Counterculture (English ) 2013

1. "Halley's comet"
2. Barbarian Chronicles
3. The cheapest conspiracy
4. Tomahawk (missing)
5. The miniature

Counterculture 1, 2013

Halley's comet"

"Let there be light!"
Genesis (Genesis), Chapter 1


Welcome back on my bunker in 2013!

              I have to start saying it will certainly take me a few days to translate this text from its original version, so as I have to kindly ask you to be patient, probably no later than friday afternoon this text will be translated, transformed, edited and ready for reading.

(As an aside, when I wrote the first part of this introduction (one week ago) I was pretty depressed, so as the first part of this introduction falls under the influence of this state...)

             A new beginning, a new hopeless fight, I have reasons to believe we are slowly losing this fight, we are more and more subject (and victims )of the system's dirty habits, contamined, humiliated, suffocated, murdered (sometimes), disgusted, "we" choose to remain here, to remain under the sign of faith, under the oath of not betraying ourselves or our beliefs , ever alone, ever frightened, beneath a silent opaque sky where just the big Absent dwells, being ceaselessly and openly played by demonic forces, forces relentlessly tricking with a grin on the face the failed being named man...

           We are sentenced to go through, I fear that at the end of this road is the perfect darkness and not the light, we are sentenced to fight in twilight, in a perpetual guerrilla war, their power is and becomes more and more inhumane, more and more absolute...

          Welcome to the future, a new era, a time when the sounds and the echoes are slowly fading, a time when any kind of protests or opposition have for long ceased to be viable options, a time when the noise is related to psychiatry and a place where the programming is in the head of the "designers" agenda.

          In one of the statements above I say "their" power is getting ever bigger, maybe this is a wrong idea, maybe this power has never been altered in the course of history (in a Hegelian way, if you like), maybe it was never alienated in history...(who are they becomes quite obvious by reading this text)

           Ok. I had up to this point have a rather mysterious, almost a mystical introduction here, having something like a dark character, the steady "clients" of this blog may know that is not my style, but even wrapped in this form, in a kind of non-explanatory type of thinking my ideas remain always logical and based on facts, otherwise, you will have a grasp of what i am talking about by reading this text, well, if you are going to read it in good faith...

          Ok. Let's have a clear, logical discussution on some practical matters.
First of all - the title, Halley's Comet", did I start writing about matters related to astronomy? Well, not really, the title is designed to bring a touch of humor over all the disturbing issues I will address in this "paper" , it is as well trying to emphasize the fact that something similar to this text is an extremely rare occurrence (on the Earth at least! ), thus, it can be said that something like this see the light of the day about as frequently as the appearance of "Halley's comet"(once every 75, 76 years) :), i was a little arrogant when I chose the title of this text, a combination of humor and pride, by the way, to change the "topic" Halley's comet will again be visible from Earth in the year 2061, many of us will not be here by then, but ...

           What's the deal with the light? Why the quote from the Bible?
Well, unlike other cases , there is nothing hidden, secret or subliminal in the use of this little quote whose immediate goal was simply to show that after a break of several weeks I finally lit the lamp in here...

        Counterculture, a shorter version for 2013 of the heading I used in 2012 as well, I must say that I pondered for a while on some alternative concepts or views for this title, for this I had to be "lost" for a while in a universe populated by words, immersed in an ocean of generating concepts... searching, touching, luring ideas that might be inspiring and good to stay here in the top of all the texts coming in 2013, well, at the end, after much thinking I came back to the idea of ​​"counterculture". I have to admit it fits me pretty well, last but not least this concept has just become operational after a year of trial and error, mistakes or wandering...

          Same as last year, there are two versions of each of this texts , I must admit that I usually write the first version of this text in Romanian then I translate the content in English, this method has an advantage and an disadvantage, if we are to talk about the advantage then I must say that I remember the words of the Romanian Philosopher Emil Cioran's about the Romanian language ( as I have said many times- a language used by the "builders" ), I do not have any quote at the moment from his works, but I remember pretty well what he said, namely the Romanian language is one of the few languages ​​that allows you to be mad, angry, furious, to explode (either verbally or in writing), a language which does not have edges, natural barriers in expressing feelings and this is very important for someone who writes and feels what he writes...I said there is a downside too- well these translations are not perfect, but allow me to believe that somehow, the quality of topics excuses for the poor quality of my translations.

          I promised in the original version of this text that, in the meanwhile, I will meditate more on the various topics written there and I'll come up with a fresh and slightly richer English version than the original, I intend to keep my word, at least in part, the English version of the text will be more extensive than the original, on the other side it will not bring any catastrophic differences compared with the original. It usually takes me a lot of time to write and translate this text, I have many other things to do, I read a lot myself (at least during the winter) , this days, for example I try to finish at full speed the third part of the Millennium trilogy written by Stieg Larsson which I highly recommend also for the readers of this blog!

         Questions, yes, please! Is this a monthly essay? When will it be posted?
Re: this textes are not drone toys unlike other things you read most often, so as my textes will be here exactly when I'll feel it's time for it , when I will feel the urge to come here to say something, what happened last year when we had exactly 12 texts for the entire year was a fluke, so it was to be, maybe this year will be more fruitful, however, in the other sense, I can promise you we will not have less than 12 textes in here.

           What else? I wrote something hard to translate here in the original text, something being caused, originated in an article I read in the Romanian press (which I no longer really read because I consider it to be highly infiltrated by intelligence services, using it in their dirty war against me) a journalist from the daily newspaper Cotidianul was telling "me" (in a veiled form) that the tracking and assaults against me of the Romanian intelligence services will not stop not even after the return to hell (where it came from) of the current president of Romania, maybe the journalist is right and his threats are justified (it sounds like a life sentence), maybe not, I can only go on...

            Music in a more generous approach this year, both in terms of quantity and in terms on comments, you will have, from now on, one song for each topic I will write, still placed at the end of the text, in addition , as I already mentioned, I will come from time to time with more substantial comments for these parts. I recently reflected a lot on the utility of using links to Youtube here at the end of this textes , a choice that obviously favors something harmful, the huge intellectual theft going on over the web , during this time, as you know, I complain myself about the intellectual theft committed by the American film industry over myself, I do not know what to do, I can still use that links there, but I have to express my discomfort about .
As for the quality of the music, I prepared some high quality stuff for you, I can guarantee for at least two, three editions, we will have here really celestial music, ecstatic, explosive sound , we will hear singing some engineers from Prometheus starship :) (by the way! this joke is not originally mine).

               I said in the original version of this that I'm in Vienna, meanwhile I have changed for Milan, after a very difficult journey to Romania where i went to see my family, I also said that the country looks better from there than it might seem if you read only the press or maybe you try to see it through the Romanian diaspora (too often including bad elements), i also said that from my point of view the country is suffocated, but still alive, that the "spiders" were not touched the "living water" yet (a clumsy translation of a verse of the Romanian poet Lucian Blaga - Paradise in dissolution ) , then I criticized again the hungarian gouvernement while speaking about the torments that I had to endure to get to see my family , saying that since Viktor Orban is prime minister there things are getting worse...

           If I am going to believe what blogger sais, this blog has just a few readers and therefore I bother for nothing :), I have just few thousands hits, if we are going to take into account the fact that every time I open here with the intention of posting something the total number of visits is incrementing, than i may conclude that I am really having fun alone (which is not too bad, at the end :)), well the counter is lying but I must admit a have an anxiety related to the audience of this blog, it is not precisely related to the number of the readers , but rather about not being sure that these messages are going where they are needed the most ...

OK, if any important changes or updates will be required I will return , if not this was the introduction, we quietly go towards the contents:

1. - Regrets, 5 regrets.
2. - Various things, the spectacular part:)
3. - The end revealed (speculative topic)
4. - Metempsychosis
5. - The thaumaturges rats
6. - Epilogue
7. - Music

1. - Regrets, 5 regrets.

Let's start!

             Now, this is very likely a surprising topic , a topic that could appear as being a bit too "sweet" compared with the "hardcore" content that can usually be found here, could be, but this is just a start. You have to "see" this topic in a similar way you "see" a chess game opening. I decided to open this section for the current year with something interesting and harmless, the real tough things are about to follow!

           Something I have to stress - writing on a blog has an obvious advantage compared with other types of writting initiative, here I can deal with any issues I like, exactly when I feel it is necessary, thereby I must say I do not feel any pressure in choosing my topics. Unlike the regular press i have no publishers, no pressures, no deadlines, everything happens naturally...

            The story is as follows: "We have" a lady from Australia who has spent some years of her life taking care of the dying in their homes, whether old or sick , thus she had the opportunity to learn various details (secrets sometimes) about their lives, to have access to the final "visions" of these dying people about the earthly life, to know details about their successes and failures, to come in contact with their life's conclusions about happiness and unhappiness , about regrets, et cetera.

            A privilege, I think!
Her name is Ms. Bronnie Ware , she is from Australia and inspired by these experiences she wrote a book titled: "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying - A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing '.
Se probably had access to various types of information about these people 's lives , we are talking about old people, lonely people, the dying have probably a tendency to confide to the one taking care of them in the last moments of their lives, anyway, the things that she retained for posterity of these dying people were (among others) their regrets, more accurate exactly what they thought they failed to do in this life, what they did wrong, what they would do differently, if they could live their life again.
In this way, Ms. Bronnie Ware made a "top" of their regrets, a top accounting for things that most people regret the most. Let's see:

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I did not work so hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

I will allow myself to comment a bit on these thoughts, to analyze a little each of these points in particular.

I. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

         A very surprising number one! I have to confess this "number one" was one of the main reasons for " transhipping" this topic here, it is not a mistake or an accident, this is a topic dealing with something being in my area of expertise, to an extent this is a topic about freedom and about what people think about freedom.

           I must start with a strong statement, namely that the ordinary people do not understand too much about liberty, neither theoretical nor practical, well, at the end this is philosophical subject equally complicated or trivial with any other philosophical themes like god, happiness, et cetera.

          Even so, without having the "expertize" on their side, people seem to have some insights about what happened with them...the result of the above statement is that I see we have a majority of a crowd of people (sure, they are part of a special statistical sample being Westerns, Anglophones, et cetera) which, at the end of their lives, believe they have been manipulated during their lives in a major proportion, with good intentions or less good (we do not know), constrained perhaps - this is a more accurate term, secretely guided (intentionally or unintentionally - we speak about social, cultural constraints, something like an invisible hand ) towards a certain type of life, towards a certain set of behaviors, to a certain status, influence which finally have determined much of the course of their adult lives.

          Here is a second face of the problem, these people seem to strongly believe that they have choices to make. This conclusion follows from the first part of the statement above, namely from their belief that"the things could have been otherwise ". "I could have chosen differently and consequently live differently"
Here is a more expressive translation of the entire statements above (a reconstruction made out by myself):

           "I've lived much of my life trying to fulfill other people's expectation from me, doing what the others expected from me, close to the end I realized that (pay attention to the word true!) the induced cultural values and patterns did not lead me to a real life, perhaps, if I would have cared less of the social conventions as well as of the consequences of not obeying blindly to them, I could have a happier life, a true life"

Well, you will ask, what is so surprising in this statement?
Let's see:

a) First of all , there is nothing surprising in the fact that the crowd is blindly obeying the conventions, whether good or bad, moral or immoral, resulted from real thinking or being just occurrences resulting from marginal historical facts. Nothing new! The societies have always exerted various types of pressures on the individuals , there are and there were class pressures , moral pressures, manners, customs, traditions having many of them, attached, of course, consequences or punitive measures in case of disobedience. We're talking of course about isolation, repudiation, marginalization, sometimes even more than that.

If I would be asked to explain these facts from an evolutionist perspective I would say, of course, that something like this originates in the evolution of species, in the natural selection, the mother nature seems to select the individuals behaving according to the norm , so this has to be originated in our history and our genes, I once saw a movie (a documentary) with some monkeys ( chimpanzees, but I am not sure) killing another monkey just because the late specimen had a special, deviant behavior , caused by some medical matters.
Ok, this theory have been added here just with advisory role.

b) Well, "we" come close to the end of our lives and "we" see that the path "we" chose was not a happy one , it had nothing special, nothing majestic about it, it doesn't made us better, more beautiful, wiser ... and that makes us a little unhappy (on one hand) and more fearful while facing death (on the other) ...

c) Part 3, here is the problem, what I understand is the regular people have no idea about how restrictive is the society they live ( we are talking about restrictions excluding the ones being resulted from the actions taken by states, dictatorships, or the actions taken by different secret polices, secret services, et cetera). I have to conclude the regular people have very romantic views about freedom. I do not know if I should have them disillusioned!

The key in understanding this things, I believe, lies in the idea of ​​punition for deviance.

        Please consider just for the moment, (some methodological thinking) that there is nothing like "guardians", securities, brotherhoods, states, dictatorships, secret polices, secret services et cetera watching us, punishing us, playing with us...If that would be true then , as soon we are going to deviate from the rules, from the main road, the society around us, our fellow citizens are going to punish us, to put pressures on us, so as to get us back on the main road. Well, even in this case, very few people are going to be able to handle this punishments, the (eventual) huge quantity of pressure the public opprobrium could bring over them, so as in the most cases something like this will lead to the immediate "correction" of the deviant individuals and to their return back to the flock

It is a "natural" process, meaning that it result precisely from our individual biology. Now, please consider the above suggested mental experiment closed and let's come back to Earth !
This means you have to add to the "soup" all the things we previously "methodological" overlooked.

         Now, after putting everything back and watching the picture, you can see the result is a real nighmare for somebody being interested in the problem of freedom, we are subject to so many types of manipulations , media manipulation, philosophical manipulation, state manipulation, various national and transnational agencies manipulation as is very difficult to talk about freedom.
Well, the freedom is almost impossible nowadays, the states are requiring paid workers, everyone must swallow willingly or unwillingly the consumerist trash, if you are not going to obey then there are some terrible forces you are going to meet.

          See also the 5th Section of this text in order to understand some things about the powers of these manipulators, there are unlimited possibilities for them to constrain you, to make you change your ideas, there are "puppet friends" and if is not going to work they have direct access to your mind.
The only problem is you do not give a damn about all this!!!

       To conclude this point, whatever lifestyle you will choose as long as you're still in "matrix" it will always contain something untrue and that is because you are simply choosing between pre-existing models, models drawn in advance by the designers...
At the end, to live free to a degree must be something innate or at least acquired very early , it is about having a slave or a master morality (to talk in the terms of Nietzsche) .

II. I regret that I worked so hard.

         This is really a funny one, it seems that the people, caught in the heat of the capitalist accumulation of capital and goods, fail to remember sometimes that the money are made ​​to be spent becoming irrational about them, trying to accumulate as many as they can with all costs, well, at the end, when they some up their life experiences they finally find out they had not enough vacancies, not enough time for themselves, to reflect to their own lives, too few moments of happiness ...

III. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

           Well, i have to admit i myself do not express my feelings very often in the presence of others, I do not know if there's anything to lose or to gain from it, I think this would make a good subject for a separate discussion, in another context , to show your feelings too easy could be psychologically dangerous up to a limit, you can be crushed under other people's feelings, on the other hand, if you are going to express your negative feelings towards the others too often may again lead to isolation, marginalization, et cetera.

IV. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

       Well, my friends were almost all "puppet" friends, political maneuvered toys in hands of the system, you cannot imagine how is it, it is all right, everything in everyday life is exemplary except for one small detail, after the dark, my friends were staying crouched in their chairs in front of their windows, they were turning off the lights in their rooms, they were causing thunders and lightning bolts outside, they were laughing sardonically while shedding tears (i am kidding !) and in this time they were writing notes for the SRI (Romanian Secret Services), because I had foreign origins.

Well, I am not sure if I am myself on the transferring list to the underworld :), we are not talking here about myself , but I seldom regret the decision of letting them go, of getting rid of them. Besides, anyone can notice that the statements from the point 3 and the point 4 above are a bit contradictory , if you are honest and express your feelings very often, nobody is going to stay close to you ...

V . I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Well, I dont wanna be an idiot in any way by being ironical or malicious in relation with these sentences, but I can read something among the words in this case, usually happiness is being seen as something being most of the time dependent on objective things, things like social status, money, historical conditions, the country where you were born :), n and n things and factors- in this way i have to say the most of us afford ourselves the "maximam quantity" of happiness we can "steal" from the life , sometimes causing a lot of unhappiness around, "I regret that I never allowed myself" sounds a bit like abstinence, like refraining from something, perhaps somewhere at a the subliminal level they were thinking about sex (!) or some other things like that !

