he was refused the lead role for the Robin Hood movie so he played Mister Bean, not long after he committed suicide in his own apartament. As a man he would have been perfectly suited for a witch! Normally an anti-hero.
In Romanian and this means most often in a much more accurate language, Ahile (something with the heel) he was the main character in Homer Simpson's Iliada, he came from settings with an incredible 99 out of 100 to invulnerability, well, the heel had 25 out of 100 to invulnerability.
Now, normally , as every gamer on earth knows, he should have used all the experience and all his points in order to grow the invulnerability for his heel ! I dont know what he did, I think he used the experience he gained to get a lot of pussy, and so came a guy named Paris (like the city, yes) killed Achilles by hitting him with an arrow in the heel. Poor bastard!
Castor and Pollux (Dioscuri),
They were 2 twin - brothers liking too much the disco music, one of them died of AIDS after taking it from a disco, then another jumped and being immortal he took the revenge for his brother Castor , I have to tell you something, a Castor (ro) is a beaver (en) and a Beaver (en) , retranslated back into English :) is something like a vampire because he do not let that wood alone. Will you remember this? Never eat the forest, the wood and this kind of masculin stuff!
Hercul, he was the greatest of all, Iraq, Rak, rock, rac (ro)- Cancer (en), no, not the sickness but something like a crab, so instead of going ever forward it seems this guy liked to go rather backwards witch it is a big shame for him and for his eternal legacy, "going back" means sometimes being kind of gay!
A hairy guy with the ring (with the ring not IN the ring - he was not normally a boxer ), something sacred , there is in our main religion somebody like him (?), this 2 guys, Perseus and the one coming after him (in the list) are the best of the best, the pure seed, the pure Cock, the best human blood ever, the best seed humanity ever had.
Like Perseu or even more heroical, hairy in the ring (hairy, i mean he had his cock in his place even after all the torture he suffered) he made one mistake :) when he joined the ship having the same name with his own , at the end he had nothing to gain , there was just one engineer left , an engineer having himself something in common with Castor, (it is a bit cryptic , see movie Prometheus)
As you may see, his name looks a bit similar with mine, witch obviously makes him a huge hero, a God, an ultimate preserver of the greatest human values:).
A kid? This Indiens were speaking a little English before being colonized by the British, I think that's why the British have gone there, because they felt like home.
Enkidu is a part of the Gilgamesh epic , I know you do not know, that's why I am telling you, he keeps company for Gilgamesh for long, generally a great guy, the perimeter of his arm was measured as having 55 centimeters, he also played several seasons in the NBA.
A surprise, a real surprise! His name can be read as being the one of a real man, normally if I would watch just the movies having him as hero i would have said he's the parody of a
hero, but here he is, sure he can not compare with the Greeks, but anyway!
Here was the reading lesson, unfortunately I just can tell you how the things are, without proving too much of it , maybe I did less than I wanted with this humorous topic, anyway for those who dont know about these things this must be real manna from heaven.
I think it's obvious that I used mythological names in this exercise also because I could not use something like the names of various football players or showbiz celebrities , that ones are easier to read, anyway the heroes and the monsters will not immediately avenge for their secrets being revealed...
4. Open your mind !
Initially I announced a list of six topics plus music for this text, I had to dramatically cut from the whole because the text has become way too long, besides, in this period I was occupied with other theoretical matters than those i was going to develop in here, so it was a bit odd for me to build this subjects, I had to put a stop in my thinking (concerning the themes i was reflecting at this time) and come out of nowhere with some new subjects, so I tried to do whatever was possible for this text to be interesting, of course, the "bomb" from the introduction has surprised me as well , otherwise, the usual things in my common habitual unusual treatment.
Open your mind, it sounds a bit like a New Age slogan, in fact it is even worse, a simple search on google can show you that this slogan is linked by different authors with various dirty methods used by governments to control your mind, well I do not try to control your mind in any way, I'm trying to some extent to get you disconnected from the regular non sens your mind is nourished everyday with.
There are many ways in which someone can open his mind , there are openings for spirituality, for empathy, for various theoretical universes, but generally these are things for the rich ! :)
1) Our first idea comes from the novel Angels and Demons, Dan Brown.
Here is quote from this book:
Leonardo Vetra: My daughter the skeptic. So you do not believe God speaks to man? Let me put it in your language. He took the model of the human brain down from the shelf and set it in front of her. As you probably know, Vittoria, human Beings Normally use a very small Percentage of Their brain power. However, if you put in Emotionally Charged Situations Them-like physical trauma, extreme joy or fear, deep meditation-all of a sudden start firing like Their Neurons crazy, resulting in massively enhanced mental clarity.
Vittoria Vetra: So what? Just because you think Clearly Does not mean you talk to God.