2. - Various things, the spectacular part:)

Here is a "spectacular" topic where I usually allow to myself various comments for all kind of events, news releases, various facts and theories being in a state of suspension around us, I have to notice you this topic is not holding the line of its original version (romanian one), i had to cut a little bit here and there from that version adding instead some different topics...

a) We will start with a very interesting sub-topic , a week ago (when I wrote the original version of this text), we had a very hot topic in the media, a topic dealing with the possibility of a new American policy on the subject of arms control , a policy supported by President Barack Obama ... There were rumors in the media about a possible proposal for a law restricting the acces of U.S. citizens to firearms, the U.S. President Mr. Barack Obama has expressed its intention to propose, in late January 2013 the promulgation a law prohibiting the sale of the assault weapons in stores (such law was applied in the United States between 1994 and 2004, i know nothing about its effects on the overall crime rate) and a tighter control on the overall purchase weapons processus. As you probably know, all these ideas are the immediate results of the new massacres taking place in the U.S. attacks where the perpetrators used firearms, attacks having as results a number of innocent victims. I like to think at my readers as being an elite (intelectual ) force , i am talking about my "natural" readers, those who maybe get one time in here and remained close to this blog ever after, not about people coming here to spy or to stay in touch with the development of my ideas over time, even like this, i am pretty sure that a majority of the public have no real understanding of this things, they do not have a very clear vision why in the world U.S. is a country so different from almost any other political entities, why buying weapons is available for almost anybody, why anybody thought it was important for people to be armed.

I will try to explain it for you!

First some technical data:
We are dealing with the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution, amendment being part from the Bill of Rights, amendment dated December 15, 1791, the amendment which states the right of citizens to buy and own firearms,


"the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home "

In order to understand this law, we must get a bit close to the historical context in which this law was proposed and ratified , let's use the time machine and go a little back , we are in 1791, the U.S. War of Independence had just ended a few years ago, the U.S. Constitution was promulgated in 1788, now this Bill of Rights came immediately after the U.S. Constitution, amending, correcting, adding various issues.

The fundamental goal of this bill was to grant a number of civil rights for the american citizens, rights being derived from the natural law (philosophical conception supporting the theory that the people have certain rights by birth, simple by being born humans), as you may notice the Founding Fathers rushed to correct, to amend the constitution which was maybe giving absolut or discretionary powers too the political leaders and try to counterbalance this powers by the instrumentality of this bill.

So, as you may see , the basic purpose of this set of laws was to put back in chains (Warning!) the Levitan (the State), by according various freedoms for the citizensens.
Revolutionary times - revolutionary way of thinking (!), probably as always, during the ensuing revolution, people held a large amount of firearms, most of the time it is a difficult task for the authorities to withdraw them, so as Founding Fathers thought to leave them where they were. In their view, a new revolution could occur anytime as a simple result of the "tension" between the state and it's citizens.

Here it is about how "" anarchists "" were the founding fathers of the U.S., they really believed the regular process of democratic representation fails sometimes, as follows dictatorships can occur, deviations of the ordinary course of history and consequently the Americans should be able to defend themselves accordingly.

Here it is (the explanation!) in a concise form:

The free access to weapons for the U.S. citizens is originally due to the fact that the Founding Fathers believed the people have to be able to resist in certain situations against a government abusing them, abusing it's power, to resist against any illegitimate power.
That's the spirit! Well, it was the spirit, the federalists died long time ago and together with them any chance for the people to military engage a government. As you may know, technology has made huge leaps in this time, the romantic times have passed, no group of armed civilians can military engage something like US Army today (you could give it a try! :)).

Here it is, here we have another crucial point , it is easy to notice for anyone that the firearms have lost their original purpose, as I stated above the ideea of resisting against a state army today (in case that Hitler or Stalin are gonna be back) is perfectly suited for Cartoon Network - well, we have some exceptions to the rule and we are talking about the cases when the rebels are armed and sustained by the USA or France - but here we are dealing with something else!


In the light of the arguments above, I do not know what the firearms are good for anymore, (if you are going to ask me) I am for the freedom of sale and possession of the firearms (due to reasons that have more to do with the psychology that with something else ! ), but I still have to say I cannot find many utilities for this ones, except maybe the ideea of an elegant suicide, a honorable exit from the stage...

Defense? Well, yes, if your attackers are goona be some isolated villains or morons, then, you can definitely shoot them, in any other way if your attackers are goona benefit from the natural advantages of the attacker - the surprise (or possibly the number) the gun is not going to save you.

b) Here is a funny one (I found this story in the media)

"A Harvard professor is looking for an "adventurous" woman to give birth to a baby Neanderthal.
It may sound like the plot of another Jurassic Park sequel, but the request is actually part of Professor George Church’s real-life plan to bring our long-extinct relative back to life.
Professor Church of Harvard Medical School is one of the world’s leading geneticists and believes his Neanderthal bone-sample analysis is now complete enough to reconstruct their DNA.
Although the 58-year-old is not certain his plan would work, he says he is now ready to put theory into practice."

The Independent, U.k., 17 Feb 2013

The immediate question coming up (in vitro) is of course this one: why does the woman have to be so adventurous? I mean, we are talking about a simple process of artificial inseminating of primitive DNA in a human uterus, with the DNA being taken from existing hommo neanderthalensis fossils . I must confess I do not understand, I think the Professor would need some really adventurous women only after the maturation of the specimen, in the case Prof. Church ( a funny accident related to the name of the prof.) would be interested in the sexual life of the hommo neanderthalensis . Well, i think a crazy project like this one could receive a big grant in the U.S. from the state, i dont think this advertisment will solve his problem, i suggest him to spend a relatively small amount of cash to find some extremely adventurous girls and to present us as soon as he can, this (probably) very nice child.

c) I heard that the U.S. Justice Department are about to accuse Standard and Poor's rating agency for"fraudulently rating mortgage bonds " (in conformity with New York Times ), method that led to the financial crisis... I am not an economist, back when I was studying the political philosophy I began studying some economy, meanwhile I forgot almost everything , anyway, I am convinced somebody, there at the U.S. Justice Department has a very good sense of humor to consider a simple rating agency as Standard and Poor's being possible guilty for something so "monstrous" as the economic crisis.

d) In the last weeks the collapse of the European Union was a hot topic, it seems that the British Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken several times about the possibility of organizing a referendum in Great Britain until 2015 (2017 from other sources) in order to question the usefulness of remaining of this country in the EU. The main arguments were of course based on economics , it seems that the British are partially unsatisfied with the decisions of Brussels concerning them, as well as a part of the brithish public seems to oppose certain common economic strategy inside the EU, well, this is stuff you can easily find and the main-stream media so I will not waste much of my time with these things, as far as I'm concerned, I kind of regret I left Canada, that was much better for me than the EU :) unfortunately I can not go back ...

e) War? Survival tool kit for war.

Last week I made an oath to myself, i spent some time in Wien, I had all sorts of problems there, i had an incredible tooth abscess (artificially created, it was a "gift", a tone of pus !), i had various pains, various diseases, sores and problems and I get very, very nervous also reminding to myself that Wien is the place owning an unfortunate World Guiness Record for me being taken by the police for absolutely absurd reasons such as crossing the street on the red colour (it is true! 30 minutes and I was out! ) and I get nervous! And after that I become really mad and I sweared to come here to declare a war in words against them.

I thought to reveal in here every secret they have, to study their worthless history , to distroy Franz Joseph (this is not actually a name, it is rather something that sends towards the fallen brothers (fallen on the cross)) et cetera. I took notes, I prepared and then, here I am, the problem is that what was causing the pain has gone for the simple reason that I left Wien and at least for now I'm sick to deal with any zombie cities. Survival tool kit - it is something simpler than anything, and yet there are so many of us which once being caught, trapped, locked lose their minds and make mistakes, sometimes irreparable mistakes, the solution is simple, when the hell is becoming unleashed around you (it happens!), take some days off, get out of the matrix surrounding you, go somewhere for a few days - perhaps where you have never been, breathe and forget about the misery!
This is it!

Well, just about two things...first of all, who the f...k is Alice (Franz Joseph)?
And subsidiary what do I have against this gentleman?

Well, the answer is if you are asking the first question it means you never been to Wien, or maybe you've been there just to change your plane, it is something like a cult of personality in Wien for Franz Joseph, it is the result how the city was built, there is no important historical building having no inscription with his name on it, there is no museum having nothing to do with him , et cetera. He was one of the Habsburgs...
I have nothing against him, so it camed...

f) Let's travel back a bit to the sub-title of this text because it bothers me a little, I will not change it now, perhaps the long-term psychological meaning of this sub-title ("Let there be light!") is this year I will try to do as much light here on this blog as I can, I am gonna dig, i will try to find answers, I will relentlessly search for moments of insight, for illumination.

Maybe you remember, one time I had here on this blog a description (in the top bar, right after the title) of this blog which was going like this: "a blog bringing some darkness into the light", well, nothing has changed in that sense...This blog is in some way an anti-rationalist manifest , it is anti - lights, even if the content is the exact opposite of any irrational thinking, the content being usually a logical monolith. Well , there are as well cases when following the reason means literally following the path to the closest abyss!

An example of practical reasoning :)
It is the very way to the abyss.

Premise. We have only one life, our most precious "thing" (I had once a friend who was using the phrase, excuse me: a life and a hole in the A..s).
Fact. Now, you are all of the sudden under a huge pressure, they put you on the cross so as your most precious "thing", your life is now in jeopardy.


I am sorry to let you know - if you are gonna be rational, your path is following the road to the RatiAnality,
i am not sure the premise is a correct one, but this premise can become a correct one, as soon you (in your stupidity), has take the choice to be born again like a phoenix here on Earth, without having any shame, in front of everyone! :) :)

Please stop getting reborn here on earth and for the God's sake wait for the last judgement ! (they are too fast!)

g) Now, something curious is happening to myself!

Facts: Last year I spent much of the summer at the seaside, it was all right, I relaxed while taking a good portion of sun. So, naturally I tan very much. As a confession, the last sun bath was consumed on September 15.Some biology: here is a quote taken (in dispair!) from a Romanian magazine for women.

Quote (my translation):

"Epidermis, the superficial layer of the skin consists out of several layers. Our skin is renewed continuously, so that every month we have a whole new skin. The basal layer, the one producing new cells, is the one being at the surface of the epidermis. It is followed by other three "intermediate layers " and the velvet surface, consisting of almost dying cells
When you tan, melanin, the skin pigment, colors the existing cells. The new ones, which will form after sun exposure will have a normal color and when they are pushed up into the stratum corneum, so as your skin will not be tanned anymore coming back at it's natural color."

Unica, Romania

Question. So, if this is true, then why in the world my skin is still taned? It should normally disappear after a month!?

h) In the meanwhile I finished reading the Millenium trilogy, Stieg Larsson, we are talking about a large scale project having an immense literary value from my point of view, "welcome in the immortality of fiction, Lisbeth Salander" has sad Mario Vargas Llosa, blessing this extraordinary work, "welcome in the immortality of war, Lisbeth Salander" I would say adding to the words of the well known South American writer a bit of Plato ("only the dead have seen the end of the war").

For the rest, only a coin for you, if you are a romanian speaker (I cannot tell you everything !), the word fiction is this one : fictiune (it is pretty close to it's english version). Now if you are going to split this word into pieces than the result could be this one:

fic ti une - which can be translated into english like this: Where is your daughter?

Read it!

i) I hate this! I have to do it again! I already wrote one time in this text that name of the actual President of the country whose passport I have in my pocket, I hate myself doing it, I have to do it again!

My name. My name was already deconstructed here on the blog several times, it can dissolve in so many ways that I lost my self their number!"No! Not again! Why would anyone do that all the time? Why anybody would disintegrate his own name in pieces?" Wait to see!

I spoke here on several occasions (there are some people that certainly know a lot about these things) about the language's secret code, about how the words were constructed, as well as about the efforts and sacrifices of some people to respect the inner instructions of the language as they would be the Holy Bible (no, i am not saying they are entirely wrong!).

Well, when you are reading through the words you can do it in good faith or in bad faith, giving your best or playing dumb, et cetera. We could also speak about malicious readings, readings being resulted from enmity or hatred, no matter how frivolous you could consider this things, the point is after this "readings" some people will suffer and the motivation (in accordance with "them") should be seeked in some prescribed (linguistic )rules of human society. ..

We complicate our lifes for nothing , I will give a reading of my name, it's wrong, it's almost stupidly wrong, here it is: Craciun - Cra, c (ceu) - no, the result is RA, RA as the sun god (cutting the first C)

John - Ioan in romanian, now we will put the RA near Ioan -, the results is Rai(o)an, as something like the irish name - RYAN

In a strange and inverted interpretation, cu is with, os is bone , me is always me, not stays as it is- the result is having no Bone, being crazy (nebun in romanian), or in a very forced and again inverted interpretation having no sex, (no in romanian is Ba), no sex - basex

I think it is pretty difficult for you to follow me while i am transforming through the languages , anyway the result could be this one:

Ryan Basescu

Now if you gonna add a cross you will have a known name...
No, I am now here to tell you how I really believe anybody should correctly read my name, normally is none of anyone's bussiness to try to read and decompose my name or any other name, well there are some prefessionals doing it, i could help them a bit maybe showing them my name can be read even like this: NAME NAME NAME (three times the same thing) via some simple combinations of fragments of words, what I was trying to do here was simply to eliminate an error, in addition to show that my attitude towards the current president of Romania is not incindental. Thank you. :)

3. - The end revealed (a speculative topic)
Let's have a talk about the apocalypse!

Note: This topic was originally "equipped" with a clause, the clause was intended to warn you about the pronounced speculative character of this topic, a discussion which is not based on very concrete sources. (well, after I've finished writing it, I noticed it is "cooler" than other things written here).

I have to start telling you that, despite being a big fan of the post-apocalyptic cinema, I am not an apocalypse enthusiast , I dont like much this subject and I dont like it because it sounds bad, because this type of information is used to keep the first page of the tabloids , to induce stress in population, et cetera. And still... in a very strange way, I think - without being sure of anything, without having some ultimately reliable information, that beyond the media circus there could be some substance behind all the circus.

2012 ended "well" , the maya prophecy - the experts were saying- was talking about 2012, we have to remember 2012 brought with it a cultural schizophrenia about the end of the life on earth :), I thought this would be enough for the amateurs :) of universal eschatology to engage in more serious things, well, not even close, the speculations are going on, the prophecies for 2012 are also valid for 2013, in fact, if are joking a bit we might say that at historical scale, if something is gonna happen, the error (the difference between years 2012 and 2013) would be a very insignificant calculation error , what difference make a year or two?

I decided to write some additional stuff on this topic (i had something at the end of 2012), a development which, as you will see, will be a bit strange , because, surprisingly, I will supply with some fuel the ones who believe that we are close to the end!!!

I know what you could say:), you could say that the "mature" treatment of this kind of matters is simply "Ignore it", if you are not interested in a theory or a belief then let it go! Well, yes, I agree with you up to a point, still my "Ignore" cannot be a total one, giving an a priori Ignore to something could be very naive and may lead to ignorance, which I can not afford because I am so poor :) (something like India or Africa) !

The first thing perplexing me about all this stuff is everybody, we talk about all kinds of researchers, American professors, yes, yes there are always the american professors (:)), people having or not having any scientifical background, well, they all seem to have a single idea, something like an obsession, a fixation, - maya , nothing else seems to matter.

Now, in some strange and paradoxical way - I'm myself (at least partially) one of the "naives" believing that the informations coming from the so called ancient cultures could be relevant for us, relevant beyond the importance of this informations for history or archeology or any other universitary tricks.
It is an old discussion, i am not sure i have to repeat it in here again, quite often these old (or savage, or both ) cultures are shocking us with their knowledge, with their scientific accuracy, with their richness and depth of their knowledge about the universe, we are talking about primitive cultures, pre-industrial societies, agricultural societies, there are always questions about the real sources of this knowledge.

So, what I think is the remains of the Inca empire, or Polynesia, India, China, or any other areas having similiar relics (to a degree) with the mayan ones ( from Mexico or Guatemala)), are as well as relevant as the Mayan culture.
Everything that remained there, remained from the founders, from the first visitors of the sites...

This have been the introduction for this topic, I made ​​curious myself a little :) writing this text over the Mayan sources being read as predictions about the apocalypse, I do not know exactly about what type of relics we are talking about , what code are they using for decoding the informations, I have some ideas - I said I'm not sure, I'll try to find out more, maybe I can come back to this topic some other time if I will have any new evidence or information..

Let's do a short and neophyte trip through Christianity (neophyte because I dont have much time ) , as you may know the Book of the Revelation of Saint John states that, at the end of time we will find ourselves under Satan's kingdom, under the sign of the evil (rau (ro) in Romanian), there will be times of shadow, war, unrest, chaos and breakdown, moral breakdown, mental breakdown. In this context Jesus Christ will descend for the second time among the people to lead an ultimate fight against Satan, there are some claiming the the time when he will return among us cannot be far!

Now we will make an incredible leap for India, the Incredible India (if we are going to quote the travel sites, yet believable!) the Indian scriptures, the sacred Hindu scriptures speak of a cycle time, about time having several stages, here are the stages: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.

Here is a quote from Wikipedia

"According to the Surya Siddhanta, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE[1] in the proleptic Julian calendar, or 14 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that Krishna left Earth to return to his abode. Most interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that Earth is currently in Kali Yuga"
Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga,[5] which is referred to as the Dark Age because in it people are as far away as possible from God. Hinduism often symbolically represents morality (dharma) as a bull. In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, the bull has four legs, but in each age morality is reduced by one quarter. By the age of Kali, morality is reduced to only a quarter of that of the golden age, so that the bull of Dharma has only one leg"

Here is another quote:

"In almost all Hindu denominations, Vishnu is either worshipped directly or in the form of his ten avatara, most famous of whom are Rama and Krishna.[5] The Puranabharti describes each of these Dasavatara of Vishnu. Among the ten principal Avatara described, nine have occurred in the past and one will take place in the future, at the end of Kali Yuga. These incarnations take place in all Yugas in cosmic scales, the avatars and their stories show that gods are indeed unimaginable, unthinkable and unbelievable. "



I did not worked too hard for this topic, I bounded, as you may see, in coming up with quotations taken with copy / paste from the internet, after all it does not matter, i was trying to support an idea, a lot more I could not say even if I would wish to say, I'm not really a specialist in Hinduism, I must say that I understand the Buddhism pretty good, "Buddha - the light of a spiritual path " was one of the first books I bought in this life, then I continued to study Buddhism, well, I cant say the same thing about Hinduism, but I have some time untill 2061, when Halley's Comet will return to us ...

However, the things seem to be pretty clear , it is very likely, in the opinion of specialists and according to Hindu religion that we are near the end of time, we are in the Kali Yuga. As you can see, there's nothing you need to worry, Kali Yuga has been here for about 5000 years and nothing really happened.

4. Metempsychosis

"the transmigration of the soul, especially the passage of the soul after death from a human or animal to some other human or animal body "

This topic is a confession or to be more specific the history of a mental journey that I had last year. It continues somehow the ideas above, "we" were just talking about Buddhism when, I decided to come here with this topic about the metempsychosis, metempsychosis is a theory about transmigration, yet another very pompous term, we have also this term: reincarnation, it seems that there is a difference between the two terms, reincarnation and transmigration, reincarnation is a term used only for the human soul, a transmigration only happening between human beings (!), while transmigration is a broader term that designates circulation (transmigration) between all the living souls, be they people, plants, animals, cheese :)...

According to the classical view- "transmigration" is a Greek word naming an idea coming to Greece from the east via Orphism, we do not know exactly who invented the term, what we know is it was adopted and used by Pherecide of Syros, an unknown thinker (even for me !) and later by his famous pupil Pythagoras :) (the Hungarians!) but the "true weight and importance of the metempsychosis in the western tradition is due to its adoption by Plato" (wikipedia)

This is just a story, a charming one , true enough. Here is a new approach of the subject, we are not about to travel through the Buddhism or through the orfism, we are not going to talk about Plato nor about any other sources in order to approach this subject , this concept and its significance, but we will rather give it a linguistic approach. Last year I was "struck" by a kind of revelation about the transmigration, then something did not work and I let the subject go, I'm back now , unfortunately without having any new on subject!

Beyond the introduction

Last year I began a large-scale operation (on a personal level) of decomposing concepts, of deconstructing the words, well, as soon as I start it I noticed something really shocking namely that the names of animals, plants, at least in Romanian (but there is no big difference between the Romanian or the English versions, as well as French or Italian), are written in a code.
If are going to decompose the name of various creatures you will see that every result is following an obvious creational pattern.

Give it a try: Zebra, tiger, crocodile, hippopotamus (for example!).

You don't know how, there are no results? That's because you do not have the necessary data and you do not speak the right language.
Well, i had an absolute revelation at some point and this because these names seem to tell us a story , a story about how these creatures did in their past lives, how they behave, who they were!

At that point, when I discovered this, I was like struck by lightning, I thought immediately that I grabbed the last fragments of an unknown knowledge, I thought I have seen the terra incognita, they I am an initiated in the deepest possible sense.
Then came something that woke me from the mirage, from drunkenness, the language again, it must be said that not only the names of the living things are written in the code but also the names of the minerals, artifacts, objects of all kinds, all the human constructs.

I immediately lost my faith, it's hard to imagine a transmigration including stones, concrete, railways or any artifacts you could imagine!
I'll give you a very funny example: mozzarella, well, it is a type of cheese . Now in romanian mozza sounds like cat, rella sounds like real, so what we have is a real cat (if you think that this an accident, I am afraid you do not understand anything).

It is a little scary!!!

Imagine that there is someone who is watching you, counting your activities, quantifying all the facts of your life and mocking you. A crazy, frivolous and carefree God.

Conclusions for now

I do not know how it feels to be cheese, maybe some of us were cheese or a piece of plastic or a pole before being born again and coming back here, maybe some of us are mocked by somebody being immoral (or Ammoral ) but having a superhuman force during many is a bit frightening!

Is there any possibility for the cheese to has feelings :) ?

This sounds a bit like a theory called animism, namely the idea that all the things have souls, that all the universe is animated , the American Indians have some similar beliefs.
I went in search of transmigration and found something like animism!

5. The thaumaturges rats

Thaumaturge - (Rare) a performer of miracles; magician
(C18: from Medieval Latin thaumaturgus, from Greek thaumatourgos miracle-working, from thaumato- + -ourgos working, from ergon work)

This topic is quite humorous and accordingly is trating with humor things that can easily become tragic as well !

Let's start ? First of all, why do I call some people rats?
Maybe you will believe we are dealing in here with the old method (used by various propaganda authorities extensively during the wars, et cetera) the method of dehumanizing the opponents.
Well, i am not dehumanizing them, i call them rats simply because they are secret agents, secrets, sick rats, now, if they would like to protest, they can do it by summoning the creators of the language, who were calling them like that! From another point of view, I would say that they dehumanizes by themselves very often.

The scholars had certainly heard this expression : " Les Rois Thaumaturges " before, it is the title of an interesting book, (Regii Taumaturgi in romanian, unfortunately the english title is The Royal Touch ), I read it once and unfortunately I do not remember too much of its content, it was written by a French (Jew in origin) historian named Marc Bloch and has as subject the "healing powers of the French and English kings, who were thought to be able to cure scrofula and diseases presenting similar symptoms, as well as, in the case of the English monarchs, epilepsy".

So, largely this book deals with this healing powers the old kings may have possessed, the power to cure diseases, to do miracles by simple touch (see English title of the book). Now, Marc Bloch approached the subject with a superior and cold detachment, considering from the very beginning this beliefs and ideas to be groundless, irrational, mere superstitions. I do not know if it is his fault or the fault of the school of thinking which he was member, of his theoretical background, but his approach is quite a limited one (is almost like saying - a scientific approach), he was using a combination (as I recall) of psychology and anthropology to show us how this beliefs were born and what in his opinian is the cause for this popular beliefs, this collective myths resulted from mass psychology.

Now, the kings are kings, the rats are rats, some rats become kings, some kings become rats, probably true sentences, the thing is as soon as the kings of France and England left the historical scene of the miracles making, silence came over all this, dust came over the spell books , world has forgotten these things and the scientists began to look later, back to this things with a cold and mechanical superiority, treating them as some oddities of the past, as some collective delusions, sometimes maybe as collective heresies, like some odd spots of the medieval reason...

Time has past and then, with few exceptions, the scientists themselves have forgotten these things, until, until - a new light was born, a new star, no, you did not guessed, i am talking about David Copperfield. I honestly do not know if he had any real powers or not :), if he was a mere illusionist using cheap tricks or somebody having some real powers, when I was a kid to believe in something like that was something very naive, shameful, a sign of mental scarcity, an equivalent of believing in Santa Claus or something like that. We are not kids anymore and times has changed :).

Later, David Copperfield has left the scene too, the public has forget again these things, the magic, the illusionism, the Hollywood seemed to recall this topic to his credit, finally here's something good about them, in 2006 they made ​​several movies on this topic , The Illusionist and The Prestige, if you remember this movies , otherwise all Quiet on the Western front, everything untill my rats came to light.

The episodes of magic

Here we have some pretty strange stories, frankly I do not care if you believe them or not, you can believe whatever you want, nobody gives a f..k anyway about anything :).

I was in the tram in Milan, more recently, I always use the interior pockets of the jackets I wear for everything I have important, it is an effect of my Swiss-nightmare when my passport was stolen and I was arrested in consequence (no, it was nothig magic about that, i wasnot paying attention and my passport was stolen while I was sleeping), anyway, everything was in its place , when I reached the destination, some things were missing from one of my pockets. This kind of things happened more than once, disappearances of small objects, small irregularities, et cetera. Now if you can believe me, I blamed myself most often for this events, considering I was not careful enough, etc. Everything up to a point.

There is another, a different reason for my blindness, namely I was not ready to accept the philosophical consequences of all this facts.
The problem is that it happened again and things like that seem to continue, for example , In Wien, out of nowhere, my pen "exploded" in my pocket, it stood in a normal position , this kind of stuff gives me some anxiety and a feeling of deception about the cosmos and its scale of values​​, you will immediately understand what I mean.

Anxiety? Am i being afraid that maybe some important things are goona be stolen through such methods, unnatural methods, magic, et cetera. Well if this is the question I am afraid you are not seeing the possibilities, it is more than that actually, if you 've seen the movie Cloud Atlas that you have to think at the neck of that Korean clone called Sonme exploding , you have to think at heart attacks and strokes!

I've said it before, the idea that such powers are in the hands of a bunch of individuals having no trace of morality, having no feelings or heart, a bunch of servants, slaves of evil is causes me a major existential nausea, a bitter taste in my mouth, a sick of God and a sick of existence.
One idea, a clarification, I spent a lot of time waiting before coming here with this topic , I waited to see if I am myself certain about this events, well, from my point of view you have the guarantee that what I have described above is accurate, fair and disinterested.

6. - Epilogue

This would be the last time I will translate this text directly here, from now on, i will publish directly the results of my translation.A lot of resistance, i must begin saying that there is an atrocious resistance against these texts, this is interesting because this edition of "counterculture" came up with things not being very interesting and easy to diggest for the general public (Metempsychosis ?) , about somehow harmless things (except for the topic with the rats). Even so, people comment, they are all kinds of attacks on me, it's very bad, i will not specify what i am talking about, because I choosed to not respond to any more provocations or to respond at the right time. All in good time.

This one was a high-aimed text going some times a little further than my momentary knowledge, it is a part of my style, sometimes I use these texts as a kind of elastic strings having a hook at one end, the purpose is to go ahead , sometimes i am successful, sometimes i am not, however, what is crystal clear is that the text opens many roads, many ways, otherwise we need some more study, time for reflection for everything becomes clearer.

Many quotes, I watched a bit of this text from a grammatical point of view (it still sounds awkward ) and I noticed there are many quotes, that most of what is said is said figuratively, I do not believe this would be a flaw, it is still a fact.

Many new things as well, the usual unconventional collection of topics in the usual very unusual approach, there are not too many biographies I could use, I haven't too many ancestors (so to speak), maybe one day there will be a descent, maybe someone will remember me and my big soul while studying the infinity, January 24, 2013 (originally), the Halley Comet in the electronic version passed again very close to you, a comet leaving behind a music and a good thought for you.

7. - Music

I had "discussion" in my original text about the usefulness of introducing at the end of my textes links towards Youtube, it is a huge intellectual theft , of course, this blog offers something in exchange for the music samples that I bring here (without having the right) , some good advertising, well, nobody was asking for it, in addition, sometimes the effect could be the opposite, to be appreciated here could mean being seen with bad eyes in some other parts (!) and it can hurt a lot. I think at the same time at the small bands, sometimes having great musical value, to those trying to make a name for themselves, those trying to come out of obscurity, it is not exactly Metallica or Madonna or any other band or singer who sold millions of records i am worried about, but about those I spoke above, I listen to very rare music many times, well, if we choose to listen to this music on youtube then I am afraid we are suffocating this artists and this causes me huge pain.

If I have think at the art, at the artistic creation as something just for the children of the rich, for the offspring of the people having money I get filled with rage and rebellion, so as we should be very responsible about our artists and their creations
I myself an example of this type - and it hurts, I can not make music because I not have the necessary resources, there was a time when I had them, I did not wake up on time, anyway, maybe later ...

Well, at the end, I choosed to continue to use links to youtube here on this site, asking those who having financial resources to buy the music they like , the creating art is expensive, it requires huge financial efforts sometimes, not to mention the energy or time spent for the sake of the art.
7 pieces, maybe a little too much, I promised a song for every topic I write, royal music for you, here there are, arranged in a kind of a crescendo, a crescendo towards insane , towards tension, accompanied by a few words for each (if I had to choose, to infinity, then from my point of view, however, the best are numbers 3 and then 6)!

1. We start with the Australian progressive metal band , here is an extract from the last album of this band, we are talking about a group named Voyager, an album called :The Meaning of I - with a little cover reminding from the Prometheus movie, the song I choose is called Momentary Relapse of Pain.

Here's the damn link:

So Voyager - Momentary Relapse of Pain, album - The Meaning of I

0.27 ...!

2. We continue with a Spanish band from Madrid called Dark Moor, a neo-classical band having some symphonic power metal elements, I choose for you an extract from the last album - Ancestral Romance (2010), track number two, a song called Love From the Stone

Dark Moor - Love From The Stone (Album Ancestral Romance)
1.08 ...!

3. We continue with a great band , a new band after various changes in personnel , we are talking about Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, an symphonic power metal Italian group , today - an extract from the last (and only) album of this band , so from the Ascending to Infinity, an incredible song called Dark Fate of Atlantis

Luca Turilli's Rhapsody - Dark Fate of Atlantis (Ascending album to Infinity)

1.51 ...!
2.18 ...!

4. At the end of 2012, in December, the world of music recorded a significant event that may have passed a bit unnoticed, namely the great Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen came with a new album called Spellbound, I have listen up to this point to only one song from the album, it is great, it has the special Yngwie Malmsteen dynamics , I read some not very laudatory chronicles on the net about this album , either way, Malmsteen is unique, so for you, the song that gives the album title, Spellbound:

Yngwie Malmsteen - Spellbound (Spellbound album)
0.27 ...!

5. A title which I did not hear until recently, a really important band doing music at large-scale, Royal Hunt is a progressive metal group from Denmark "founded in 1989 by Andre Andersen "(wiki), a group that has released 11 albums up to date, today we have a track from an early album of this group , so from the Moving Target, an album in 1995, the song name Last Goodbye

Royal Hunt - Last Goodbye (album Moving Target)

6. Warning! :)

We return to the musician who entertained us with his music in late 2012, Devin Townsend is another unique musical character, he also came in 2012 with a brand new album, I choose this time an absolutely magnificent song I named Grace, an unreal sound being somewhere between the black protestant church music and Meshuggah , you will see the result here:

Devin Townsend - Grace (album Epicloud)
0.57 ...!
2.37 ...!

7. We conclude with one of the songs which inspired this text (!), one of the greatest metal bands of all time, Therion, a symphonic metal band (and many others!). It is a Swedish band founded by Christofer Johnsson in 1987, I choose a song from the penultimate album of this band .

Therion - Kali Yuga III (3), Sitra Ahra Album
1.20 ... ! (It is a keyboard there!)
2.36 ... !


The original version of this text also included a Post scriptum named from Johann Strauss to "SING SING" , it was inspired from my unpleasant experiences from Vienna , I already said some thing in this text about the people there so as this time I get over post scriptum.

Barbarian Chronicles

1. Init.

             Here I am, folks, I'm sorry for the delay!

             Any one who knows a bit about history ( as it is in the classic version, my position regarding the mainstream history or its veracity is quite known, I am not going to repeat myself) may know that old stories about various peoples and populations which, under foreign invasion haven't found any better solution to defend themselves than fleeing ... it is said that before running off some of them were burning down their own houses, they were poisoning the wells, they were killing the beasts, they were burning the own crops (instead of burning the wives), et cetera.

            Well, despite the fact that I'm always alone :) it seems this time it is me the invader, I'm the barbarian, be it Genghis Khan or the Turks, whoever you want, i tried to come here earlier but an invisible hand closed every door to me...

            I made a tour to Vienna, I barely arrived from there, it is an absolute madness there, lunatic soul asylum - their "biggest boss" is the son of the Romanian secret services (SRI), their nephews are cousins, the sons and daughters, the daughters are sons and so on, on the whole I would describe the situation as being out of control even more than the last time I was there, we will soon have to deal with new species there ... :) well, i am ready for anything!
Big guts and little minds , they are always on their knees!
We are talking about some freemasonry, so if they are Masons they believe they have the freedom to make any mess they want ! Well, the thing is the people have no ideea what we are talking about when we are talking about the freemasonry, we are talking about the regular racist bald idiotic pedophilia victim believing himself the master of the universe while confusing everything ...