Leonardo Vetra: Aha! And yet remarkable solutions to seemingly impossible problems often occure in These moments of clarity. It's what gurus call higher consciousness. Biologists call it Altered States. Psychologists call it super-sentience. And Christians call it Answered prayer. Sometimes, divine simply means adjusting your brain Relation to hear what your heart already knows. "
I love the idea with the "Answered Prayer", otherwise, I do not know if something like this is scientifically acceptable, however the character of something of being or not being scientific ceased for a long time to be a proper standard for me when it comes to the acceptance or non-acceptance of something, the idea of this quote is that sometimes, in special cases, the human brain uses its unused reserves. I'm neutral regarding to this statement, I am not ready to believe it as well i am not ready to reject it, what i do believe is in states of extreme emotional charge some processes are accelerated and this is very likely to have not only quantitative but also qualitative effects over the mind taken as a whole and in this way, the so called moments of enlightenment can probably occur .
As you may see, we are talking here about two different things, first a matter of using commonly unused brain reserves and then a question of acceleration of the mental processes, you may be wondering what is the "point" with all this, is this topic an argument for self inducing stress in order to be smarter? Well, no, the point is this one, maybe, sometims there are strange roads towards ideas, like shortcuts, wormholes :), etc..b) It is very likely that, the final number for the Fragments for 2012 will be posted here sometime after Christmas, so because we will not meet again until Chrismas, here are a few words about this very important Western event .
Facts, more or less trivial
Christmas means the annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and takes place every year, without fail, on December 25. Since the Bible does not seem to clearly record his birth date, this detail still rise vivid disputes between some believers, there are alternatives to the date of dec 25 for the date of his birth, there are sources approximating the real date would be rather in March, others say other things, however history tells us that somewhere in "the 4th century, the Western Christian Church placed Christmas on December 25, a date later adopted in the East" (wikipedia).
As you know there is a difference of a few days between the Julian and Gregorian calendar , because of these differences, some of the faithful are celebrating Christmas on January 7.
The origins of this holiday are eclectic, pre-Christian, pagan as well as Christian.
Let's go back to the birth of Jesus Christ, which as you know was expected even before his effectual birth, there were Testament prophecies foretelling the birth of a Messiah, traditionally he was born in a single place, in a pastoral landscape surrounded by animals and the shepherds of Bethlehem apparently "were announced the birth of an angel and so went first to see the child" Wiki
(Matthew talks about the Magi - astrologers that would have been guided on the road to the place where Jesus has been born by a star).
Let's talk a bit about the traditions involved in this celebration , the decorations, I now read with surprise that, in part, "" guilty "" for spreading the fashion of the paintings (probably), representing the Nativity scene was the Saint Francis of Assisi, lets talk a bit about the colors used in Christmas decorations, most often green and red, but blue, silver or other colors are used as well on this occasion, many decorative objects are used as well such as decorative bells, candles, candy, wreaths or angels, this celebration is accompanied by specific recipes , as well this celebration comes with its own music, the tradition of composing sacred Christmas music is dating from the 4th century AD, with the time it become almost a genre in itself, many important people collaborated over the years on different details of this songs, Martin Luther wrote lyrics for christmas songs, on the music side, eg Felix Mendelssohn wrote himself music for Christmas.
"In Austria in 1818 Mohr and Gruber came up with a major contribution to the music genre when they composed the song" Silent Night "for the church St. Nicholae in Oberndorf" Wikipedia
In the U.S. we have eg. "Jingle Bells" appeared in 1857 Wikipedia
The christmas tree
I saw lately this celebration has its own enemies, they are trying to stir up the waters even here, here is one of the few things that stayed untouched, clean over the time, I hope eventually everybody will understand the huge importance of this celebration for peace, for peace, for our aesthetic sense. I saw the Pope criticising this tradition as it he would not know how important this event is with all its traditions, than i found out the socking news that in Bruxelles they did not mount a Christmas tree in order to not offend the Arabian citizens , well that tree is signifing something close to the Arabian idea of "Salam" so as, I do not see where it is the real "discordia"is , in my opinion nobody should ever be against "peace".
We are often told that it is a pagan tradition, could be, it seems that historically :) civilizations like the Chinese and Egyptians used since immemorial times ( memorial though) vegetation, trees, etc. in their rituals or in their ceremonies dedicated for rebirth of nature, recurrence of vegetation, soil fertilization or simply for making the gods better.
Winter Solstice: as you know the winter Solstice is the time of the year when the days are shortest and the nights longest and is held annually on December 21 or 22 , from immemorial times (memorial yet :) ) in the longest night of the year, various barbarian hordes :) used to ignite the tallest tree in the area area where they lived , now this event it is often considered as the source of the modern European custom, a Germanic tradition later taken and attached to the celebration together with all the other decorations.