               Maybe now i am finally paying back some bills for causeless and reasonless suffering resulting from their cosmic stupidity (nearly race related ) in "reading the design" and /or their mission on earth, resulting from their huge delusional vision of the world...
I found recently somewhere the following expression: to outjew the jews (encyclopedia dramatica) :), I think it suits them perfectly, i mean they outjew themselves, only they can outrun themselves.  No, it is not the right time to open a topic here about Hitler and others related things, let's leave it aside!
Fuck them and fuck their masonry altogether!

            You can be pretty sure that these beautiful words are not exactly adressed to all the inhabitants of Vienna and Austria but rather to the certain system elements from the local police, local authorities, etc.
Unfortunately the ordinary people are not to blame for what happens to me in their country, many times they have no idea about what happens around, the thing is their country is not free!

            This text was written two weeks ago in Paris ( another star ! I spent only four days there, a city losing its romanticism with each passing day, I feel sorry for it, a few years ago it was my favorite city in the world, it's increasingly dirty, nasty, gothic and vampirian.)And the locals are not very friendly either, I hope it is just about me!
Meanwhile, the various comments I made two weeks ago have become pretty cold, obsolete, I will try to to bring up to date as much as I can, to make changes around, anyway... those who really want to go in all the depth of these texts should try in one way or another the original version of these texts, the Romanian one.
It's not my concern how you could do it ... but I suggest for you to have contact with the original version.  As a novelty, an accidental one rather than one resulting from a plan, for the first time in the recent years you will not find here the classical format with which we've grown accustomed, I.E. the trivial introduction, a number of topics and a conclusion sequence, but rahher with an agglomeration of topics, an amalgam of reflections, thoughts, criticisms and so on, the good news : the music will be in its place (I said in the original version of this text that this style can be also seen as a greeting sent over time to the Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran, he lived and wrote in Paris, well I remembered him and I thought to emulate a bit his writing style...) .

2. "Velocity"

           You may have read a book called "Velocity" writen by Dean Koonz, an American author of thriller fiction, I don't want to spoil your reading pleasure by unveiling its subject, but I have to do it in order to make you understand something, there's a serial killer there who is Passing (shifting) the Responsibility for his crimes to some other people, what happens is this :

he is calling someone saying something like this:

            I've kidnapped two human beings, one of which will die, the first is the mother of three kids , the second is a young man having 17 years , now, if you remain on the phone being being cooperative with me I will kill the mother, if you are not cooperative with me choosing to close the phone and eventually call the police (your phone is monitored) then the young man will die. Well that's the case, the question is what you choose, as you could notice there is no way out, no obvious solution for the dilemma, whatever you choose you'll feel guilty!

          Why is this important and what do I mean with this example you will understand a bit later ...

3. The Global Warming vs the global warning

          I am back in Milano right now and i have to say I start having hope again about the spring eventually coming , we have a bit of sun here right now, a small sign of spring, I saw some buds , while thinking about all this I remembered the 4-5 years ago hysteria about the global warming, I have tricked myself up on the subject , back then I remember myself waking up  making scientific assessments about all that stuff on a beer, now I laugh but the signs are not good, we had a glacial March, I hope the things are going to come back to normality.

4. About the title

         Barbarian Chronicles (my name Craciun can very easily be translated as Chronicle), a title barbarian by itself, in sounds like something terrible, something rough, strange, scary, something raw and brutal, something with beard :) , this was originally designed as a protest or as an attempt to take distance from the sequence of events happening recently in Rome...

5. The mad machine, the inventing events machine, Christine :)

          The title Christine refers abviously to the work of the American writer Stephen King, a book published in 1983, my last text has aroused various reactions, it had consequences, very dramatic consequences , I learned about them from the newspapers or from the news broadcasts, UPS! i told to myself, here are the consequences of my writings (go back a bit with your mind to the topic number 2)...

I must stress that I do not feel morally responsable than for a small fraction of these consequences,this reactions are mostly distorted enactments of my writings, there is someone who reads these textes, then passes the message through a filter of madness, distorting it, twisting it, changing it, altering it , after that he goes in the real world with it and the disaster is close !

From my point of view this screenwriter stinks very bad!

6. Amazement

          I sat and watched for a while this huge and obnoxious silent movie resulting from this distorted mirror placed in face of my texts, then I was disgusted and choose to remain silent for a while, there was a period of 2 months I have not written anything , after this time I went over and here I'm back doing what i have to do.

7. "The No smoking orchestra"

           As an aside The No Smoking Orchestra is a rock group formed in Sarajevo in the 80s best known for his collaboration with the brilliant director and musician Emir Kusturica.

For the rest, not much has happened lately , the only major change in my life is that in the meantime I quit smoking, I chewed for a while some Nicorette, I also bought an electronic cigarette to accompany me during this difficult test, well, the cigarette is not working, there is no smoke coming out from it, well i use it anyway (:)).
I smoked about 13 years last time (I smoked a few years before, followed by a break, I resumed in the first year of college), I smoked all kinds of cigarettes , in the recent years the secret services facilitated me the contact with the following types of cigarettes: headache assortment, assortment for dizziness, fatigue, dizziness and fatigue, Pall Mall, cigarettes creating instant diarrhea (2, 3 minutes), cigarettes inducing cold , inducing influenza, inducing tears and discharge from eyes, all above taken in combinations of two or three, stomach pain creating assorment, heartburn, Camell, cigarettes inducing shortness of breath ( light suffocation ), cigarettes inducing strong suffocation, cigarettes inducing life threatening suffocation , stuff clogging my nose (good in combination with the sleep apnea) cigarettes creating sores on my skin or in my mouth, cigarettes inducing flatulence or nausea, Marlboro, creating deadlike lethargy, et cetera.

Here are some coins for you, i believe if i would be an alcohol consumer my survival chances would have been even lower, probably I would have had a 20 percent chance of survival in this war with the secret services, I would have probably got in a coma "accidentally", I'd probably be sleeping in ditches after I would have been drinking from people working for them, you can be drawn in violent incidents , skirmishes "accidentally" fatal for you , they could use women accusing you of all sorts of things, I would have been tempted to drive vehicles under the influence, et cetera, the idea is the smoking is certainly a bad habit but a benign one while... I survived - it's true I was near drowning because smoking a cigarette on the beach. Vices aren't for warriors!

Otherwise, as an immediate consequence of smoking cessation I feel much better, the air is noticeably cooler and cleaner (it feels really!) since I quit smoking I start having something called physical condition, I began to be able to climb a few stairs or do some squats or pushups (which before was impossible! sure - we must not forget that the cigarettes I've smoked were not exactly composed of the purest samples of tobacco, but composed of combination of herbs, now it's over! )

Well, it was and it is a big win for me, anyway it's not enough for me in order to stay clean, to have a clear mind and to be entirely out of drugs, immediately after they have seen i am serious about quitting smoking the rats jumped to fight (we are talking about a very interesting species of cock rats ) and increased the doses of the drugs existent in my food , there will be a special topic here sometimes about what charity means today in Europe...

In some ways it's worse than before, right now fore example, without touching any cigarette I'm in a bad state, I'm dizzy, I am 100%, all this comes from the "charitable centers" where i have my food is weird, sometimes on the walls you can see the inscription: "aid from the European Union", it is a unique shame (!!!), a dose of poison in the name of Europe - that's what I get!

8. What am i reading lately?

            I was caught in winter hibernation, i see on the internet discussions about the possibility of human hibernation, interesting issue !, I lectured this winter exclusively fiction, popular literature, books, here are some titles, take it as a guide in the "jungle" of literature...

Michael Connelly - Echo Park or Brass Verdict, an excellent legal thriller ;

John Grisham, I tried to fill as much as I could in all this time from the things I left unread from his works, i have to mention The Rainmaker, The Broker and especially The Testament (a very nonspecific John Grisham , an adventure book !) or the Associate;

RJ Ellory-Saints of New York, very well written , fully equipped with humor and a lot of intelligence;

James Ellroy, the name resembles the one above, we are still talking about different authors, Ellroy is the author of the famous LA Confidential (and also of a book about the Black Dahlia case), I approached this time an autobiographical book called My Dark Places, interesting , still to avoid if you are dealing with people reading thoughts :), a book that takes you in all kinds of places where you maybe could have something to hide!

I already talked about Stieg Larsson (try at least the third one!)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, # 1)
The Girl Who Played with Fire (Millennium, # 2)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (Millennium, # 3)

I Also read James Patterson or Harlan Coben, Dan Brown,etc

9 . Espionage disguised as art

            Espionage, well, we are talking about spying against human minds, what you have to know is ( we eliminating from the list all the books and author' mentioned in the list above), that many of these "works", whether books or movies or some other art genres are written by policeman disguised as writers or filmmakers , more accurately we are talking about writers or filmmakers having secret police responsibilities (and souls, you have to me made for that) .

The idea is when you read fiction your mind will travel in all kinds of places, there are authors specially creating atmosphere, some certain particular situations, well while you are reading it the spies will have privileged access to your secrets, well, this discussion is just for the record , it is a fully Phillip K Dick world, I do not really care about what you think or what happens to you, my mission is to tell you, henceforth you are mature, you must protect yourself.

This is mainly for people dealing with the devil, well, if you have already signed with him, peace than !!!!

My point, I try to clarify a bit my position is that their acces to your long-term memory is probably more difficult than to your momentary trains of thoughts...

10. "Old and new news",

        Old news are the news dating back two weeks ago, when the original version of this text came to being, we had the election of the new Pope as t the most important news of the time, very important - i have to stress that if they are clever the readers of this blog could (it is really diffucult) figure out what the conclave of cardinals was thinking when they made their choice , who is the (real) mastermind behind the events, et cetera.

For the rest you have to see again the mother language, the indo-european language , i mean the romanian language in order to understannd what we are talking about...Indo-european??? Study before arguing with me!

I made some jokes about the event saying that the thing with the smoke coming out from somewhere being followed by the announce " habemus papam" is a very funny one, smoke can result from short circuits as well, it is something like a descent, like a fall!

I have to cut the topic about the "dosarul caltabosul" , a romanian scandal with very very funny stuff involved , well it is to difficult to translate it and on the other side , all the juicy stuff is in the language again (well, they are pretty juicy themselves!)!

This a funny one too, i was asking miself how you can become a romanian (or a turk) , while roman means red, what could be the cause for the redness, well i imagined the color is acquired by grilling , i could not find a picture on the net with a human being at stake, at rotisserie , this is all i have , see this movie : Doomsday (2008)

It is a joke and not a joke, if you want things id above are rather true when we talk about elites than about the regular people .

a) Hugo Chavez (28 juillet 1954 -5 mars 2013)

It's weird for me to comment, I'm naturally somehow - through birth, culture, descent and behaviour on the side of the Americans, to some extent I am myself an yankee, an American (go deep into the words!, well in this way, i mean in the profound way I belong as well to Germany, Chile or Australia) , anyway i took some informations from the Russian newspaper pravda about the event, I could be an american somehow but i have to say as a bracket that the anglo saxon press is a zero, almost trash from my point of view, when i want to read some real stuff i have to go to Russia, so they were speaking about something named Hi Tech Crimes, here is a list with politicians having cancer (attention at the south america! )

1. Cristina Kirchner, current president of Argentina, with thyroid cancer in 2011

2. Ollanta Humala, current president of Peru, with cancer in the gut in 2011

3. Hugo Chavez, former president of Venezuela, with prostate Cancer in 2011

4. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil, with cancer of the larynx in 2011

5. Nestor Kirchner, former president of Argentina, with colon cancer in 2010

6. Fernando Lugo, former president of Paraguay, with lymph cancer in 2010

7. Evo Morales, current president of Bolivia, with cancer in the nasal cavities in 2009

8. Dilma Vana Rousseff, current president of Brazil, with cancer in the lymphatic system

in 2009

9. Alexander Litvinenko, former Russian secret service officer, with polonium-210

poisoning in 2006

10. Yassar Arafat, former chair of the PLO, with brain hemorrhage in 2004

11. Khaled Meshaal, the leader of the Hamas, with the poisonous shutdown of the brain

in 1996"

taken from Pravda, 03.11.2013, an article called The Death of Hugo Chavez, and the trend of hi-tech assassinations in global politics

Readers of mybunker are quite in theme with this kind of things ind, I was approaching the issue myself many times , the comment I added was that these crimes have in some cases a mental component (especially in cases of heart attacks or strokes), there are some mental powers involved in these homicides and equally important is that they are not only the privilege of the Presidents or any other very important people but also for ordinary people , the murders are one of the few things on the earth going everywhere, pretty socialist stuff :)...

Hugo Chavez to go back to him and his legacy joins in death a group of "elders", o group of "dinosaurs" leaving us with increasing frequency, as far as I can tell right away, there's only Castro left from the old school (however, he is less "visible" than his brother) otherwise a lot of people disappeared from politics or died shortly, we talk about Mubarak, Castro, Gheddafi, Kim Jong Il, there was a tsunami that mercilessly swept world leaders, leaders seen as ruthless dictators from one point of view , as heroes for the others, either way, who seems to stay alive and remain in function are just the politicians without personality, ghostly people, manipulated people , dolls with strings ...
With Chavez died and a good dose of courage, died a voice, someone capable of opinion, someone having an attitude and that's what counts for me, independent from the polical area or spectrum to a politician or another are belonging.

b) Geneva Motor Show

Well, two weeks ago this was a very hot topic, Geneva Motor Show was in full swing, even so, here are some pictures with a few models of the cars i like,

Lamborghini Veneno

The new Ferrari, numit LaFerrari

McLaren P1

Koenigsegg Hundra

Alpha Romeo Gloria

Aston Martin Rapide

Porsche 911 GT 3

Giugiaro Parcour

Pinifarina Sergio

c) Tensions

That little one (Kim Jong-un), I call him "The little one" because by nature i am sympathetic with him, threatens South Korea and the U.S. with nuclear war , which is due to new sanctions imposed on North Korea by the Association of "Muppets" called ONU, apparently to prevent new nuclear tests planned by this country, that added to the fact that Kim Jong Un has lost his "hair" (his father), well, there is famine, people suffer, I do not think new sanctions will solve the problem, here is a statement made by Kim Jong-un will:

"can be no denuclearization of the Korean peninsula before the world has been denuclearized,"

quotation is taken from somewhere in the media, I'm sorry, I lost the page in question

It's a common sense statement, beyond this statements it is a lot of escalation, both parties are going ahead at any price, the West is throwing off waves of sanctions apparently seeking the cessaction of the nuclear tests and maybe more than that -obedience in that area of ​​the world, submissive leaders, on the other hand North Koreean leader announced that the tests will continue in this way, as a side effect, the population will suffer privations , all this is starting from a strange vision of the West about who has the right to have nuclear weapons and who is not entitled, as to who are the good guys and who the bad guys, who are responsible and who are irresponsible ...

Now this was two weeks ago, it seems the situation is still tense, I hope they will come to some understanding and balance ...

d) A few "frivolous" words about the gay marriage .

Two weeks ago I opened the British press and I lost a bit of my patience and composure ,
the English mass-media (often accompanied by the U.S.A) seems to orbit forever around this problem , it's like this topic would be the sole purpose for the existence of the anglo saxon press, I do not know if the character of being or not being brilliant (not brilliant in this case) is to blame for this but this are the facts, it is the trend, this is from their point of viwe the very issue of our times .

The situation is probably similar for politicians, this is one of the most basic theoretical problems they need to confront in the political arena, one of the major problems of humanity today, the thorn in our theoretical coast in 2013, the agriculture, the corruption or the budgets are secondary, even the crisis take the second page, what really matters is your position on the Gay marriages, whether civil or religious, what counts making a difference today is the anal itching !

Countless times I opened USA Today, The Independent, The Guardian and other samples of Anglo-Saxon analytical intelligence and what I found at the top page is this: the gay marriage problems, statements, visions , changes of opinion, positions on this issus,et cetera.

Okay, fine, but what is my position regarding the civil and religious marriages between persons of the same sex?

Well, surprisingly my possition is a one taken from the "wisdom" of language (my readers know I refuse to consider the language as being a unique or a suprime authority in any theoretical problem) the effect of considering the things in this way is really comical , at least in romanian language, the thing is that in romanian the word biserica meaning church sounds a bit like pasarica meaning pussy, so as I said in my original text that consequently the lesbians can get married in the church simply because they are pussy lovers while the gays are not to enter the church because they hate and consider the pussy to be repulsive

So, from my perspective a definite no to the idea of ​​marrying gay men in the pussy! Do not let the gays to the pussy! Gophers - stay out of pussy!
Well this was my original position, a logical but a innacurate one, in fact (I will give you another hint ) we have some other curious similarity in romanian about this things, here it is: popa meaning priest and popo meaning gay so as it seems that in real life the situation is quiteopposite so as the very place of the gays is in the church!
Something is wrong! I dont know what! :)
What about the civil marriage betwewen same sex people? Well this is strongly recommended for them, the djevil, the devil are themselves :) (just kiding :)) so going civil is perfect for them...

e) All this happened two weeks ago, I took a look at today's press , i mean 4 April 2013 - when writing this text, not much to comment so as I will go to the hardcore part of this text...

11. About authorities having no moral authority

            I said above that if we are gonna rely on the words, I am at the basic level an American or an Australian etc etc. well there is a sense in which I am definitely an Eastern and I refer to a fact that never ceases to amaze me, "the Westerns" possess a feature, a trait not existing in the case of the Easterns, at least not in the same measure, namely the huge respect and obedience when dealing with an authority.
This is a basic difference between the West and the East, for example if the bus driver is driving bad or lets say drives too fast endangering the lives of the passengers in the west nobody will say nothing because they have an absolut trust in the person being in the position of authority, in institutions, Police, etc
Well, in the same situation in the East, go make a try, go to Romania for example and ask the driver to do a bad driving shaking the travellers , well you will find very very fast 2,3 persons to put their hands on the mouth to create a megaphone to echo their voice saying : Hey Pal! If you can not drive that bus , I'll do it for you!

             I must admit that the obedience and the respect for authority has a good side, it brings harmony in the system, it is something greasing the wheels of the system, making it faster and more functional, yet attention !, when the times are bad, this feature becomes suicidal.
It is like Darwin , how can I explain it to you? Here it is : there are insects without wings and that is good because they live on islands where the winds are really strong and if they could fly they would be taken by the wind and bring to extinction in this way, well, now change the scenery a bit and consider this feature in case of flood , well in case of flood the things are exactly opposite, the insects with wings could eventually escape while the ones without wings are doomed!
The most important asset today may become tomorrow's biggest weakness! This is the moral of this story...

            Now let's say that in the last 50 years the western autorities had lost step by step any moral authority, that they are the ones driving bad , having bad habits , now here in the west the people are as I just said used to obey , to trust, to believe without hesitation or doubt this authorities, well, this autorities are driven by an evil force , the swarm or the cluster model of society are weak today in my opinion...
Where this issue comes?
From what happens to me , sometimes I wonder how bad, how Satanized, how horrible some people can be to do what they do to cause so much harm to a foreign person and then I just realize that they have no ideea about what they are doing, that they simply obey and they obey without having questions about the autorities they obey to...


For your soul, for your peace of mind, try to judge the moral authority of any authority you obey!

If not , you could become the instruments of the evil,  puppets in the hands of the ones using you for their purposes and having no feelings about you or about their victims.

12. The rocket in the ass

My goodness!
What is this? Is this gay?
Kind of, this is about people having abnormal speed in their personal evolution , their carriers, their growth, their earthly life...

Some time ago I made ​​a very sad observation about my daily life, my daily routine, namely that I wake up in the morning to, let's say 8 a clock ), I have some breakfast and I take a shower and then I look at the clock and the time is around 13.30, 14.00!!!

No way! Or how can it be?
Well it is, I leave without a home!
This thing implies making huge efforts to do the most stupid and mundane things of life!
I bet you never think about that simply because it is so unthinkable, you wake up, probably you quickly enter the bathroom to take a shower, then go with the speed of light to the fridge to get something to eat, well it's impossible to realize that there is someone on Earth spending half a day to do what the regular people do in 10 minutes .

So , I watch people ascending in society in fulminating speed in various fields, people who manage everything in life incredibly fast, people making money, careers, becoming famous when they are still very young and I consider that they have to have a rocket in their ass while me, i am on the opposite sense of the stream, me , I have an obstacle at my every step, a barrier to any initiative I take , I have to go through hell to eat in the morning, to support dirty faces and stinking people sometimes , to eat food with drugs in charity centers that have lost for long anything to do with God or at least with humanity, centers filled with weak people who gladly bow, bend before the snake, well at the end of my days I gather nothing, it is only dirt!

This is  beyond communism, this is inversion.

The Cold War is over, here is the outcome, the communism won, we talk about a radical version of social inversion, the most radical ever invented, the Communism was trying to equalize people, the natural "injustices", taking something from the stronger, the faster, the smarter, the more gifted , the brightest to give to the weaker, the slower, the helpless, the weaker .
In this time i am closely tied so as I cannot make any locomotion, I am the retard of our society while the ones having engines behind , open fire at their asses are really moving...

13. The huge contemporary misreading wave

            How should I start this topic, maybe by making a general remark about the important things being into the wrong hands this days. One of the most essential contemporary secret intelectual areas , a domain being more important and more used today than the meanstram universitary topics is the reading of the "signs", reading the scripts left to us by our ancestors, well, I have to say that we live real catastrophic times from this point of view, these things have fallen into the hands of the counterfeiters or of the idiots, the results are really funny to follow.

           Because we mostly talk about names here, about names of cities, towns, counties, countries, institutions, people, continents et cetera it I prefer to avoid using any practical examples, that would be useful and would be useful for me to show you where the mistakes are and what mistakes those who read these things are doing, the most common mistakes, well, instead, I will use formal examples for you to understand what i am talking about!

           Now, lets say we are trying to read the name of the city you are leaving in. What for? To know some things, to know for example who were the creators, what intentions did they have, for who is the city designed to be inhabited , all kind of stuff :)

Now, if you are very sagacious, another question could be born into your mind : what importance have the will of the forefathers, of the ancients for us, why would I or you care about what they wanted? They are dead isn't it ?
Well, I am not so sure about they being dead :) but I would say that I tend to agree with you , but I aslo have to tell you there are people around having the mission to defend this old testaments and that they are ready for anything !

Well, from my point of view they are misinterpreting the things!
The simplest example is this: the names of the most localities because we talked about them are composed "at the atomic level" from a trait being asserted or being possibly negated.


Now, this is not exactly obvious because, normal, this things were being hidden. A modality to hide this things is this one , for example, we eat a few letters

SomtingSN (or SomtingSNo, or SomtingISB)

In order to go back on the line as a detective you have to use the mishearing a bit and to know 3-4 important languages (law available for europe, america, south america, australia, not available for asia, i cannot read there)

Now here it is what your interpreters are doing:
Lets take our example again:


Now if you are gonna cut the words into pieces there is more then 1 possible way of making sense, so if you cut like this:

So Met Hingi S
So Met Hingi SN


Som Et H ingis
Som Et H ingisNo

 you will have some fresh sentences having sense. The bigger the name , the more ways you can find!
You could possible find more then 10 meanings for something made out from 2 words like New York or an expression like Paradise Lost .
Where is the mistake, well, the mistake is that they seem to forget that this huge amount of meanings s are not equally important , that there is a MAIN story behind this names, that there is something very clear that the ancients talled us!

14. Do not forget! Reminder. Remember!

           On March 26, when I will reach the age of 35, we are celebrating as well six years since the Romanian secret services and their henchmen are sistematic destroing my life , trying to eliminate me!

" Zalachenko club"

Here are three interesting pictures, I have more , they are made in Italy, anyway it happens everywhere indiscriminately, as you may notice all the cars are SUVs, they are parked around me all the time, I called this pictorial Zalachenko club in honour and remembrance of the swedish writer Stieg Larsson ...

              Well, with the elimination the things are strange, if I would just smoothly disappear, because of "natural causes" - it would be perfect for them, otherwise, they are and remain in the area, waiting for the attack ...
Maybe it becomes easier to suffer this whole ordeal with the passage of time, you get experience, you get used to the pain, with the frustration, with the "impossibilities" but the sufference does not make you blind, becoming used with the pain cannot replace a life, the money, a house, things like that, I encounter manifestations characterized by an extreme fanaticism - fanaticism that gives birth to cruelty and blindness, I have chosen to answer tough as you can see...

6 years of suffering, 6 years I am in every moment watched, monitored, kept under continuous mental torture, kept in a controlled informational space , suffering continuously emotional traumas, being helped very, very rare with small amounts of money by the family, having no real friends, no relationships, no contacts, always fighting alone!

All this because I was born slave (see the country), all this thanks to a project that was writen for me before my birth , this could be statements loud enough maybe so as to "justify" post-factum 6 years of torture and another few of insertions, interferences over my health, my equilibrium , over my proper life balance .

15. Saints of aesthetics. The chain of evil.

          I will tell you a story now, I had some time ago some very painful blisters on my feet, blisters which healed at the end after many adventures and battles, however, after several unsuccessful attempts to treat them (including the famous medical episode from Wien when they tried to heal the calluses with petroleum jelly (Vaseline, some sick gay joke), well at the end they gave the real remedy , I have become so desperate that I started to ask around what do I have to do, among respondents was a member of the "red Brigades" being around me all the time , I see them in various places, ocasionaly i talk to them because at least in front, they do not seem to be absolutely evil all the time , he gave me a strange answer looking like "magical and shamanic medicine", saying: "it does not heal with that, it does not not go with that, what you have to do is to find a pigeon and utter the following incantation:

"from me to you, from me to you '"

If you feel like laughing then you are pretty ignorant because for any parasites, fleas, locusts, rats this is the only remedy and there is not any other...:)
The bird, the pigeon is nothing then some romantic soul, somebody having maybe a positive outlook on life, somebody to hurt because you are hurt.
It sounds stupid?

I agree with you and yet this practice is being hidden behind some large-scale organizations and practices having great complexity and long history in Earth...
The eternal chain of evil being given from generation to generation, the "assasination" of the innocent instead of the guilty ( Christianity ) Sounds familiar!?? Is it logical?
Well, in a sense, there are more than one systems of logics :)

Now, here it is, it's obvious that I, at the most basic level, definitely refuse to do something like that, the idea of destroing the faith in life of some young people because I myself suffer , making them killing themselves eventually, is strongly repulsive for me.
This makes me wonder if I am a real saint, I have to say that I am not particularly interested about this status ( I dont have much respect as shown before related to the church ), even the discussion about this is embarrassing, anyway the idea is that, I suffer immensely because I refused to be part in this chain of evil, because I refuse to give away the evil, this makes me kind of a universal receiver, I am subject of a kind of Chinese torture type, a heinous and pervert torture, the machine! :)

Well, I must say that I am refusing to transmit the plague not exactly because caring about the "doves" so much or because of me being like Jesus Christ in huge and perpetual love with humanity (it is just the opposite) , however, the main reason for me refusing to descend into hell is my lifestyle, something related with the aesthetics, I have certain standards of behavior and they are almost always with me.
I can not get off in some "hot" areas simply because I can not get off, not because I have a huge love for pigeons, not because I care so much about the fate of a romantic dreamer ...
I will stay with the burden for the moment...

16. A bird, a surprise topic, just for you -

Mobile Guantanamo for you, live from my mobile phone


Here I finally managed, I struggled a couple of days to upload the two files below on the internet from my phone, as in the case above (with the photos) I own more such "treasures", this time i will let you "enjoy" only two samples of intelligence, what you will find below are samples of the work of the intelligence services , pure intelligence therefore, the two recordings are made during the night ​​while I am trying unsuccessfull to get some sleep, it is some evidence that someone is playing Guantanamo with me, as I said earlier I own more recordings with this incredible stinking bird, recordings dating from different years, different nights, different geographical areas, I do not know if you can notice that the "trill" of the two birds from the two recordings have a repetitive pattern , it is obvious we are talking about recordings , that "doomed birds" sing around me as well at -10 degrees, while torrential rain, what can i say, heroine birds, birds with strong nationalistic views!
The two recordings are unfortunately poor quality and that's because I could not use on the internet the original format they were recorded by my phone and so , after I struggled a lot with all kinds of scraps of software trying to turn the two sample files in MP3, I gave up and simply changed the extension of the two files in mp3(by simply rewriting), loosing quality this way ...
Lets not waste time anymore, all you have to do is click and then download the two files, they are small!


17. Closing words

        This is it my friends, this edition of the counterculture is maybe a little unpolished from the aestetical or artistical point of view, its force remains huge as well despite the slightly frivolous character of some topics , I sat and meditated for several tens of minutes what would go here, what is to be said, not much in this edition, I will return soon because I are already behind a bit with these texts, "see you" soon

18. Music

         I cannot add 20 songs here, so I will stop the counter at a number of common sense, amazing music again for you , outstanding music for the ones having perfect ears , for the rest. buy the music you like, buy the music I like (:), if we are to consider you deaf)

1. We start with a notorious name for the fans of metal music namely the Finnish group Stratovarius, very recently they launched (2013) a new album called Nemesis, album I highly recommend for you, I must admit that I did not have enough time to parse it in detail , on the other hand I have to admit that I have not found anything to thrill me at first hearing, may the song called Unbreakable, so as I decided to select today a song from the penultimate album of the band, album still recent itself, I clearly refer to the albumElysium (2011), this is an exceptional song called Lifetime in a Moment

Asadar Stratovarius - Lifetime in a Moment (album Elysium)

An intro using a Roland V-Synth synthesizer (as an inside information), excellent 3.11 and then 5.45 for example for the great , absolutely gorgeous chorus -

Moment in a lifetime, in a lifetime moment,
one Stratovarius "inoubliable"!

2. We continue with an electronic passage through the tunnel of sounds , I said at the music section of this blog a few words about the magical music encounter betwen Klaus Schulze and Lisa Gerrard, today, from an album called Dziekuje Bardzo - Vielen Dank, an tremendous song called Shoreless One

Asadar Klaus Schulze si Lisa Gerrard -Shoreless One (album Vielen Dank)
Here's a link towards the whole album, used with caution, it is not for everyone, buy this music if you find it memorable :

It is an hour and 37 minutes of music, I do not know exactly where the song is, anyway it sounds wonderful (see at 0.45),

3. From atmospheric music a leap to the power-metal style, today a group being for the first time here on Mybunker, a British group called Dragonforce singing very good, having very good lyrics too, well, the chapter where they are really exceptional is the speed of the playing , I do not know how many musicians in the world can sing so fast, check this:

Dragonforce- Give me the night (album "THE POWER WITHIN".)

1.10 still living in a twisted dream!
2.38 Further technical "imposibilities"

4. We got back here the "Winners" of the last edition of the music section of mybunker, I need to make it clear, it is not Eurovision here or any other kind of music contest, however last time it happened, I said at the infinity I would choose between the 7 songs the numbers 3 and then the number 6 (I do not believe in accidents, yet the choice has nothing to do with the comic number 666) here are them again with different songs:

Devin townsend - Kingdom, a song that I would called UTOPIA, a celestial flight:

2.50 , an invasion or a flight (I am thinking to Gengis Khan) ...

5. "The virus, the bringer of pain" , for the second time we habing here to a group called Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, incredible again, a song called: Clash of the titans

Asadar, Luca Turilli's Rhapsody - Clash of the Titans

Rust of a system
Mortal sin of a primitive race
I'm the virus, the bringer of pain
That same hell i want to escape


6. A group we've met before simply because I commented at the Music section an album of this band, I am talking about the German band Gamma Ray, so from a penultimate album Gamma Ray album whose name deserves a special mention Land of the Free 2 (2007, the first album with this name was released in 1995) a wonderful song called Empress, unfortunately I can not find any good studio version of this song, everything I find is live, anyway, you could find a studio version of this song for the beautiful choruses:

Gamma ray - Empress (album Land of the Free 2)

Kiss the princess, Empress of the dark
drink the poison , listen to your heart
Feed the Princess, Empress of the dark
All shall feel the fire

7. We conclude with a "Japanese" song :), the majority of the people listening music have probably never tried to write a song in their lives, (I tried and i am not bad!) , now those who have tried know how hard it is and they also know how hard it is to compose even when you are composing music inside the culture you belong yourself.

It is very difficult for an European to understand the spirit of the European music for example, well, when a Western European group is trying to get into the spirit of a foreign culture should be the even more difficult, I had here one time a Nightwish song bringing to life a splendid Arabic music, try now this "Japanese" a "Japanese" that makes me dreaming

Wintersun - When time fades away (album Time 1)
1.54 !!!

Counterculture 3

The cheapest conspiracy

Note: All images used in this text are not my property, they are taken from the Internet!

1. The dying vampires...

       Here I am again ladies and gentlemen, back for a new round of counterculture, how are you doing lately?
         No, the vampires are not about to die, in fact they thrive and proliferate in our society, the title refers rather to something being part of the contemporary cinematographic imaginary, I do not know if you've noticed this detail, in the movies nowadays when certain sub-species of vampires or demons die, sometimes you can see a light coming from their mouth, light becoming stronger and stronger, at the end they disappear in a sea of light. No, it's not just a casual gimmick for the sake of special effects but something more profound...
        Why am I telling you this ,because I am about to translate a text for you, a text from Romanian language, a text with arguments based almost exclusively on language and linguistic methods, it is worse than before (!), I'm sorry, it is very difficult to translate such a thing in English, i am consequently concerned that my arguments will be unconvincing for you, they lose much of their strength and value once translated into English (!). What in the original text is visible, conspicuous, obvious becomes wiped and washy once translated...

           This is because in the Romanian language the things are almost self-revealing, sometimes is enough to put a question in this language, to write it down and change for example the spaces between the letters for the answer to come out like a tamed animal, like an old friend knocking on your door again, after so long...