These were a few introductory words, maybe it's time for me to make the Eliadian mention that this time is a time for the spirit, a sacred time, that at some point during its natural flow the time somehow stops and we go through a time portal from the profane time to the sacred time, here I stop after writing a long relatively boring text, I will be back at the end of the year for the last episode of fragments of counterculture.
5. Music
1. I do not have any :), i have two super-smartphones which for some reasons do not work lately and so i do not move forward from this point of view, which is sad, sad and sad again, I Don't like "serving" you things i am not listening at the time i write a text, things without Momentum, I will find something anyway...
In a different context last week I made an error due to the crazy speed I do almost all the things - I have given here for your consideration a song called I Could Be God of a band named Galahad, a brilliant song, the problem is I recommended just the first 5 minutes of it, without noticing that i "cut" the Martin Luther King part of it, I must say that I am certainly a friend of that speech and so, if you will ever return to the track, of course my recommendations includes that part of the song.
Otherwise, it's too early to stow you with Christmas music, would be a convenient option for me, I will get easily rid of you :).
We begin with a sensational band, unique, I avoid as much as i can the term legend :), no need for many presentations and introductions, in 2011, after a break of about 10 years, the group has come up with a new album, yes i speak about the band Yes, the new album is called Fly from here, here's a link to this album, but before, as always, I have to assume the responsibility to indicate you to buy these albums, for which I make links here, within your interest and capabilities:
Yes - Fly from here
I did not listen to all the album, as you can see there is about an hour and 48 minutes of music, my recommendation goes on to minute 13. 33 and what comes after...
2. A group which I've recently discovered, some Irish music, basically it is hard to find any information about the band because of all the doped people from the net, it is called Mushroom :) an old album dating back in 1973 called Early One Morning, my recommendation is a song called Crying, so the part number 3:
Mushroom, Crying (part 3, at minute 6.30, 7)
You may have noticed that in the right side are real musical treasures , you can go on trying some parts of that !
3. Much progressive rock here lately, let's try something different, something relaxing, so sunset and chill-out music for you, we have Café del Mar (it is the name of a pub located in Ibiza), there are dozens of albums, try something:
Cafe del Mar - Eternity (Vol. XV Ambient / Chillout / Lounge, at min 40 sounds good :), I'm sorry, no time to sit and choose by parts)
4. Something with emphasis on drums, again very long, 28 minutes (give it a try, at least for 5 minutes), it sounds very, very well (it's progressive rock :))!
Blake Richardson - The Parallax: Drumming Hypersleep
Blake Richardson is drummer of the American Band -Between the Buried.
5. The section dedicated to the Metal music, somthing new, a group from Czech Republic, incredible, if you work at Encyclopaedia Metallum maybe you coud guess the title , if not here it is:
Gate of Sorrow-And back to the evil (album Enter through the Gate (2009))
12. Cal of Cthulhu
As fans of this blog may know, in late 2012 I wrote the 12 edition of Fragments of Counterculture, a text wearing a strange name: " Cal of Cthulhu", as in many other cases the text was originally written in Romanian, obviously I wanted to come as soon as i could with a translation for that text to complete this section for 2012, well, the things happened a little odd, first of all the holidays came over me so I have not been able to translate the text in time, meanwhile we all went in 2013, I do not know if I ever told you but i am in a strange way endowed with a weird sense of time, fragments of counterculture was a title that held for the year 2012, the year 2012 is past and past are all my mental connection with this set of ideas so as, at least for now, I will not translate this text in English being this way in your debt somehow, i sincerely regret this...
There is as well another important reason supporting this sad choice, Cal of Cthulhu was a very aggressive text, very virulent, critical, acid altogether, i said there very very ugly things about Hollywood and the Euro-American movies industries, the text included also some enraged (but hidden) attacks against various communities, places, countries harming me today, but being friends or allies yesterday, on the whole a descent to inferno, a trip into a human desert having a fake smell of perfume, i dont want to repeat the visit there, I do not want to go there again in 2013!
If you really need to have an idea over the content of this text you can use google translator, I must say google translator is very bad tool for the time being , maybe in the future some upgrades will be done for this tool, I use it but it is pretty disappointing, well, there is one more option that I have to take into consideration, namely the possibility you are really fanatics of this blog and you are dying to know exactly what I said, in this case you have another two options:
-to wait until a later date, I can not give you a exact time
-or to call for a professional translator, there has to be somebody in the city where you live, if you live in any important European or American City, however the text was again quite cryptic so you have to call for someone having major intellectual resources...( you can obviously use for translation the original version of this text, existing on the Fragmente de Contracultura page)
With another round of excuses I finish here promising that this year this will not happen again, we will have probably here another 12 texts, this time I can assure you, you will have everything translated in time.
See you