            Ok, I decided to keep the last time format for this text , it is an informal format, bringing disorder, chaos, a bit of entropy in the picture , we will have accordingly many topics in a brief, but definitive vision:). What do i mean by "definitive"? I mean if I took a subject and I discussed it here then almost all its secrets have been unveiled and the subject is a dead subject! :) (this is a smile ) Yes, I agree with you that I should let something to do for the next generations of thinkers, what can I say, I highly recommend the tech part, there is a continuous need for innovation there :), is that new Ark ready ? :)

2. Customs. The purpose of your visit, please?!

           This is like I would ask you: what are you looking for here? What are you looking for when you are reading this blog? Are you a part of the secret police services being anxious about these texts and their effects therefore wishing to stay close? Is this blog trendy? Anyway there is one specific answer which is not good for you, namely this: "I'm here because I want and I need to know".
Maybe you remember the Chinese proverb saying: "be careful what you wish for, it might come true".

Well if you want to know then the result might be this:

(cruciare (lat, it)= to torture,to provoke pains(eng))

Here it is:

Vreau sa stiu (Romanian) - I want to know (English )
Vrei sus tiu (romanian)- the jews (evreii) will put you up (sus) on the T (the cross) (english)

In romanian I just have to mishear a bit the original sentence saying : I want to know and the result is a story about being put up on the cross...Now, you could say again :) that this method of studying the things is an awkward one, after all it is just Dan Brown using it very visible :) , no matter how similar the versions would be they are still different, well, yes but i am using this method in order to reconstruct the original thinking sequences of the creators of this things, after the construction they used a coat of paint if you like, to hide their tracks...

3. How am I? How do I feel? What's going on this days?

          I am doing pretty bad, I think I had the time to tell you last time that , as soon as I gave up smoking, I began to feel worse than before. How could this be? Well, the snake, the snake (the romanian secret services are named S.r.i. like serpi, something close to the serpent) jumped to fight trying to defend his right (!!!) to harm me (it is how they probably think - like they would have an inalienable right to hurt me just because they are around me , as well as the right to defend this right), and so the drugs doses from my food increased dramatically , well I thought it is for a while, it happens, they get angry sometimes and I'm punished (additional) like a child , the thing is I am 35 years old, I am not a child at all and even if would be a child I could in no way to be the child of such nothingness (this joke will give you hard time... it is about changing the fathers , it is about the conspiracy :):))...anyway, the thing is there are about 20 days with me being dizzy and drowsy continuously, basically I wake up in the morning in a very advanced state of hangover (like after heavy drinking), then I stay confused all the day, in the evening the malaise begins to feel acutely again, I go to sleep- in a state similar to the use of heavy doses of sleeping pills...

      I have to say that I , with my knowledge , dont use any kind of medications, drug, chemical stuff.

        There are two months since I quit smoking , as soon as I quit smoking I started doing some sports, well now is the time to register here another anniversary, a sad anniversary this time, there are already about two weeks since I suspended any form of physical exercise simply because it is impossible to do sports in the mentioned above context.

         It's already trivial to mention that I am not allowed to go forward, that i am inside the Iron Maiden :), there is nowhere to go, so that its forbidden for me to advance even in a field so insignifant like sports or physical shape. It all started in Italy - from there I got the dizziness! they probably felt offended by that text i wrote last time containing pictures with pizza :) , well there it started, then I toured Barcelona, ​​I think you've noticed the results :), no? the score! -anyway I suffered a lot there, the people there are some really stupid Hebronese people ( there is an big area there called Hebron like the israelian city of Heborn), they did not let me sleep at night (sleepiness accompanied by sleep deprivation (!)), now I'm back in Paris, these lines are also an SOS, I hope that there are some real living people among you who can maybe do something , I am hopelessly dazed for about 20 days, these dogs have no limits, they will never stop by themselves .

How can it be, maybe you keep asking yourself?

             I told you one time in here the story of Hannah Arendt defining the evil as obedience, the idea is that the church, the people from the charity centers where I go to eat dont have any balls, any courage left (most of them have already been defeated once by this "snake", or by the machine ), so as they avoid at all costs messing with the secrets, they and their institutions (including the church) are weaker than this secrets, so when they see "the evil they are all responding in the same manner

Just do not hurt me, I'll do whatever you'll ask me to do!This is the road to hell, your road to hell!

The truth is they can harm you beyond the law, using the law and there is nothing you can do, there role is historical, they are protected by states (like USA), by secret societies (like Masonry , they are equals to a point with this), et cetera.

4. News, comments

         What happened since the last time i was here ? Things you have already heard, Margaret Thatcher , the Iron Lady died at 88, then in 15.04 at Boston Marathon two Chechen peasants named Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tzarnaev ( Tamerlane's a nice name!, taran (Ro)) means peasant (English) have succeeded the inexcusable performance of killing an 8-year old boy, I was reading that the unemployment has reached a record in France, 3.2 million unemployed in this country, well in general from my point of view the Europeans do nothing, you can see them all day standing on the bars terraces and drinking beer, (add some olives for Spaniards) , this occupies about all the daytime of the europeans , the evenings we have fotball games, the night is made for sleep, then everyone expects everything to fall from the sky, this is their economic view, Nicolas Maduro replaced the dead President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela (probably the enemies of this country would have preferred Henrique Capriles :)) and tired of living under their glass dome , the Germans start all of the sudden to play football !

          Nothing spectacular these days, maybe after the closing of this edition of the counterculture the madness will begin again! Here is something interesting - there are some guys here in the Pompidou center in Paris , struggling to find on the internet the Kickboxer movie with J Claude Van Damme :) that's something, is Van Damme fancy this days? Speaking of movies, I do not know if this is the place but I have to say I really wasted two hours yesterday watching Obliveon, the new SF movie having Tom Cruise on the poster, I saw recently that the American movies are becoming increasingly surrealist / abstract, i dont know why, probably because the audience of this movies itself becomes increasingly more demanding, more sophisticated having every year a higher IQ :):):) ... the story line is almost absent, anyway Tom Cruise and his colleagues performance is acceptable ...

5. Speaking About movies
Another deconstruction

Here is the Romanian word


Now Fi means SONS

L is the death, or the Dad

M is me

Here is the explanation for the "tears" (just kidding) that I shed last year when I complained about me being parasitized by the filmmakers, well it is me being prevalent grown by my father , I am a son of my DAD therefore they were coming to me ...well, when they start not being welcomed they thought to go in Iran (see Ben Afleck and Argo) :) they are Persians there , so sons of dad, as you may see this people are dying to respect the "dictate" of the language!

Question: why that L is the death ? It is an old joke, if you passed the corner then , we, the rest of us cannot see you, so as we can presume you dead :).
But it is pretty stupid, excuse me!

Hehe Yes I agree with you, still many times when you will try to read through the words that L is the death, this stupid joke was used by the ancients!

6. State capitals (the capital punishment for boys)

Lets start with the word , the word CAPITAL, what makes you think about?

            Probably about money, probably about Karl Marx and his historic opera with the same name , a book that would make and change (the) history, about the capital punishment, about state capitals, well you are not the first to think at all this, our ancestors were far, far more clever than we like to think, well, when the states were engineered the names for the cities were not being choosed randomly, the capitals were called so as there names to have deep historical ethnic-political-social importance and profundity, their names were made to tell us for example who the locals hate, who the locals would like to kill, who is the enemy of the local intelligence services, etc...

         This was initially mostly likely a joke, if i would pretend that "they" were serious when hiding death penalty data when naming the cities , death penalty for innocent people, then I would contradict myself, I said that our predecessors were pretty clever.

         So is it for real? They were really doing bad jokes about the death penalty when they were naming the cities?
Well, everything here is double checked, well investigated, it is not coming here if is not consistent with other data et cetera.

         Let's see about 5 examples, attention, even if this information is highly probably true, it cannot be acknowledged, it cannot be openly admitted by any serious autorities because it would be very, very dangerous!
a) Canada?

Capital city - Ottawa.
What does Ottawa mean ? Is there a Romanian word resembling the word? Well, Otava, is this good enough?

Ok, but here starts the strange part, what does that "otava" mean?

It is some kind of grass...

Ups, are this guys about to kill some grass?

...from this point I appealed to a series of transformations which is pointless to translate here, if you want to see it , see the Romanian version of this text, it's untranslatable, anyway the idea is that when I stopped, the result was this: males, men, boys...

For real? Well, you could argue that I have to know from my own experience that this statement is not true, it's an almost absurd statement, I lived myself almost 3 years there , that is correct, only that I have not made ​​any statement about the truth value of this sentence, I have just decoded, decrypted the word Ottawa in the context of the joke with the capital punishment.

Before going any further here is another coin for you:

Umor (romanian ) - Humour (english)

Omor (romanian) - Murder, crime, capital punishment (english)

b) USA? Isn't it exciting? Ladies and gentlemen, only here on mybunker we are going to decrypt the name of the U.S. capital, Washington D.C. ...

(The D.C. thing can be an important element in the equation.)

variant a) Washington DC, the capital punishment goes for those who are not washing you,
variant b) Washington DC, the capital punishment goes for those who are washing you (if tone is son) right?

Who is this "you"? Well, that depends! It could be about some guys being in the same situation with the famous personality who is in the photo from the point number 2...

So the main story is this, they are going to kill anyone not washing this guy (like his legs (see Magdalena)) or they are going to kill anyone ready to help him!

Perhaps there are more parties out there, we have friends and enemies there :), anyway what really matters is the upper triangle (so to speak) and not the ordinary people, I hope for a change in the vision there, I hope they will eventually come back to the good spirit there in USA, this name is not relevant only by himself, if you read further than the name of this city, you will see that the correct reading seems to be this : "capital punishment for those not washing him, getting him dirty (as a secret in romanian dirty = murdar (it sounds likc murder, crime)

c) Russia

There are also several options here, it depends of what version (what language) of the word Moskow you choose for decryption, strange - the romanian variant (usually golden) is not good -Moscova, I think the english Moskow is better and it sends in the same direction with the word Ottawa (even if there is also a reading talking about some Masks ) (see also the state named OMAN), then I came to believe that the word Moscow can be deconstructed like the word Ottawa, capital punishment for the boys, for the ones having monkey like activities with the cows!

d) Romania

Here we are , we are getting to Romania,


Bucharest is kind of the same thing with Budapest, they are all fags there :) , this is the thing,

so this fags are about to commit mass suicide simply because they want to give the capital punishment for the fags while this word is sending back to them!!! :):):)

e) Peru


Here is something i love, it is bad this country is so small , if you have big hair (big dick , please excuse me :)) what upset you the most, what thing , object you will hate the most?

Yes is Lima, lama in romanian means blade, blade like rasor blade!

! For the bigger Peru (Peru is like the stick, like the organ :) like the mail organ), I hope at the end this small country Peru is gonna kill and annihilate all the monster country from the earth!

Qustion: But it's forbidden to be a man on earth?
Answer: It looks like that, there are more than that two countries I was talking about above!
Qustion: But this is a planet only for transsexuals, homosexuals, deviants and cheeks?
Answer: It seems !
Question: Who is behind this and why
Answer: Well , this time you wanna know too much, see again the picture, :) the truth is i am not sure myself,how all this come to be, i give a hint , when something is weird and stinky you have to first accuse the Romanians, secondary the jews, tertiary yourselves!

To summarize, a really clever idea is the one with Erevan (see Armenia as well as this topic : Radio Erevan ), another funny thing is that one with Amsterdam, with everybody paying capital for the hamster girls instead of killing the hamsters :), I think we have also some confusions on the map, maybe some people did not know the joke with the death penalty when they baptized their capitals (for example Brazil or Portugal).

I also invite you to make the psychological observation that there are people belonging to different circles of power, military circles, police and secret services guy having this idea very close to their hearts :)

7. The madhouse

        Do I mean something like "Flying over the Cuckoo's Nest"? Something like that, something like that :), there is only one difference, the flight is over some birds nest , the cuckoos are equivalent with the madhouse (see the story with the hero intending to "fly over" a madhouse) only for the ones hating the cuckoos, (no, you dont see the conspiracy! you cannot see the romanians , are you from CIA?), the Cuckoo are the cocks, if the cocks are bad they are not good, and if something is not good (ne bun (Ro)) than it is crazy (nebun (Ro))!

Here it is again (the enlightment!)

Bun (ro)- good (english)
Rau, ne bun (ro)- bad, not good (english, did you notice that in romanian the word bad is targeting the romanians :):):):):):))
Nebun - crazy (I just put together the previous two words)

        Again, I am inside the minds of the faggots! No, not any faggots, but some special faggots!

       It seems that in this category falles Ken Kesey too, he is the author of the famous book I mentioned above, please do not rush to tell me that this reasoning (considering the Bad being one thing with the Mad) is improper and inaccurate from a scientific standpoint, sure it is , but it is the language I translate from, there... bad is ( in some way) one and the same thing with crazy and Ken Kesey knew it!

          Hehe, here are some details about my family on my mother's side, my mother's name was Helen, my maternal grandfather's name was Vasile Blaj, now you have to see what happens in Romania, there is a party named PDL cloning the names of my family on my mothers side, i cannot say many things because instead of exposing them i will make a fool of myself, they are all reborn people , in this case coming up from the machine with fresh identities sending towards my family , study a bit the entourage around the president of Romanian, the very bad quality Jew Traian Basescu!

         What problems do I have with the actual president of Romania?
Well, he is one of the main reasons for what happens to me, he is keeping an army of secret services around me all the time , I will continue to fight him, it is very difficult, that is a country not an golf club and they are going crazy against me! And they are not alone - see the topic number 9!

           Well, basically the madhouse stretches there far beyond the President and his entourage , I have to say though that I'm not very interested in this things, I'm interested of the president and his entourage only because one of the reasons for him being there is to harm me ! Pretty crazy isnt it?
Really funny, a homeless guy saying that a president of a EU state is pretending in some way he is being kind of his father while the homeless sais : no, no he is a jew not my father! you think I'm crazy? There's no problem if the answer is yes I do not mind because in this case you dont have a mind!

          The real story is this: they were taken, they pass through the machine, they loose their souls, they were renamed like a cattle, humiliated and then used, used as drones against all kinds of targets, well when a target is me and my family - there i have to fight back!

8. To kill (A jeremiad)

               To kill means in almost every language on earth to take someone's life, well the thing is in order to be punishable, inpeachable you have to do it fast . So what if somebody is taking your life but very slowly by keeping you motionless in such a way that you never have the success that you would have if you would be free, in such a way to try to keep you unhappy, to keep you poor, etc.

          I've already tell you about six years being robbed from my life, almost tottaly taken (see for example the travel page of this blog to understand that they cannot steal everything, that I fight back , but they can take pretty much!), so in a way i can say that they are slowly killing me, that they are slowly without any right draining my blood, that I am painfully killed in torture and I am allowed to see it.

            Now as a consequence I have to tell here that they, at their turn, cannot expect any mercy from me (well not exactly from me as an individual, i am just a guy, they are the big ones, they are the secret services and the leaders of a nation (more than one actually), they cannot expect me to be moderate or any other type of a rat , I am slowly killed and I choosed to fight .

          Well , on the other hand, there is something, any s..t can have accidentally some good consequences , the good side is that I'm Awake (spiritually awake) as a result of these actions, you cannot imagine it, I remembered this days a song called Awake and I must say that I suddenly realized that in the last six years I lived in a kind of special state of awareness, a heightened awareness, I though Ill better get some sleep from this awareness, to forget a bit, to become normal a bit, to live for a while!

            I waste my material , social or my economic life in exchange for this deeper kind of contact with reality ...

            I'm one of the few "Indians"doing that :) :) ...I dont know what em i doing in the West where they give you even their mothers for money...

          Well now, logically, it could appear that someone upthere in Bucharest is helping me :) from a point of view , it is not me wanting to know everything (?), maybe the things could be seen like that, it is weird, thanks for torture, it keeps me awake!

I am sorry -this is not my position!

In addition, there is a much more tasty version, the one I chose myself, I simply tell you almost everything!

9. Political parties

           I have a question for you: you're good at politics, what about the political parties?
Your answer: "Yes, actually this is my profession, i am studying political science, i am a politologist and a political analyst"
Me: sure you are! :):)

          As you could have notice the majority of parties names are beginning with the letter P, it is the initial letter from the word party... there's nothing mysterious about it or maybe there is something mysterious ...
The misterious thing is the word "pui" from romanian meaning SON, chicken, son of a cock, or maybe the son like the son from that picture from the topic number 2!

Let's see a bit the european parties ,

PL, usually the liberals , the name can be decrypted as " the son dies"

PDL, the democrat liberals, the name can be decrypted as well "the son dies " , now, this is a party having great success in countries like Romania or Italy for example, it is the party of the President Basescu (yes, mr. Bean) and also (incidentally) the party of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy , as a shock confession PDL could also mean son of a lion ( who is the political personality which could correspond to the description?). Now you see alliances.

PS, the socialists, PSD in romania, I decrypt the name as "the son receives a RING", so it is with ring , with ZA, but it is not neccesary killed.

The peasants party (popular more in the East), I decrypt the name as "the son is free" , unfortunately I do not think they respect this...

The Greens, the Ecologists, I dont have a clear decryption here because there are more readings of that words , so as I have to think that this are variations are also manifest inside this party as well...

Populars, peoples parties , here is the first time we have a GOOD decryption, "the son has his leg in his place":) , this is good!

The christian democrats,  standing well in Germany, Spain, Australia, i will not translate it because I dont have a clear formula to translate , anyway there is something there that does not sounds good!

PRM (a nationalist party from Romania, being deeply mixed in the mess happening to me)

USL, see the romanian version for this, an alliance making me think about USA, it is not logical, true, it is still no accident!

Republicans , I said one time that this party have a hidden Bible story inside, it seems to be about cain and abel !

I dont know what labourist or conservativ means because there too many meanings i can find in this words...anyway democrat is coming from mock and rat (:):):) , I said this before and it is very funny that this had never any effect, the people can not hear me (!), they prefer maybe to believe in the system, they can believe whatever they want but they deceive themselves like fools !!!
Yes, you could ask again, why in the world everything seem to have something to do with the "son",

I dont know, you have to ask the church, the masonry and the romans :) !

10. Darwin ?

          It hurts, it hurts me to destroy ( if what I say is correct) the work and the memory of Charles Darwin, I would like me to be wrong, it is like having to deal with an old friend, a friend who never did anything wrong, on the contrary sometimes he (his theory ) stood there for me , supporting me.

With this theory I had a kind of a personal relationship, a number of years ago I would have maybe given my life in the name of this theory, i was a fanatical darwinist...Today I have to do what I have to do!

This is not a scientific criticism towards Darwinism, this is mainly a linguistic argumentation line sustaining first of all that the name of the big british scientist contains hidden inteligence showing us that , at some point , he suffered a personal transformation that including some weird inverted linguistic parts!

          Have you ever seen this crap before ? Well, it is a drawing making ​​a career on peoples T-shirts , there are probably many individuals thinking this is a very funny (and probably very spiritual ) sample of graphically expressed thought , I do not think these guys understand the last consequences of all this , before telling you what we are dealing with , here comes another photo with night vision, this time

Corvin, did you ever heard this name before?

You will probably answer : no! Well, in this time just about everyone has heard about Darwin, it is true, Darwin is the guy who wrote one of the most brilliant and beautiful theories that were ever written, well he was a Corvin himself, a Corvin is a name having a mark, a mark of honor and prestige, it is a name and a title at the same time ...

Now, Darwin = Corvin , yes but , this is it , we have a BUT there :), see romanian again, first you have to translate the romanian word- dar in english, then to find a funny meaning of a word that sounds like the first one, now retranslate the content into english!

"Well, this is very weird" you will say, probably it is, i am still 75 percent Darwin came out from the machine with the task of rewriting the future, with the ideea of the organic evolution being inserted in his head, at the end he did it and when he did it he put "himself" at the very start of the evolution!!!

(a corvin is a kind of australopitecus)

         Ok, now we fly through the evolution of species towards the descent of man, to reach the human lineage, it is there Darwin told us about our ancestors and about the conversion from them to us, as you know the evolution of man starts in the canonic evolutionism with Australopithecus, there are several kinds of Australopithecus, let's choose Boise (sounds like boy si (yes)), well , the evolution ends with you, ladies and gentlemen, Homo sapiens! Applause!

          Now Australia is Australia, pitic means dwarf or son of a father, pui ticu, homo sapiens is homo Za beans probably (this homo sapiens is gay) so Darwin tells us that evolution begins with a savage, with a man with hair, with an Australian, with himself and finishes with a gay, with Mr bean, with the man with the computer, computer could mean "who is stinking the air", no you dont have to understand i am against computers, I am using one right now, it is them - everytime they did something good, they thought immeditely after to stink it a bit , i dont know why, it is like building a house then pissing on it!

         Now, did you get the point with that picture now? That picture is not what appears to be, an innocent funny way of depicting Darwin's theory, the picture above captures instead the verry pervert essence of Darwin's theory, namely the transformation of man into a stinking being, in order to turn them into working robots...

          Now, Darwins biography shows that he was a tormented man, well, probably under the influence he wrote this inverted theory putting me and him (I am a Corvin myself) at the beggining of the evolution and mr Bean at the end of it, I think Darwin wrote under some kind of threat or being under external pressure!

Here is it in images
Ladies and gentelman
Evolution (after Darwin, now in images)

Starting point (this is obviously a joke:))

Terminal point, after Darwin

Do you believe this?

11. The vitrovian man?

          The Vitruvian Man is a drawing made ​​by Leonadro da Vinci around the year 1490, also called the Canon of Proportions, it is hosted by the Academy galleries from Venice in case you want to steal it, it is a drawing that shows a man's body with emphasis on the ideal size proportions, here a quote from wikipedia if you are interested:

The lower section of text gives these proportions:

the length of the outspread arms is equal to the height of a man

from the hairline to the bottom of the chin is one-tenth of the height of a man
from below the chin to the top of the head is one-eighth of the height of a man
from above the chest to the top of the head is one-sixth of the height of a man
from above the chest to the hairline is one-seventh of the height of a man.
the maximum width of the shoulders is a quarter of the height of a man.
from the breasts to the top of the head is a quarter of the height of a man.
the distance from the elbow to the tip of the hand is a quarter of the height of a man.
the distance from the elbow to the armpit is one-eighth of the height of a man.
the length of the hand is one-tenth of the height of a man.
the root of the penis is at half the height of a man.
the foot is one-seventh of the height of a man.
from below the foot to below the knee is a quarter of the height of a man.
from below the knee to the root of the penis is a quarter of the height of a man.
the distances from the below the chin to the nose and the eyebrows and the hairline are equal to the ears and to one-third of the face.

wikipedia, is on the back of a 1 Euro coin, here is a sample of this drawing (with our man being a bit excessively fat so as to be a girl (in romanian fata = english girl) :))

         I really regret I chose this drawing for interpretation, mona lisa would have been easier and more spectacular!
There are countless interpretation upon this drawings, the last round was notable made by the American author Dan Brown in his book The Da Vinci Code, he gave you the methods to read but not any precise result in particular, let's start with the beginning and ask ourselves what the word "vitrovian" means?

        Well the History tells us that this word comes from the name of the Roman architect - Vitruvius. Really?

Well forget about the history!
Here is the living history!

Viitor (in romanian) = future ( english) , ok what is wian, wien? Do you speak french? French like excuse my french!
Va no has to mean not going, it is also in the name of the city hosting the picture , it is actually everywehere where they have no legs!

             Now, Leonardo da Vinci, there's no secret, he was a homosexual, hence his vision about future was one of a man being sexually ambivalent, Dan Brown says that the circle that contains the drawing is a symbol of femininity, it is, here's the disclosure of a secret project that dates back hundreds of years trying to radically amend the human being, we are talking about the transhumanist project . I still think the hardcore argumentation stays in the decription of the name of the drowing, i think what he wanted to say was: here it is, this is the man of the future, he is mr. bean, the boogieman , he is not walking anymore!

12. The cheapest conspiracy, conspiracy priced at the price of the beans kilo

         Ladies and gentlemen, here we are approaching the end of this historic text , we are messing with big names, with big historical figures here in this text, what I have to say is that very often, these big names are actually on underneath just vehicles carring a will, just carriers of somebody elses plans.

           Conspiracy is a word I usually avoid when trying to describe various facts, events, things, I really do not think that all the things above are due to any conspiracy because the idea of ​​conspiracy is something that may resemble with a revolution, a conspiracy are the actions of a group trying to undermine, take control, alter, destroy or change an order, a conspiracy is a secret plan that occurs somewhere in a specific point in history, well I do not think the above mentioned things occur somewhere in a particular point of history but rather that, as shown in the case of the section dedicated to the state capitals, we can say that this conspiracy is preexistent to the Creation, the things came from the factory in this way , maybe somewhere along the way there were some dramatic accents, an acceleration, one needs to speed things up maybe , I do not know ...

13. Finish

            Shorter this time, however, the content is extremely penetrating, only the Darwin part if you like is a revolution, what about the part dedicated to the political parties? It is like about 10 tons of Wikileaks documents and that should go on the both sides of the ocean, we settle the issue about the movies, this solution is not a solution but the solution, we had state capitals names decrypted, ​​I had fresh things for you this time, usually the topics here are ideas i temporally passed, well, i meditate at political parties and state capitals a week ago, so we can say that I kind of brought you near my level in some concerns...

           A lot of humour and o lot of humorous pictures , maybe someone being in my situation should be more serious, maybe the pictures with funny character dont have to stand in the same place with the Saviour, well i thought it is ok, excuse me for the frivolous and the childish temper in trasmitting these hard truths, behind the apparent frivolity and infantility are weeks of intense intellectual effort, long weeks of mental awareness!

We meet again here in May , until then music and

Wish you the best!

14. Music

The cheapest conspiracy but still the best music in the world!

a) Some issues to resolve before proceeding , some issues related to honor, first of all last year I commented here on this blog the music of a band having a very, very special sound , one of the most adrenalinic music on the market, I mean the American band Bleeding Through, I read the group disbanded, they will still have some concerts this year, I hope that their appearance here on this blog did not have any bad influence on their work, here is a bad place to be,

they and their music have my full support, I hope they will reconsider their decision , Bleeding Through one of the most interesting extreme music on earth!

b) I had last time here a song of Klaus Schulze featuring Lisa Gerrard, it should be noted that Lisa Gerrard is still a member of the Dead Can Dance band , in 2012 this group released a new album, after a fairly long break, if you can remember, it was the fabulous Into the Labyrinth in 1993 , then in 1996 came the very weird Spiritchaser with Brendan Perry hunting the spirit unsuccessfully in my view :) , than after another 6 years dead can dance came back with an album named anastasis. A much better one than the previous, here we have a sample:

1. Dead Can Dance-Return of the She-king, album Anastasis

I have to confess it's the first time this year I have very little new music, I prepare a song earlier and then I woke up finding out that the song is not on youtube, if you can believe it, ok, let's try an American progressive music author:

2. Erik Norlander - Fanfare for Absent Friends - The Galactic Collective

Why do you believe in monsters?A few seconds of music mistery, Gothminister now, a group of industrial music from Norway

3. Gothminister - Monsters

00 - 0.14

A break for Jesse Cook

4. Jesse Cook - Luna Llena (Live at Metropolis)



Tired of metals, ok, here's some new age music, so

5. Oliver Shanti - Sacral Nirvana

Here is a group I refused to bring it here earlier on this blog because of the very manifest Satanist façade or image and despite the quality of music, I have to say this band was my favorite metal band few years ago (no, I had nothing to do with the satanic church :)) , albums like Khronos• Genesis• Sanctus Diavolos were always very high in my preferences, sometimes even number one, I speak about a Greek band named Rotting Christ, they have a new album named Κata Τon Εaytoy Daimon (Do What Thou Wilt) as I said the Music of Rotting Christ was for long time almost my only ally against the fundamental ugliness of my life , here I am now, it's time to give something back, a special greeting to Greece and to Rotting Christ music from here!

6. ROTTING CHRIST - In Yumen / Xibalba

                        7. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman (SLAYER)


1/3 of a century of metal
Jeff Hanneman

Counterculture 5

The miniature

1. Preliminary considerations and data

              In order to start, this version comes with two weeks of delay as against the original text, I have apologize for the delay, I simply do not have the means to do better at least for this summer, otherwise, this text will be more comprehensive, bigger than the original and it will bring as well a number of news and updates compared with its original version.

             I intend to move quickly this time, no later than Thursday morning this new version / update / rearrangement will be completed. Many things have happened since I wrote the original version of this text, the events appear to precipitate around, I have many personal topics to cover here  I have to cover a lot of international news topics as well, I hope I will have enough time for everything.

              The original text has been designed to be very short, this also explains the title, the original version was written in two hours, I explained there that it  usually takes me about 8-9 hours to write such a text, then another 8-9 for translation, well, it is summer and I am not in the mood for large scale projects right now, we will  back "full gear" at the beginning of this autumn.

            Before being born this text had a poster, a commercial announcing his appearance , it had a very inflammatory title - this text should have been named "whore", well, I changed my mind and I thought to let "them" alone for a while...:) (that is a smile!)

            The original version of this text was accompanied as well  by an S.O.S., back then they were some events here in Milano (where I returned in the  meantime after some Spanish escapades ),  the S.O.S. was linked to some events that occurred here, I am talking about  a very messy place where I hope to go as little as possible, I speak about a charity center which I've mentioned here before (A franciscan center from Milano ), well, right in front of that place they are doing contraband with cigarettes, the Romanians smuggle  cigarettes to be more precise , well -on the underground it is a freemasonic centre, such a place is like a home for the romanians, moreover the place is named " the tricolore square " which is sending towards them again, well, macons, me See No (the maconic "trinity") - they , by they I mean the priests , the staff working there ( belonging from the church  to a point) pretend they have no idea about what happens under there nose (well - the macons have no noses :) ).
                Ok,  so I was doing some photos around , no , not because of the smuggling , I dont care about that, I was doing photos with some secret services boys being there (I have even speculated that maybe the cigarettes trafficking is supported by them, they do some cash there in order to cover part of the expenses they have to stink me (Romania is a poor country)), well they saw me and they come very agressive around me, they took my phone asking to erase the photos , however the phone was returned immediately after and nothing important happened ...

              What is the maconic "trinity"? Well, first of all they have no noses - so as they cannot smell anything, then they "see no"  and the third and most important detail there mouths are forever closed :) so as you have to logically deduce that something has to be wrong with their heads !

2. Tours, news, events (Travel stories)

             This title reminds me of the great American scientist and writer Carl Sagan, he used this beatiful title : "Travellers' Tales" for the 6th episode of his great scientific saga named Cosmos , if I remember correctly this episode reminded us  the huge importance of the geographical discoveries of our predecessors, from Marco Polo to Columbus, from Drake to Vasco da Gama, well, I see the entire history differently but that's not issue now, we are talking about trips - I've only traveled to Sweden, I was in Stockholm and Upssalla this time...I suffered a lot because of not having money  (I think you remember I am not allowed to have any money - even small amounts, when I do have they are  immediately stolen, those who give me any money have to suffer, et cetera), it must be said that this sufferings and dangers I experience  on these roads  are not exactly similar with those Marco Polo has had in his itineraries and yet the risks are similar in strength - I sometimes risk my life to go somewhere around- and this right here in the middle of Europe -where everything seems so safe, looks so safe - it is an illusion.

           After all this occurrences, adventures, events I came from there filled with discontent, I must say that I vowed to come here to "destroy" them, to "kill " them, I wrote  in my notepad  (not to forget ) to curse the king of Sweden :), to say filthy things about the Danish and Germans, they are always disappointing, well, all good ... and then, before I came here to  curse them all,  I went on a tour in Spain...
          Eventually I returned from Spain  and I must say that the road in Sweden was the heaven :), first and foremost in the case of the first tour I really  managed to get  where I wanted to go, well in case of Spain, no. Now, this happens very often, I take notes - I think   to come here to criticize  x or y and in the meanwhile something even dirtier happens, something even more polluted and so the first ones get away with it. This is Europe today - the bigger evil makes us forget the smaller evil, the very unclean things make us forget the unclean things ...

           Ok,   I do not know if I have to stretched out the story, the idea is that I wanted to go to Madrid to visit its surroundings, I thought about Guadalajara, Toledo, Escorial or Aranjuez, well I could not, the things rushed in Barcelona, I immediately came into conflict with various local elements , well, at the end I left Barcelona in order to try to do my trip, I came only to Lleida (it is a small town not far from Barcelona), there they cut off the trains (maybe I'll have time to upload some photos from my phone), I did everything I could to keep going ahead, they were some trains left  but not enough to cover a journey for someone who does not have enough money to pay the whole way - the idea is that I had to  return.

This is a picture from Lleida Railway Station, all the trains were cutted down, well, they were some trains left - but just a few , the ones they have chosen at their pleasure...

               It is a big disappointment, I could eventually push and go on but it would have taken me a very long time to get there , many days would have been lost through small country stations where there is nothing, not even a toilet, I did that once - I was to Madrid 4 times (I think) - I do not know, in the meanwhile I've gotten older, I dont have  the necessary patience anymore, to stay and wait for the next train to come after being thrown off every 10 minutes ...

           I said it here before , Spain is in Europe and it is not in Europe, it's something like Turkey there, maybe this is a reason for this country still being so exciting from a tourist point of view, it has something like an exotic touch , anyway, sadly -  the downside is so big that it almost completely obscures  the good side!
           I saw very strange things there , they still live there in a kind of a terrorist panic , I think that is wrong - it is long time since the Madrid bombings, well,  believe it or not i was in the tram in Barcelona , the controllers came for the tickets  - there were 3 individuals accompanied by a security guard with a wolfdog, wolfdogs in the city? I have  seen them afterwards as well, it is not an exception, it seems slightly exaggerated for me, Barcelona is a peaceful city , well - not exactly for me, occasionally I am disturbed there  - but in broad terms - well - it looks like warzone there.

It is pretty strange for a country living at least partially out of EU assistance, a case where the European taxpayer pays a large excess of security agents, this is basically the local economy, have you ever seen any made ​​in Spain products ?
No? Well they arent any factories there, but instead the  security is like in the movies...

By the way, a question, why there is socialism in Europe only between the states, there are many states in Europe kind of living from the community welfare ,  but not at the individual level , as you may know the poor individuals receive nothing from the state in Europe (Only the friedly politicians and states receive something) ,  well, the answer is of course that this is the vision of Bruxelles - are you sure about Bruxelles having any vision , any type of it?

            I saw they are afraid of Dan Brown :) (Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? ), i mean they seemed to fear that I come here  chopping into pieces and explaining where each piece from the name of their city (or the streets, et cetera) is coming from, hehe very funny , what can I say, they should not fear anything, their city is gay  (Barcelona) but it is not the only one around :)  and Catalunya means a legless cat (cat aller (Fr) not ), a maimed cat, sometimes people are mean to cats, overall we are not talking about a Leo Messi place but about a very , very messy place.

          Ok, let's go back a little to the trip I made towards the northern Europe, this journey has brought with it some novelty, first of all that I returned to  Switzerland for the first time following the strange events that happened several years ago, not much has happened this time ,   we have no events, I wasnt arrested again in order to be taken to court in Opera triumphal music, than Germany came -  country I was just fanatically criticizing  here on the blog, they were all right, however I have seen strange things there as well , it's amazing how well represented are the "freaks" :)  in places I should call my home, "the stick cities" :) like Bremen or Dortmund are filled with pro gay policies, security policies bringing with them restriction of freedom, et cetera , maybe these cities having this kind of  specific names should be the most tolerant and free from all the Europe...
          Denmark was quite duplicitary , first,  kind of stinky - later - kind of good and cooperative, Sweden, Stockholm is a beautiful city - I "stole" something from the aesthetics of the places with my camera , a city  with cold and zombified people, I would have tried to build there  a country with warm people - contrasting with the weather, well, utopia, for the rest I was pretty crazy there - a lot of  " illegitimate"  attention for me, I mean there are places where my mind is under attack, I am bombarded with "messages", there are passers saying things to each others while the actual content of their speech is addressed to me, there are commercials, inscriptions on T-shirts, et cetera,  if  I will be at the beginning of my war against the intelligence services I would be scared, well, I have 6 years of experience , what counts is that in certain places it is better, in other places it is worse, well Stockholm is worse ...

           Now this attention becomes painful you have to suffer from hunger or thirst, everyone around gives you attention but nobody helps you at all, this is very crazy, I name that - overexposure , this occurs in environments with diminished morale, where there are many "sons" , where the masonry (the Romans, the Christians) played "full game" with the people, there I feel like in an absurd theater, it's like you are surrounded by people who are paying attention to you, during this you suffer from thirst (for example), you are trying to explain this to them but nobody hears, nobody hears because they are all busy with you - so as you risk dying of thirst while being surrounded by freaks, by freaks that are in love with yourself...

3. Silence is my enemy (news, comments, press criticism

              Ok, let's see a bit the  news of the day, after weeks of manifestations worldwide,   it was Turkey opening the  series and then Brazil appeared on the stage - Egypt is  restless again this days, it seem that on sunday many millions took to the streets  in Cairo, Suez or Port Said in order to show their disapproval towards the politics of mr Mohammed Morsi , at least 7 people have died as well in clashes with the " law enforcement" teams, what can I say - it seems that the Revolutions time has passed, those who did not wake up in time for revolutions have no longer  international support (I am not talking about Egypt here), in Turkey for example, Mr Erdogan used full force agaist the manifestants killing a few, well - the international press failed to call  him a bloody dictator and as a result the revolution has failed - we saw no french helicopters attacking the troups of Mr Erdogan or at least to throw weapons to the rebels, then Brazil - question: are there any woman dictators on Earth or such a thing  is seen as purely  masculine conduct :) , I dont know, we will see the outcome.

                 Another headline in all the international media is the Edward Snowden case, we had about 4 cases of informations leaks recently, I mean this is the 4-th one (at least prominently), first of all there is of course Julian Paul Assange , I dont know , I believe he is still there - trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he probably "enjoys" his diplomatic asylum, he is wanted by some very savage humanoids - i mean the americans and the swedish , the charges against him are various-  ranging up to allegations of sexual assault (in Sweden), I dont believe "her" - and he is not an ugly boy! :)

 Bradley Manning case

- it seem that he worked with J. Assange for publication of  classified material about various Us military operations. He did a very good job -

"The material included videos of the July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike and the 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan; 250,000 United States diplomatic cables; and 500,000 army reports that came to be known as the Iraq War logs and Afghan War logs. It was the largest set of restricted documents ever leaked to the public."

From wikipedia

         Now, what is true is that he was a soldier and the duty of a soldier is this one, everybody knows it : when he sees something strange he has to immediately report these strange  things to his superiors, now, probably he did it but his superiors were strange themselves telling him to keep his mouth shut,  so as he saw no other solution that to come to tell us, we, yes we - we are some strange extraterestrials ourselves - we, instead of asking ourselves whether this informations are true or not and what importance this truth value would have for us , we  left him in the criminal hands of the very ones he has exposed , I dont believe he has an easy life in prison (military prison probably ), I can not do much for him , I hope this small humorous intervention  to bring him something good, I do not know who could oppose those in whose hands he is, maybe something humanitarian could help him now...

The Aaron Hillel Swartz  case

Well , a slightly special case, "he was was an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist" wiki

"On January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested by MIT police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after systematically downloading academic journal articles from JSTOR.[13][14][15][16] Federal prosecutors later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and 11 violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,[17] carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution and supervised release.[18]

On January 11, 2013, two years after his initial arrest, Swartz was found dead in his Crown Heights, Brooklyn apartment, where he had hanged himself" Wkipedia

"The standfirst said that Swartz had hacked into JSTOR - in fact, he had access but wanted to make the documents available to a wider audience." The Guardian

Ok we come close to the news of today,

The Edward Manning case is a bit more important than the previous one (for example), the information leaking about NSAs activities was pretty important and it caused a so-called cold diplomatic war between Usa and its European allies , lies, they all know what their services are doing (spying ,manipulating,  lying, a kill from time to time), I dont know - maybe CIA has pushed him forth - with some funny stuff for us, anyway his personal situation does not seem to be really pink, he was charged with " theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information, and willful communication of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person",


I understand that he made these days many political asylum requests, I hope  his situation to fix and he not to get in the hands of the wicked looking for him :) .

This is it, I am sorry - you must understand that I do not have informations about these cases - other than those existing in the press - even for those I had no time to read them well,  I promise to get more informed about these cases, I consider these people friends, heroes, people who sacrificed themselves for your well, you let them suffer, die,  disappear...
I will return to them and their cases.

Warning to all those who are ready to talk

           Before telling to yourself : ok, this can not go on like this , I will talk, I will go and tell the people what happens here, you have to know that the people dont care about you - the one trying to save them, in addition, when the situation is: your word vs. their word, they will always believe them and not you, so you have to know that you will always suffer for the ones being deaf, for the ones being deceived, for the deluded ones, many times they are already lost...

4. The forensic laboratory for words  (here comes the plague !)

            So, before other things, let's crack in pieces some words to see what stories they are about to tell us, once in a while the stories extracted from the words are really incredible , we discover with scientifical precision (this is beyond science in fact ) historical facts, invisible intentions and mental acts  existing in the minds of those who have acted in different historical moments, the accuracy of the data derived from these studies is pretty mathematical, with the difference that the math can not enter into the mind of , lets say the medieval man...

a)          Have you ever asked yourself the question what were the causes of the plague, yes the black death - that plague that killed for example 1/3 of Europe's population in 1348–1350  or that  pandemy  which raged during the reign of Justinian emperor  in the Byzantine Empire - plague being on the verge of wiping everything there?

No? Well, I will tell you anyway, it is a bacteria  named Yersinia pestis and it is  carried  around by the rats.
Yes? Interesting.

Now, here is the romanian word for pestilence - ciuma.

Ciuma - Ceu me - see me

See me - the ones who have seen me, the ones who see me
Who is the one being seen? Well, that rat...
He is the responsable for the plague, he spread the disease  simply because he does not receive what he wants - and what he wants is darkness , what he wants is silence, what he wants is not to be SEEN.

 If you will see my face my son then I'm afraid you will have to die!
This is the secret speech behind the medieval pandemies.

b) You want more?

          Here is an interesting word for you, Mafia, what means this, what is the significance of this word?
Well, you could say, maybe none, no significance at all - because there are words having no signification, for example the names of various people, for example - Jessica is a name being no more than it is - a name.
Well, you cannot be further from the truth , almost all known words have a meaning (except maybe for Yes and No and similar things).

               In this case the hidden sense is very, very simple to reveal , Mafia means literary-  me, (being) sons of a girl, of a mother, having no father, being Maricones , being gay, we talk about a sexually inverted community.
Me Fii A, me sons A (feminine)

               Am I sure about that? What if there are on Earth members of various Mafia being sexually straight? ...and usually these guys are pretty tough!   I dont know, i am not going to search for them to see how tough are them , i have just disclosed for you what lies behind this word. There are as well some other additional associations and clusters :) being precisely like the mafia, I mean they are constituted at the most basic level on sexual inversion, I shall not say who am I talking about  because they rule this stupid world!

c)  I was reading few days ago the words of  a former faculty colleague of mine, he said somewhere that the most reliable road towards the intellectual discredit you is to start talking about conspiracies, haha, very funny, I dont really care and even worse I dont have time to think if  I am respected or not in the intellectual world, the thing is I do not have much respect for them, this is one side, I consider them being exactly like the above mentioned groups,  some kind of dark clusters operating in the a very schizophrenic way - having zero respect towards the facts, what can I say - the conspiracy is not only old but very, very  thick as well, this is one of the things that characterizes it the best - its thickness...:)

5. What do i see ? (We have friends and enemies)

             I have to start by saying that I am not a racist, ups, what em i saying ? it is not only that I am not a racist (bald, having no hair), but  this is also a very specific cause for me suffering a lot  - well, one of the "things" that I usually do not see are the immigrants, usually they have my tits to suck :) - I mean I see not them , I must specify that I am referring in this point at what is called the visible minorities ( in a sense I am an immigrant myself  - even if I am European from a genetic standpoint - I spin around Europe all the time being in foreign countries (and having no country despite the fact I have a passport)) , well, occasionally the secrets have care to make me see the visible minorities , this happens when they use excessively various members of these minorities and this ones start  pissing me off.

             It happens this days - it all started on my  way to Sweden, there - in a bad moment, they threw around me some Chinese people (I never said it here - among the existing phenomena on the Romanian secret services ark- following me everywhere - there are a couple of buses filled with Chinese people, they take from there some of them and they send them to me , they are not doing much damage anyway )  , being nervous I said something about China and they have become angry ,  they were 5-6 of them , at the end nothing happened but I get a little nervous about them and I start seeing them- well,  at least the North is under a yellow invasion.

              So, what do I see about them? First of all I see they have a special treatment here in the west and I dont know why (being many is not a criteria, the insectes are many as well  ), they are coming here refusing to integrate in  the culture they find, they bring China with them everywhere (remember that I have lived for a while in Vancouver - there the coexistence between the two cultural groups can be seen very well, is a city having two million inhabitants - with 1 million of Chinese immigrants, well I have to tell you than even the  skyscrapers are Chinese model there , you can travel if you like to Toronto - there the skyscrapers are American model - square and very high, well in Vancouver they are round and small , looking like the chinese ones  ), they are buidling Chinatowns everywhere, what about building some European towns in China (yes, it is impossible !), after - they write on their shops, pubs, et cetera in Chinese so as despite of being  in Europe I do not understand the language I do read on different areas of various cities  and at the end they start being aggressive and uncivilized despite the fact that they are guests here and that this is Europe,  they have to know here the people still enjoy some liberties (not many) and that here we do not shot each other on stadiums, not yet at least, et cetera.

            Well this is just a warning , they are not all to blame, it all started because of various fallen elements of the different chinese communities , I hope they will become more conscious and they will stop being  engaged in wars that do not concern them.

           I have friend and enemies I say up there in the heading of this topic, it is a a forgotten language, we - in the west  talk the language of cooperation, we start to judge the things and the people from what we have in common, well from time to time it's good remembering that we have friends and enemies, that not everything on earth is rosy and that there are differences between people, differences that should be left as they are.

6. Final considerations and conclusions for a miniature edition of the counterculture

                Rare resources - have you ever heard this concept before?
Well I'm talking about free internet, there are a lot of  WiFi networks around, I still dont have a Notebook si they are useless ,  I write these texts in libraries, I go increasingly less to Paris, Vienna has introduced a card system, I do not say anything more about Barcelona, Milano's still ok from this point of view , anyway I must swing between two libraries and wait heavily on the doors for 3 hours  internet access daily , what can I say, I will soon have to pay all this fun :) with my own money (which by the way I do not have) ...

               I try to reread the contents of this text once more in order to make the concluding remarks around all this , for long I wanted to put this little detail here - that there are things that upset me, bother me, embarrasses me, hurt me - I write them down in order to bring them here and then the things escalate, they degenerate even worse, every place I go appears worse than the previous one , it is continuous downward spiral, a staircase going down forever , it is certainly an illusion, it's not  possible, if this would be true then it would be hell on earth in very  real terms, an  objective hell on earth, everyone would feel it , well I must admit that my pursuers are pretty good in what they are doing (I mean they are throwing shit ) if they can create such an illusion.
             The North? As you may know pretty much of all that metallic music with which i saturate you sometimes is made there (there is a lot of pain in that music, they have a very active machine there as well as  a real hunt for souls ), by the way on the whole Earth it seems that the angels are massacred (there is a topic in the original text about this- that I have not translated because I talked about this before ) , well, i talk about angels not exactly in the biblical way, but rather in the sense of real people trying to do good, trying  to bring  positive changes in the world, sometimes they  fall under the eyes of the demons and then the hunting starts...

            The absurd theater I live very often,  let's go a little back to it , it is also part of the show,  everybody care about you but nobody really care about you , everybody is talking to you but nobody really see you, everybody pretend  to be  interested in you but nobody actually tries to understand you, what could I do? The people are easy, unethical, immoral, they dont think,  they sell their bodies like prostitutes for a few minutes, they do what they are told to do (they are actually stinking me ) and then they get away...

                Being afraid of Dan Brown :):) well, he does not look very scary, when I say that I  referred rather at the  method of  words disassembling, somebody might object that this kind of  criticism against various places is pretty absurd , a city is a city , the people inside is the people inside , further more a city  is an open system and not a closed one, even the closed systems are changing in the physical world so as the fact that hundreds ears ago a city, a neighborhood, an area of a city were called somehow is not very relevant today, well, I agree with you partly, no one should be bound by its name and still  you dont have to forget that  that there are guards, keepers, they care  these things to remain the same (at least if they stink:) )

              Friends and enemies - sometimes we refuse to see this, I am fundamentally a person who for many years disregarded such a view, I never imagined that I might have enemies, this opened vision made ​​me tremendously harm, the snake was there, he was ever hiding in the shadow...
            The Plague :) - here is another english word for it, pestilence, weird pestile means in romanian - the fish, so as the word can be deconstructed as "the fish does no see", the ones not seeing the fish, it is a version  that contradicts the Romanian word Ciuma, well, it is not the first time I encounter such things , the English and the Romanian language are contradictory (though on the inside I use one in order to read units from the other one ), I think, at least for this time  the Romanian version is correct and the  reading is the one I made above , maybe the  English word is an imperative, maybe it's a piece of advice - you must not to see the fish!
Otherwise you will become sick!

             I should not be seen as an enemy of the Chinese people (or Spanish ) despite the fact that I allowed myself to criticize them here,  in general I am not an enemy of any people or any nation, I am however an enemy of some decayed, rotten  elements from different nations, however it's also true that there are some design issues bringing tensions between us, we are sometimes made to be in opposition to each other, I believe these tensions should not become extreme and thus we could maybe  coexist. It is sad but true,  the people do not know these things because these things are not told, there are on this planet many peoples and populations that are made by design to be opposed one to another, competitive, sometimes more than that - sworn enemies, it is so from ancient times , these issues have to be said,  this issues must be also acknowledged , only this way we could eventually, in the end , follow a path towards reconciliation ...

See you at the end of July

7. Music

1. Some good music? Well, try this:

Best of Buddha Bar, a compilation (3), not really counterculture but still the best music in the world :)

See for example the song number 4, cayetano

2. E-nomine - Mitternacht, some very good  gothic - techno sound ...

3. Metals, back to a title that I introduced here when it was new,  Soulfly, from the same album Enslaved here is another track for you, one that says very  much, world scum, so
Soulfly- World Scum

By century eclipse the sun!

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